Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1041: Dare to advance again and be careful of the entire army

The U.S. has achieved its goal, no matter what, it has already muddled the water. When the people of the world make choices, they will definitely have a comparison. Because of their previous strength, they are least afraid of comparison.

"If this trip to the country of yoga can achieve another victory, no one can stop the formation of the World Union of Cultivators." Prang said proudly.

As long as the Alliance of World Repairers can be formed, their influence will continue to expand, just as they were able to carry out a series of activities in the name of the United Nations army many times during the Cold War. In the following time, they can once again use their skills. Shi, regain control of the world, even because the practitioners are stronger and more mysterious, they will be able to do more.

"I will finally usher in a great era, a real era when the United States dominates all countries." Prang said crazy with his hands holding the sky.

Others can't help being excited too. If they can do these things, their credit will be greater than those of great presidents.

"What's the situation in the country of Yoga now?" Prang asked the people around him.

In fact, he has asked many times, and the situation in the country of Yoga has not changed much.

"Right now, our coalition forces are still advancing. Those alien creatures are not able to withstand a single blow. They are much weaker than the creatures of our country. General Doles said that in another week, he will be able to take this place. Completely won." Secretary of State replied to Prang.

"Okay! Let them as soon as possible! When the country of Yoga is captured, I will give him head skills!" Prang said happily.

"In addition, the Congress sent a letter again, hoping that we can proceed steadily and not rashly."

"What else would those old immortal things do besides eating and drinking and screaming? They didn't agree to support the country of Yoga and even wanted to impeach me. Now they are not honestly shut up!" Prang said with a sneer.

"As long as I win the country of Yoga, I will tell them to shut up completely!" Prang said coldly.

The secretary of state next to him nodded. As long as the country of Yoga can be won, both international prestige and domestic prestige will be raised to an unprecedented level. At that time, the position of the president will be as stable as Mount Tai, no one will shake!

"Re-issue the Credentials to China, and urge them to join the World Cultivator Alliance as soon as possible for the sake of world peace and earth civilization." A smug and sinister smile flashed across Pulang's face!

"Oh, the public opinion must also cooperate more so that those who don't know will know our good intentions."

"Okay, I'll do it now. Washington spends so much money on charity every year. Now is the time to collect some interest."

Then one after another news came out.

Especially those charitable organizations with the United States as the main initiator are sparing no effort to promote at this time, and at the same time actively and kindly persuade China to join the World Cultivator Alliance as soon as possible.

"Right now, the fate of all countries in the world are closely related. Only by being united can we survive this alien shock."

"Don't stop being pedantic and stubborn. Such refusal to cooperate will not only hurt the Chinese people, but also hurt the world."

Under the instigation of these outsiders, China Xia was under great pressure, especially in some international occasions and organizations, and even tended to be isolated!

"It's not that China is unwilling to cooperate, but that the US request is too rude!"

"The world situation today has reached the point where it is indispensable to unite, and we can no longer fight on our own. This will only be broken by creatures from other worlds." The US envoy shouted out of the air.

"The Alliance of Cultivators is naturally based on democracy and has a unified leadership. Looking at this matter now, the United States has done better. Of course, if there are other more suitable leaders in the future, we will also Will actively back down for the benefit of the world."

The U.S. was fully prepared and naturally anticipated what Huaxia said, so it blocked Huaxia's words early.

"We can join the World Union of Cultivators, of course, but the United States must hand over its leadership! To hand over the lives of itself and the country to such an unreliable country is a great irresponsibility for the Chinese people and the future of China. !"

This time, it was Mr. Hu who spoke in person and announced it directly in the name of China.

Previously it was just an ordinary spokesperson, and it may be possible to express not authoritatively, but now it is a person at the level of Mr. Hu who has stepped forward and suddenly attracted attention from the world.

This is a very special signal.

Those who don't understand China think that this is just a change of person.

But those who have really paid attention to Huaxia know what this means, which means that this is the true bottom line of Huaxia!

It was also a bit surprised to see Mr. Hu stand up and speak out in person, but then it was a surprise.

Now that the other party's bottom line is known, the next thing is easy to handle.

Unfortunately, when they were still discussing how to deal with it, Huaxia spoke again, and it was different from the calm and ambiguity in the past, this time it was straightforward!

"I advise those countries that have joined the World Union of Cultivators, don't be stupid and be sold without knowing. Cultivators are precious, please cherish their lives!

With the current strength of the United States, it is not enough to lead everyone to completely rescue the country of Yoga! If you rush forward again, be careful of the entire army being wiped out! "

When these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. Didn't expect that China not only rejected the proposal of the United States again, but also warned the Alliance of Cultivators to be careful of the entire army?

"How does this sound like a curse?"

"It's damned! It's fine if they don't join, and they curse these heroes for annihilation. Is there a limit!"

"Hua Xia did too much this time!"

Many people stand up to criticize!

"I'm just a kind reminder. As to whether you accept it or not, that is your own decision!" Hu said again.

Then he ignored the US envoy and refused to talk again!

Although it is a reminder, many people still regard this as a malicious attack!

"You let the old man get into the limelight." Hu Lao said to Ye Chen with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if you are famous, at least you represent Huaxia, and let those ignorant and arrogant people know that Huaxia is also fighting against beasts from other worlds."

"But, what we said is a bit wrong." Old Hu said with some worry.

He was cautious and steady throughout his life, that is, when Ye Chen asked him to say that, he agreed, and it is absolutely impossible to agree to anyone who changes!

"Faithful advice! What's more, we are telling the truth! If those foreign hairies dare to aggressively advance, they will definitely lose a lot!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Then... if those people don't want to venture further, they will accept it when they see it." Hu asked.

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