Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1076: To resist corrosion

Ye Chen got the information passed from Mr. Hu. After reading it, even if he was knowledgeable, even he was psychologically prepared for these things in his heart, but when he really got the information, Still shaking in my heart, his face solemn!

Those who went to the country of Yoga before wanting to completely liberate the entire territory of the country of Yoga are now tied to the Kingdom of Tai Ling. They are the best practitioners in each country, and they are the pillars of that country and the country’s Where is the hope, but now they are all **** there and exposed to the wind and sun, no different from ordinary people!

Others may not be able to see it, but Ye Chen can clearly see from this photo that these people have become the living dead!

If the guess is correct, these people have now been drawn out of their souls. Although they are tied there, they look almost like normal people, but they are just an illusion and are supported by a soul!

To make matters worse, these people are still in this extreme environment, and their weak bodies cannot last long. If they are ordinary people, they may be able to last longer, but these people are already The soul is strong, now it is missing, and there is more loss. It is definitely not easy to survive!

Now, it is simply impossible to save all these people!

If they only rescued them, then, when the time comes, they will have to return their souls to the sun. If they are not bad, after the souls of these people have been extracted, they have been imprisoned by those who attacked them. Now The reason why these people continue to be placed here is to let more practitioners take the bait and rescue them, so that they will be lost here again in the process of rescue.

"Typical fight for aid." Ye Chen said coldly.

Later, Ye Chen read other materials again, wanting to see from these materials what these alien creatures are, but he was disappointed, these materials are very few, and even less useful!

However, based on the previous contact between Huaxia and them, especially the Second Uncle and others who escaped from them, not only are there otherworldly creatures in the country of Yoga, I am afraid that some people in the country of Yoga have fallen for themselves and did theirs. Running dogs, after making peace with them, there must be some evil species, and there are some whimsical people in the country of yoga. They should have other ideas. Otherwise, those in the alliance of practitioners will not be fooled so easily, let alone. Just walked inside so stupidly, and even almost reached the nest of those alien creatures!

"No matter when, there are traitors." Ye Chen sneered, muttering to himself faintly.

After Ye Chen read the information, he received a call from Old Hu!

"How? What do you think?"

"Is there any idea, now we can only hold our own one-acre three-point land, and wait until we can really free our hands before helping other countries." Ye Chen said.

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then he said to Ye Chen again: "No matter what choice you make, this is your decision. I fully support it and will not interfere."

"Thank you Hu," Ye Chen thanked him sincerely.

"You kid, you are polite to me, I still want to thank you." Hu said with a smile.

Afterwards, he whispered to Ye Chen: "I don't know if you have heard from it. I heard that some countries have sent people to corrupt you. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for experience. You have to hold it."

On the other end of the phone, Old Hu expected to smile at Ye Chen strangely.

"Corrosion?" Ye Chen smiled, it depends on whether they are willing to pay for the capital. "

"..." The phone shook his head and hung up directly!

Imperial capital!

"You already know it?" Old Hu asked He Qing, who was standing next to him.

"Know what?" He Qing asked rhetorically, pretending to be ignorant.

"Your careful thinking can still hide from me. If you don't know the information, your mood will suddenly become so bad?" Hu asked back to He Qing.

"I'm in a good mood, what's going wrong? You still don't guess randomly!" He Qing said angrily.

Old Hu smiled, without refuting, he said directly to He Qing: "Don't worry, that kid is young and mature, he can stand it better than anyone else. Besides, from my observation, he doesn't seem to be too cold with those foreign devils, so you still Don't worry too much.

Work quickly, work hard, and do things well to become his right-hand man. "

He Qing's mouth couldn't help but smile when she heard Mr. Hu's words, and then said to Mr. Hu angrily: "What are you talking about all the time? What kind of mess, I don't understand."

He said that he didn't understand, but the expression on his face became a lot easier, and the expression was much better.

When Mr. Hu saw his baby grandson doing this, he couldn't help but shook his head. The female college didn't stay here, as expected. Once you have a sweetheart and focus on others, you still care about yourself.


When Mr. Hu cleared the way for He Qing, the resident inspector and other personnel in Fucheng became dilemma.

Those who had been prepared to welcome the expatriates who had returned from the desert country are now overwhelmed by a group of convoys!

Everyone had weird expressions, but they were painful!

"Where is Mr. Ye? Let's go see you!"

"I came here this time and I asked Mr. Ye for help. How can you stop us outside?"

"Don't lie to us, we have got the news, Mr. Ye is in your Fucheng."

"Mr. Ye, come out. We came all the way to see you. Please come out and give us a chance."

If other people have already blasted away, Mr. Ye has so many and so complicated things. If there is time to deal with these things, naturally they have to be handed over to them. If these things are not handled well, then they are seriously negligent!

But now, one by one is a bit... I don't know how to start!

Standing in front of them are beauties from all over the world!

The royal princess of the French Empire! The queen sister of the English Empire! The princess of the German Empire, the daughter of the former prime minister of the Illy Empire!

Each has a special temperament, each is so beautiful, even if some people think they are used to seeing beautiful women, but after seeing these people, they are still eye-opening. Obviously, the appearance of these people has broken their Cognition!

Intellectual and elegant, dignified and generous!

These people's every move reveals a kind of nobleness, even if they are a little impatient, but when they speak, they still retain a certain speed and tone of speech, which makes people feel like a spring breeze, and the heart is comfortable!

What is going on here? Why is it here? What are you doing here?

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