Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1045: The dilemma of the United States

The countries of the Alliance of Cultivators who were going to celebrate, all wake up from the excitement of the celebration party!

All the embroideries of the Embroidery Alliance who went to the country of Yoga have lost contact. Everyone knows what this means, but no one dared to say it. They just kept calling the US headquarters.

"It's still verifying. Maybe it's because the formation is blocking the signal. Therefore, we have temporarily lost contact. Please rest assured, it will be fine." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Yoga Country announced to outsiders.

Now they are also numb with their scalp. This is not one or two, but a group, even one-third of the power of the cultivators in the entire Western world has been put into it. What kind of force can destroy them in an instant?

However, the depression that everyone can't say in their hearts is mainly because the words that Huaxia said before made everyone panic!

completely annihilated?

This sounded like nonsense, even alarmist talk before, but now, all of a sudden so many people disappeared, making everyone think of these words again!

"You'd better bring all my children and grandchildren back, otherwise, don't blame us for turning our faces!" The head of the undead in Germany threatened the President of the United States in angrily over the phone.

They are a powerful force, not only in Germany, but even in the entire Western world!

If it weren't for the obstruction of the ocean clan back then, I am afraid that the whole world would have them, so now even in the face of the United States, it can be very tough.

However, not all countries and families have the background and confidence of the undead in Germany.

Faced with so many cultivators, maybe even family-like cultivators, they lost contact all at once, and now they can only pray to the United States.

"Mr. President, we must bring our heroes back. They are the foundation of our foothold and the hope of our people. If they all die in the country of Yoga, we will completely lose credibility and binding force in front of the people. I don’t know what our country has become."

"Mr. President, do you have any needs here, even if you speak, we only want our own practitioners to return."

Some people think this is a conspiracy of the United States itself.

"Mr. President, stop joking. Our small country cannot afford to play such a joke. If it is not good, there may be riots. At that time, we cannot guarantee that it will happen."

Faced with these soft or hard words, the president and his think tank are all overwhelmed at this time. Several times, they are so angry that they want to completely throw this phone on the table and let all these people get out, but they can only suppress themselves. The anger in his heart calmed them.

"We have sent the most elite troops to investigate. As soon as there is any news, we will definitely notify you as soon as possible. Please go back and wait." The president comforted the countries that called to urge.

However, not all countries follow their set. For example, the old powers of England, France and other countries are equally powerful. Facing their own repairers suddenly lost contact, they did not talk nonsense and directly sent the presidential envoy to the White House.

"As for this matter, how much information do you have, we request to share it." The Great English Magician, who is also the president's special envoy this time, said forcefully to the president.

He used to be a member of the English royal family. He was already a guest of the English royal family hundreds of years ago when the United States was not independent. Later, he devoted himself to studying and gained great strength. Now he has become a guardian of the British. The majesty is very high, coupled with the old concept of overlooking the United States before, so there is no slightest fear of the president. This time, I came here to ask questions.

"Mr. Solor, I'm sorry, but we can't agree to your request," the president said stiffly.

"No? Then how did you explain to us? So many heroes all of a sudden disappeared, and they have been under your control before. This time, under your leadership, such a thing happened. Don’t you think things are too strange? I think, in order to clarify some things, in order to relieve everyone’s doubts, it is better for you to agree to our request, otherwise, we have reason to suspect that you are deliberately setting up the situation..." Solor tightly Holding the ice-blue staff in his hand, he said harshly to the president.

"Mr. Solor, please pay attention to your words. You should know what the consequences will be after these words are spoken!" Next to him, the Secretary of State directly warned the Grand Mage Solor without waiting for the president to speak.

"Consequence? Out of trust, we have sent half of our heroes to support you in spite of the crisis of invasion by otherworldly creatures in the country. As a result, you did something like this? What are the consequences, worse than this. "" Solor shouted.

After that, he turned around suddenly, his body exploded, his beard flew up, and the whole person was full of anger, and looked to the side, the secretary of state, who was of medium height and in a bow tie!

Then, before everyone could react, he stretched out his arms and grabbed the Secretary of State's neck!

And the ice blue staff in his hand suddenly shined brightly at this time, and a black western dragon roared in the staff.

This sudden scene shocked the person next to him. Even the Secretary of State who was caught was shocked at this time and his face was pale!

The guards standing far away, reacted at this time, all took out their weapons and aimed at the great magician Solor!

However, Solor's face remained unchanged, his eyes were full of disdain, his arm was hard, and he directly lifted the Secretary of State who had been caught by him.

"What are you? When I was talking, you dared to interrupt!" Solor threatened the Secretary of State coldly.

"Stop it!" The president stood up, his face was blue, and shouted at Solor!

"I heard from your children and grandchildren before that you Americans are very arrogant and arrogant, but stupid and ignorant. Now it seems that it is so." Solor said with a cold face.

Then, he turned and looked at the president standing next to him again!

"You know my identity, but you dare to yell at me like you did just now, don't you think I dare not kill you?"

The president trembled in anger, and shook his hands tightly, but then slowly let go, let out a breath, and slowly walked two steps forward!

Then, he leaned slightly and said to Solor who was standing there: "You know my identity, so you dare to behave in my place, don't you think I dare not kill you!"

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