Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1048: Rescue plan

"We will do everything we can to protect the property and lives of citizens, but the world is a unified whole, and we will do our best to help those friends in the United States as much as possible." ** again issued a televised speech, Announced to the outside world.

The voice this time is obviously different from before, but it still allows many countries to see hope and help within their ability, which means that there is still the possibility of sending troops!

"In view of the last time in the country of Yoga, in order to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, all requests for assistance must be fully evaluated by the United States before a decision can be made. Therefore, an application for assistance must be submitted first! Wait until we have determined After the rescue, Mr. President will sign a rescue order!" The White House spokesperson announced to the gathering of helpers from other countries.


For these actions by Western countries, China Xia simply ignored them.

Ye Chen is still busy refining the pill every day, arranging formations, and giving tactical guidance to the Protectorate Army.

Now, even though he has his own medicine, the human body is still too fragile compared to those alien creatures, and the individual strength is still too limited, so Ye Chen is now deducing the formation.

"Mr. Ye, do you think this can be done? Is it beyond our ability?" Hu Lao asked Ye Chen.

In his hands, it is a thick plan. The cover of the plan clearly reads, The World Chinese Protection Plan!

Ye Chen took the plan.

"Now, the world situation is deteriorating. Chinese people from all over the world are asking us for help, asking for an evacuation arrangement! Hope to return to Huaxia's embrace." He Qing said beside.

"Many of them, even though they have been abroad, have never given less support for China's construction. Not to mention the financial support for China during the Great Darkness 300 years ago, it was within the last 100 years. Through his own ability, he has been continuously helping Huaxia Construction. This time it is a helpless move to withdraw Huaxia." Hu said with a sigh.

Sometimes, the more people go abroad, the more patriotic!

Because they know that no matter how good a foreign country is, it is a foreign country after all, even if they get a foreign certificate by chance, it is still difficult to truly integrate, and it is difficult to truly become a member of that country!

Therefore, many people's Chinese feelings are very heavy!

"How did you do it before?" Ye Chen asked.

"In the Great Dark Period, China’s national strength was insufficient and it was difficult to protect itself. At that time, influential Chinese in the world, even if they were abroad, also donated their power to support the country! During the New China Period, many Chinese were also in need of help from China. , And extend a helping hand in time. Therefore, the country also reciprocates them, and when they need it, they will try their best to help!

Before, whether it was pirates, riots, or wars, the country would send troops to respond immediately! "Old Hu said.

"Since you have done this before, this time there is no exception. Let's do as usual." Ye Chen said.

"This time is different. It may come from all corners of the world. Moreover, no matter whether it is crossing the ocean or bypassing a country, there is no absolutely safe passage. It is very likely that it will be blocked by aliens."

"Then Buddha block and kill the Buddha, **** block and kill the god, beasts stand in the way, slaughter and stew." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Hahaha...I'm relieved if you have these words." Hu said with a smile.

After that, he beckoned to the secretary behind him, and the secretary came up with a plate.

It was a medal with a row of small words: "China Rescue 001!"

"This time we will form a temporary China Rescue Committee! You are the head of the rescue team." Old Hu handed the medal to Ye Chen!

Ye Chen took the medal, and there was a cloud of luck on it, and the luck fluctuated and rose up, and he couldn't see how much it was.

"Probably only from the moment when the rescue is over, can we determine how much luck there is." Ye Chen thought to himself.

There is a lot of air luck, and even a lot of national luck is mixed with air luck!

Obviously, many of these people are rare talents. If they can return smoothly, they will definitely play a significant role in national construction!

"Old Hu, rest assured and promise to complete the task."

"Haha... Don't worry! I'm absolutely relieved when you do things!" Hu said with a big smile.

A capable man!

Ye Chen is the real capable man. As long as the tasks he confessed, after confession, there is no need to worry anymore, and even, no more questions, in the end, you can definitely handle all these things!

On the night when Ye Chen set up his mission!

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has updated a notice on Chinese foreign affairs websites in countries around the world!

"All overseas Chinese can go to the nearest assembly point to gather with a valid certificate, and China will send the National Protectorate to meet and return home!"

This message is very short, only a simple sentence, plus an attachment document recording the assembly location, and only a simple page!

However, it is such a short message that has attracted huge attention and discussion in the world!

"China is sending troops to evacuate overseas Chinese again?" The first reaction of many people was questioning!

Although Huaxia has evacuated its overseas Chinese many times, no one is as difficult as this time.

Now, there are many alien creatures coming on the land, and the sea has become a den of thieves! As for the air, it is equally unsafe. Those alien creatures will all fly. I don't know when, they will shoot!

Therefore, both sea and air transportation have been greatly affected!

Even the powerful U.S. Navy has completely retreated to its homeland waters, and the Air Force will not easily cruise around the world.

Under such a background, China has to evacuate overseas Chinese with a high profile?

"Are they looking for death? What do they rely on to evacuate overseas Chinese? By warships? Or by the army?" Someone couldn't help but mock.

Then, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued another announcement soon!

The rescue personnel for this rescue are the personnel transferred from the Chinese National Protectorate, and the head of the National Protectorate is the chief officer!

Guardian Army? Chief?

"what are these?"

"Which unit are they? Curious about this number?"

"What battle did they participate in? What impressive record did they have?"

"What equipment do they have? How big is the organization?"

"Who is the head of the army? What record? How much rescue experience? How much command experience?"

When the announcement was made, many people were puzzled, and the questions came one after another!

I thought that China would hold a press conference. According to past practice, at least the person in charge should meet everyone.

However, to everyone's expectations, there was nothing! In addition, when the external media actively asked, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was still only four words: No comment!

"What is this going to do?"

"Don't you dare to come out and meet people?"

"I think it's just talk about it, to deceive the feelings of overseas Chinese!"

Many people questioned, even mocked!

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