Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1074: This is your invincible posture?

Hearing Guo Hui's words, the people who were a little flustered, their expressions became even more ugly at this time.

go? Where are you going?

withdraw? How should so many people withdraw?

"Mr. Ye!" By the side, everyone looked at Ye Chen again.

The panic spread again, and everyone became frightened again!

"Now, stand up and die, maybe you will feel better and won't suffer." Wilt said to the crowd again with a triumphant expression.




A huge sound came gradually from the sea, and the monster came ashore. Every time it moved, there was a huge wave of water rising, and the ground also trembled violently!

Finally, the Krath Sea Beast stopped opposite the crowd.

The American man standing on it holds a black magic wand in his hands, like a **** riding a mount, looking at everyone condescendingly, his face is full of contempt!

"You are the first group of people to die in its mouth, and you should feel honored!" the American said proudly.

Everyone looked ugly, now, they didn't feel honored, they only felt... fear!

"Hall Master!" Wilt and others shouted to the man, the expressions on their faces relaxed a lot, that is, Morrison, who had been put on top of the formation by Ye Chen and used as a shield, also had a face at this time. It seems that for him, there is already a chance to continue living.

Cusk ignored everyone, and turned to look at Ye Chen again, with a smile on his face, and said in a victorious tone: "You are Ye Chen, that person who provokes the US several times?"

"Although your talent is very good, you have to say that you are stupid! The strength of the United States is not something you can guess, nor is you capable of challenging it! Today, you will become a negative teaching material, perhaps, your role It is to warn all those who dare to challenge the United States in the future and tell them that there is only one dead end if they dare to challenge the United States!"

After saying this, he looked at Wilt’s and others next to him again, and said boldly, “Remember, in the future, every year today will be a celebration of our temples, because, starting today, the temples You will get a new life, your strength will be improved as never before, and you yourself will also be able to get what you never got before! The temples will truly become the temples of the gods." Cusk faced those who had been defeated. In the temples of the earth, people promised with pride.

"Invincible! Invincible!" Several deputy heads of the temples and others shouted like crazy!

The temples have been silent for too long, it's time for the world to get to know it again!

Before, due to the departure of the hall master, the entire temples were supported by only the five deputy hall masters. Even in the United States, many good resources could not be obtained. However, when assigning tasks, we must first make some without any development. The future, but boring task was assigned, resulting in that the current temples are almost declining!

Now...The Lord has tamed this Klass, and his strength has skyrocketed, and the power of the temples will become greater than before!

"Invincible? Hahaha..." Ye Chen, who was standing there, finally made a sound at this time, but laughed at them, as if he heard a very funny joke!

"Huh? Death is imminent, you dare to be so rampant, do you think you can escape from my hand?" Kusk sneered at Ye Chen.

At the same time, he looked at the giant beast at his feet, his face was full of confidence!

"No!" Ye Chen shook his head!

Afterwards, he pointed to Cusk again: "I think you made a mistake, do you think you can let you and your men escape from my hands?"

"Looking for death! Arrogant!" Kusk said with a cold anger.

"Why? Don't believe it?"

When Cusk heard Ye Chen's words, he raised his head to the sky and laughed, and then pointed at Ye Chen distantly: "Since you have to die, then you will be perfect first!"

Then, the magic wand in Kusk's hand waved, and the mysterious symbols flew out of the magic wand and landed on the giant beast under his feet. At the same time, he was chanting words, obviously chanting magic spells!

As his runes and spells fell, the already fierce behemoth became even more terrifying at this time, and the expression in his eyes became fierce, with bloodthirsty colors!

"Tear him!" Kusk yelled loudly, and then the staff pointed at Ye Chen!


A huge roar shook the sky and the earth, and the clouds in the sky were shaken clean, and the ground was more like a level 12 wind, everything was blown to the side, and some were blown up. day!


The screams continued, and the people in the temples who were still cheering just now were blown to the sky. Wilt and others finally stabilized their figures, watching their own people being blown to pieces, but Huaxia was intact and endured. Can't help being shocked!

"Hall Master...Is this a mistake?"


The deputy hall master had just finished speaking, and another huge roar came. Then, the man was blown out directly, and the special battle suit on his body was also shattered by the shock at this time, and he himself was even more shocked. Was vomiting blood!

"This...what's going on?" Someone else finally saw that something was wrong. Two consecutive mistakes were definitely wrong!

At this moment, Kusk finally realized that it was wrong, a little bit below his feet, suspended in the void, and appeared in front of the giant beast!

"Klass, don't forget our agreement!" Cusk yelled at the giant beast again to remind.

It's a pity that Klass ignored it at all!

Before Cusk's voice had fallen, the behemoth opened its mouth again, like a huge black hole.

Kusk's face changed, and he immediately realized that something was wrong. He moved his body horizontally and moved directly away from the position he had just been facing, but even so, he still didn't completely avoid it!

The sound waves that seemed to be overwhelming, like spiral waves with enough energy, hit Cusk directly!

After a scream, Cusk fell to the ground, and his clothes were in tatters by the impact of the sound wave, and even his whole body was dizzy and almost flew out directly by the impact!

"Klass! What are you doing?" Kusk roared at the giant beast, his magic wand in his hand was waving constantly, as if he was demonstrating!

Unfortunately, useless!


The behemoth opened its mouth again and roared at Kusk!

Obviously, I was not so lucky this time. Before I had time to dodge, the clothes I had just broken had been shattered by the shock wave!

The majestic and majestic hall masters of the temples, at this moment, Chi Guoguo's suspension was there, extremely embarrassed!

"This is your invincible posture?" Ye Chen looked at Kusk Chi Guoguo's body and couldn't help but sneered and asked.

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