Before, when he saw the video of his son's suffering, Jiang Yuqing was heartbroken, wishing to be by his son's side, suffering for his son, and suffering for his son! However, she knew that it was impossible, the past was irretrievable!

But now, she will never allow these things to happen again!


Qingzhou City!

Zhou Wenzong, who was holding college entrance examination preparation conferences in various counties, suddenly his mobile phone rang!

I wanted to hang up, but when I saw the name of the caller ID, I immediately became energetic!

He quickly got out of his seat and connected the phone.

"Secretary Liu, hello!" Zhou Wenzong said with a smile.

On the other end of the phone is Secretary Liu, the top spokesperson of Qingzhou City!

Receiving a call from Secretary Liu is no less than receiving a call from the top leader!

"Director Zhou, are there any students in Qingzhou City who are participating in the Qingyun Province Qualifier of the Global Elite Trial?"

"Yes! Right now, in the game!" Zhou Wenzong quickly replied.

At the same time, I wondered how the top leader would suddenly intervene in such a detailed matter! "

"In this competition, the players in our city seem to be in something wrong. The teacher Mu you sent in the past is very incompetent! It has created a great deal of education image for us in Qingzhou City, and even the image of Qingzhou City as a whole. Negative impact! The boss hopes that you will investigate it as soon as possible! The responsible person should be dealt with seriously!" Secretary Liu’s indifferent voice came over the phone!

Zhou Wenzong on the phone, when he heard these words, his body couldn't help shaking! Hung up the phone, still uneasy!

What did this teacher Mu do! It even provokes the anger of the chief!

Very incompetent!

Has a great negative impact on the image of Qingzhou City!

Relevant responsible person, deal with it seriously!

These three sentences, any one sentence, are enough to ruin a person's official career!

But now, these three sentences appear at the same time!

Zhou Wenzong was also shocked!

Then, he dared not delay any more!

I hurriedly made a few phone calls to the friends of the examination committee in charge of this examination in Qingshan City!

After receiving the news, Zhou Wenzong's face turned pale!

Can't help cursing: Bastard! What a bastard! Not enough! More than defeat!

After that, he immediately grabbed the phone and called He Zhenqing!

Opening your mouth is a slamming rebuke: "Don't you see that our education in Qingzhou City is a little better? Isn't it, our students must be wiped out, so you can rest assured!"

He Zhenqing is dumbfounded!

"Director Zhou, what are you talking about?" He Zhenqing asked with an innocent look.

"You dare to pretend to be confused! I ask you! Who made you withdraw from the elite trial? And who made you replace Teacher Liang now? Lawless! It's lawless!"

"Especially that Teacher Mu, does he have any qualities to be a teacher? It is narrow-minded and eager for quick success! For the sake of his own personal temperament, he disregarded the honor of our Qingzhou and the future of our two children! Such a person! , You still have the face to recommend me as a team leader?

Do you recommend this kind of stuff just to make him quarrel with those students? Is it just for him to force the students who have finally been promoted to retire? Is it just to let all the educators in Qingyun Province read our jokes in Qingzhou City? "

"Director Zhou, what you said...I..."

"Don't explain to me! I don't need to listen to your explanation now! Comrade He Zhenqing, I now seriously doubt your ability to work. I will report truthfully to the above about the situation this time!"

On the other side of the phone, when He Zhenqing heard this, his face changed a lot, and he quickly argued!

"Director, Mu Sheng and I have ordered this matter. This kid is eager for quick success and quick profit, holding a chicken feather as an arrow! I didn't arrange it like this!"

But at this moment, Zhou Wenzong's secretary came over!

"Director, a letter has just been sent from above." Hearing this, Zhou Wenzong was surprised.

Then, I took the letter!

Open it! I was stunned for an instant!

It is He Zhenqing’s letter of punishment: Abuse of power, use power for personal gain, suspension of duty to view!

"Comrade He Zhenqing, I have received a letter about your suspension penalty here! You have been temporarily suspended, and you are ready here."

"What? Suspension of suspension?"

He Zhenqing almost fainted when he heard this!

"Director Zhou, listen to me, listen to me..."

"Comrade He Zhenqing, if you have anything to appeal, you can report it to the organization. I want to work now and hang up first!"

Afterwards, Zhou Wenzong hung up the phone!

Look at the stop penalty letter in your hand! He also couldn't help being shocked in a cold sweat!

The leader is angry! Request a thorough investigation of this matter!

How does the top leader know?

Zhou Wenzong knows that now the top leader is receiving an important economic and trade delegation!

It took a lot of effort to invite it over! If it is really successful in attracting investment, it will not be able to provide 10,000 job opportunities for the city, and it will also generate many other industries, drive the development of other industries, and even double the GDP of the entire Qingzhou City!

At this juncture, how can there be time for such a thing!

The most important thing is...

What about this penalty letter? How can it be so fast?

The report from my side has not been reported yet, and the punishment letter above has been issued!

Moreover, the most important thing is that there is a signature of the top leader on the penalty letter!

If the normal process goes down, it will take at least a week!

But now...

The more Zhou Wenzong thought about it, the more frightened!

However, he still forced himself to extract from various speculations, because he had more important things to do!

Dialed a phone number again!

That is a leader of the examination team!

He wants to ask this old classmate for help to enter Ye Chen and Li Zixuan who have retired!

"Old classmate, it's not that I don't help, I really can't do anything! Now, the raw rice has been cooked! No one can change it!" The old classmate on the other end of the phone apologized to Zhou Wenzong.

"Could it be that there is really no way at all?" Zhou Wenzong asked over there.

This is their only chance to compete in Qingzhou City! He doesn't want to give up!

"Of course there are ways, but it's difficult!"

"What is it?" Zhou Wenzong asked unwillingly.

"We must persuade the seven members of the examination committee within half an hour of retiring!"

"..." Zhou Wenzong gave up!

is it possible? Those committee members are respected and have a weird temper! They are all bigwigs from all walks of life, there are masters of calligraphy, masters of Chinese culture, great dancers, and academicians of the two academies! Don't say it's him, even if the top leader is a lobbyist, people don't necessarily buy it!

But he was not reconciled! Not reconciled, I can only watch that Mu Sheng ruined the future of the two children!

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