Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1031: Walking on the waves

Inside the U.S. White House, President Prang was not calm after seeing the power of Ye Chen, and those think tanks were also not calm.

As Prang said, now is an era full of variables and an era of heroes.

Such a large-scale invasion of alien creatures is probably the first time that human beings have encountered it.

For every country and every nation, it is a huge challenge, but it is also a huge opportunity.

This is the age of the practitioners, but it is also their age.

You can't be so restrained, you must go forward!

"Since everyone has no opinion, we will immediately hold a global press conference." President Prang said.

"Okay, I will also prepare as soon as possible." The other official said.

"I will prepare too."

"me too."

One by one left, full of passion and fighting spirit, fighting for the U.S. dominance for another three hundred years. Thinking about it makes people excited!

Prang also turned and glanced at the TV screen.

The look is complicated.

"No matter how abnormal you are, you are a person after all. I believe that soon, your threat will be completely removed!"

After so many years, I don’t know how many countries and how many people try to occupy the seat of the United States. Unfortunately, in the end, it has been proved to be nothing more than a clown. Now, for them, it is just another negative teaching material.

The statement of the United States was quickly issued, and even other countries were still shocked by the power of China Ye Chen.

This news quickly caused shocks all over the world!

In its current state, the United States is the only country that has not been invaded by aliens on a large scale, and it is also able to maintain its own state.

In addition, the three major repair organizations in the United States are well maintained, and even more advanced than before. Therefore, the strength is limitless. This is why so many countries know that the United States’ alliance politics is a pit, but they still have to choose. s reason.

However, the release of these news now shows that the United States is far stronger than they thought.

The top ten saints are rumored to be powerful!

Not long ago, there was a saint who sneaked into China and wanted to kill Ye Chen, but unfortunately, he finally fell. It was a shame before, but now it has become an honor.

Being able to send out to kill Huaxia Ye Chen is already a great recognition!

And rumored that the fallen saint at that time was just the weakest among the ten great saints, and the weakest one had the strength to kill Ye Chen, and the strength of the others could be imagined.

What's more, these ten saints were the descendants of the early days. At the beginning, the United States took the lead in contacting them, and gave them enshrinement, which made other countries envy. Now, they have received unexpected results very quickly. Obviously, these ten The addition of the Great Sage can greatly strengthen the strength of the United States.

What makes them even more exciting is that the United States has reached an agreement with the overlord in the sea.

All top executives know what this means!

In the future, there will be no dead ends or restricted areas for the U.S. warships!

As long as they are willing, they can quickly establish temporary bases on the sea, and they can quickly attack any corner of the world.

All this indicates that the United States will be stronger and its strategic coverage will be greater.

Those who want to find Huaxia cooperation, hesitated again.

The U.S. is a strong veteran, if Ye Chen's performance before can still overwhelm the current U.S. surface strength, but now after releasing a few news, everyone's views have changed.

Especially the control of the ocean has forced everyone to re-examine and evaluate him.

However, no one is a fool, and no one puts eggs in the same basket.

Originally, the contact with China was generous and upright, but now it is just another way to take care of the face of the US on the surface.

"No matter what they are, at least, on the surface they don't dare to be so rampant now. As for the future, I think that the ravaged victory of the country of Yoga will definitely make them understand who is the true savior of this world, and will understand. , Who should be behind!" Prang said confidently.

Hearing this, the people next to him couldn't help but nod their heads!

Otherworldly creatures invade, and the earth is in a weak position in the civilization of cultivators. In the future, countries will form alliances. This is the general trend. However, who is the main alliance is a question that involves the prosperity of the next few hundred years. There must be no ambiguity!

Subsequently, Prang and others turned their attention to the video again!

The sea is still calm, but the black blood flows out, polluting it completely! Under the blue sky, it looks even more beautiful!

In the video, the figure that is not tall, at this time, also appears coercive and flaming, like a mountain, with a lot of pressure on people, but it makes the person you like feel a strong sense of dependence and security!

The cultivators behind him are also high-spirited, holding weapons, and looking resolute!

Ye Chen fell, walking on the waves, like walking on the ground!

The surrounding sea water was surprisingly calm at this moment.

Ye Chen raised his arm again, and runes appeared again, the seemingly flat sea surface made a huge rumbling sound, and then, a magnificent and tall gatehouse suddenly rose from under the sea surface.

The gate tower is tall, and the huge gateposts are coiled around two golden dragons!

The dragon head made a long groan towards the front, which looked extraordinary.

On the beam of that gate tower, two golden characters are carved: Reincarnation!

Guo Hui and the others looked up at the gate tower rising from the ground, their faces were full of shock!

Especially when I see the two characters of reincarnation, my imagination is even more vivid!

"Let's go." Ye Chen said lightly.

Afterwards, stepped towards the inner gatehouse.


A strange scene happened, after Ye Chen entered the gatehouse, the whole figure disappeared!

Guo Hui were shocked, and then they hurriedly followed, like Ye Chen, after they stepped in, everyone disappeared.

Not only can it not be seen at the scene, but also those high-altitude satellites cannot be photographed. Those people who were paying attention to all of this are all stunned now.

Looking at the calm sea in the picture, one by one fell into contemplation!


This unfamiliar and familiar vocabulary appeared in everyone's minds!

They naturally know that everything in front of them is due to an ancient and mysterious technique!

But the formation is so mysterious that many people thought it was just a legend and another invisibility method. But now, when more and more aliens enter the earth through special channels, more and more The more formations emerge, they will wake up!

And quickly formed the formation team, but unfortunately, after all, the result was very little!

Until now, there are very few practitioners who can really master the formation!

Like Ye Chen, it is unique!

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