Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 116: , I'm afraid you won't eat

Qingshan Hotel, in the lobby of the nine-story imperial palace!

A variety of gourmet dishes are placed on the luxurious tabletop!

Just looking at the plate is a kind of enjoyment! Every kind of seafood retains its original flavor, but it is delicious! Putting it on those delicate dinner plates makes people reluctant to destroy it!

However, the attractive color and fragrance stimulate everyone's taste buds!

On weekdays, these expensive seafood are just thinking about it. Even if you occasionally eat meat, you don’t dare to be unscrupulous like this!

Now, this is completely like a running water table, and it will be replenished immediately after eating!

What health? What elegance? It's all unimportant!

Now, there are two words: enjoyable!

Feast on!

Everyone's mouth is greasy and his hands are greasy!

Li Zixuan is better!

She doesn't eat much, and has a quiet personality, so even in the face of such a big meal, she still maintains that kind of elegance!

However, Teacher Liang and Ye Chen, that was really a gorge!

"This is delicious! You guys eat more!" Teacher Liang took a few slices with chopsticks and placed them in the bowls of Li Zixuan and Ye Chen. She didn't treat herself badly!

"This meat is really delicious! Full of satisfaction!" Teacher Liang was not polite and put a large slice in his mouth again!

I can't tell at all, this teacher Liang, who looks a little weak, once arrived at the dinner table, he completely turned into a devouring food!

This thing really tastes good! It is delicious! It looks like this round, white, tender and tender meat! But when I eat it, my mouth is full of delicious flavor! Not greasy at all!

"Huh? What's the matter?" Teacher Liang asked in confusion. "How did the table move?"

"Ye Chen, did you put your legs on the table?"

This pure solid wood table is very heavy, and everyone present, Ye Chen, who can throw Teacher Mu out at will, has the strength to lift the table up!

"Ah! No!" Ye Chen replied.

"No! Look, your tablecloths are all up!"

Ye Chen was taken aback, then lowered his head to take a look!

The old face blushed instantly!

How to set up such a big tent below!

This Nima turned out to be a mess with the third leg!

Ye Chen quickly stepped back and bowed his body!


The mahogany table fell on the carpet, and a dull sound rang.

"Xiao Chen, what's the matter? Do you have any discomfort?" Seeing Ye Chen hunched over, Teacher Liang asked concerned.

"No...nothing!" Ye Chen's face was ugly, his old face flushed!

Now, in the presence of these three opposite sexes, without knowing it, the table was lifted up!

This Nima...is it a jack?

Ye Chen said that it was okay, so Teacher Liang naturally stopped asking questions anymore, and focused on eating!

I'm afraid she would never have thought that the culprit was that leg!

"I feel a little sick in my stomach, go to the bathroom first!" Then Ye Chen hurriedly stood up!

Slightly embarrassed, he ran into the bathroom, unbuttoned his pants, and started to cry!

"This Nima... how does it grow so... majestic!"

Ten minutes later!

Ye Chen came out of it!

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"It's okay! It's just a bit... uncomfortable in my stomach!"

"Uncomfortable in my stomach? Could it be that there is a problem with these ingredients? I asked them to replace them immediately!" Hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhuang Mingyue instantly roused his spirit!

"No, no! No! It has nothing to do with the ingredients, it may be a problem with my physique." Ye Chen said.

"Sister Xiaozhuang, what did I just eat?"


"Geoduck?" Ye Chen wondered!

"what's this?"

Afterwards, Zhuang Mingyue asked someone to take out a geoduck from the back kitchen and show it to Ye Chen!

Seeing this gigantic big thing, Ye Chen has found the root completely!

"You eat more...this thing is good for you!" Zhuang Mingyue said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ye Chen waved his hand in fright!

"Don't don't! I...I...I can't hold it down!"

Still eating?

If he continues to eat, he is afraid that he will make a big hole in the table!

"I'd better eat more king crabs! This thing is good for me!" Ye Chen said.

Char-grilled crab legs!

Ye Chen picked up a long and fat crab leg, took a mouthful, full of fragrance, super content!

Finished crab meat!

Ye Chen stared at the crab shell!

Then, blow it out in one breath!

That's right! It's the dust-washing wind!

Although, according to common sense, this crab shell part is not edible, but he always has a longing for the crab shell in his heart!

The dust is blowing!

The red crab shell is more transparent and obviously lighter!


Bite it down!

Ok? It's crunchy, everything tastes good!

Afterwards, Ye Chen ate all the crab shells in a few strokes!

"There is a thin layer of blood-red armor on his body?" Ye Chen felt his own changes, and was delighted!

The armor is very thin, like a mist, hidden under the skin, slightly invisible, but Ye Chen feels that with this layer of armor, the body's defense capabilities are greatly enhanced again!

"Sister Xiaozhuang, I eat this charcoal grilled king crab, it's not bad! Can you grill another one for me?" Ye Chen said.

"Okay! No problem! My sister is not afraid of anything except that you don't like it!" Zhuang Mingyue said to Ye Chen.

Teacher Liang, who was feasting next to him, looked strange when he heard these words, glanced at Ye Chen again, and said nothing.

Is handsome, really has such a big advantage? Even an outstanding lady like Miss Zhuang is willing to post it upside down?

Soon, the char-grilled king crab was brought up!

The huge king crab is lying on a huge plate, even if it is dead, there is still a sense of deterrence!

Especially the seemingly hard crab claws and the iron-clad crab shell make people look daunting!

Ye Chen picked up the king crab!

A trace of excitement and expectation flashed in his eyes!


Ye Chen blew it out again!

This king crab becomes even more red! The crab shell on his body is even brighter, like a good armor!


Ye Chen bit down again!

It bit directly on the huge crab claws like iron tongs!

This scene shocked the three people next to him!

Just want to remind that the shell of this crab claw is too hard to eat!

However, Ye Chen's mouth flicked a few times, and then, he saw Ye Chen's throat roll!


Ye Chen swallowed all that thing!

In this scene, the eyes of the three people next to him were straightened!

"Xiao Chen, if you want to eat, sister can do enough today! No...no need to eat so... bitter!" Zhuang Mingyue said.

If Mr. Jiang knew about this, he wouldn't have to scold her to death!

Let her treat Ye Chen well, and as a result, she watched him eat here...shell!

Could it be that Mr. Jiang is so big and can't afford how many king crabs his only son eat?

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