Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1077: Offensive and defensive alliance

No refutation is the default!

For those rumors, Ye Chen was too lazy to refute, he was not so boring yet, and as for the victim, Daweier, even more eagerly the rumors spread more widely, so that everyone in the world would know that the Chinese man who looked like a god, and She used to be alone.

Because, during just this period of time, I have already obtained huge benefits from this message. Not only the country attaches more importance to her, but even some people who wanted to treat themselves before, now they are all honest and dare not. What more crooked mind.

"Do you have anything with him?" Hunter VI finally couldn't help but asked his daughter.

Although he felt that this was not appropriate, he still had to come over to confirm that there were too many people concerned about this matter!

If the daughter and that person really have something, then their strategy can be changed a little bit, and they will have one more bargaining chip.

Dawei'er saw expectation from her father's face, but she could only shake her head and sigh!

"It's okay, as long as he doesn't stand up, we can use these sparingly!" Hunter VI said.

Upon hearing this, Dawei'er's face was lost and confused!

What kind of woman can provoke him?

Yingjili received the information from Ye Chen from Daweier and quickly spread the information. Yingjili will be the leader, as long as he is willing to pay the price, he can get Ye Chen's support!

These costs have caused the entire English executives to quarrel.

It is true that nothing like this has happened before.

"He wants this, just give it to him. In any case, he is also a human being. As long as we can control these channels, we can free up our hands to do other things without worrying all day long." Someone said.

"Ignorance! Short-sighted!" Someone vehemently refuted this view!

"Every door to the outside world is an opportunity, an opportunity to become powerful quickly. This thing was precious before, and it is the same now! We can't sell the foundation of our children and grandchildren!" Someone said bitterly, resolutely Oppose, even, regard Ye Chen's request as a precursor to their extinction of all races!

"Children and grandchildren? If we can't even keep this generation, where will the children and grandchildren come from? Now, every channel to the outside is no longer an opportunity, but a threat. Any world, for us, It is an unfamiliar threat. None of us knows what kind of danger is hidden behind this world. If it is not done, it is likely to be completely wiped out. Who will be responsible?

At that time, who can you call for help? "Someone also stood up and said loudly.

Those who retorted this time shut up. These words are what they have been worried about. If the immediate crisis cannot be resolved, they will not be qualified to talk about the future. They are now facing such a dilemma!

"Huaxia Nation is bigger than our country, and the environment is more complicated than ours. However, it is now one of the few countries in the world that can maintain stability. If these places are handed over to the Huaxia people, they will definitely be better than We manage better and we can get a safer environment and conditions. Why do we have to stay on guard?"

The whole conference hall suddenly became quiet, everyone was silent, as if thinking about the pros and cons of this matter!

"Don't hesitate anymore. This is a rare opportunity. Daweier has won the qualifications for us to rule the European countries. If we make good use of it, we can continue to be brilliant in the future." Someone said with emotion.

The words have been said for this purpose, and those who oppose it, at this time also let go!

"If future generations scold us, let them scold us well. We are all to blame for our incompetence. We can't resist those foreign enemies, but we can only rely on outsiders." Someone said bitterly.

Soon, the English royal family and the parliament reached an agreement at the same time, accepting Ye Chen’s suggestion, and handing over all the gateways to the outside world in England to Ye Chen, and at the same time, in accordance with Ye Chen’s request, fulfilled Other promises!

In return, Ye Chen quickly responded.

"As long as they are not dead yet, I promise you that someone who will not fall will bring people back."

Almost on the evening of the English announcement, Germany, France and other European countries all announced to the outside world that they agreed to Ye Chen's request and reached a cooperative opinion with Ye Chen!

At the same time, it seems to be fighting for more right to speak. Several of them directly reached an intention to cooperate with Ye Chen without any discussions with Yingjili. In the future, as long as there are cultivators, all of them will accept Ye Chen's guidance and establish offense and defense. alliance!

After this news came out, the entire Western world was shocked!

At this time, English, which had been sold by European countries, also sent Davier to China again. Finally, in China, it reached an intention to cooperate with Ye Chen and, like other countries, established an offensive and defensive alliance with China to resist foreign enemies!

After Yingjili announced that it had reached a cooperation agreement with China Xia, the entire Europe has completed cooperation with Ye Chen.

The whole world was shocked!

Even those people are still stuck in their original thinking!

"What are they going to do? Why do they work with a young man?"

"Don't they know that this young man has offended the United States?"

"What is this going to do? To cooperate with the enemies of the United States, is it to completely fall out with the United States?"

Many people are puzzled, and even people from other countries whose news is blocked are also very puzzled!

In their cognition, the United States is the world's hegemon. What's more, these countries used to be the younger brothers of the United States, and they were only the leaders of the United States. Now, turning the gun head all at once is really confusing!

And the United States is equally stunned!

I have been exhausted these days. I wanted to find a time to relax, but at such a time, something like this happened to him. How could he relax!

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