Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 118: , Grow again

"Use my card." At this moment, Li Zixuan came over and took out a black card. The card looked very simple. It didn't even have numbers on it, only a small black chip!

However, when Zhuang Mingyue saw this card, her pupils shrank!

This is the highest-level Zijin card issued by Emperor Heart Bank, the world's largest bank, with fewer than two hundred cards worldwide! There are less than ten in Huaxia. How can Li Zixuan, who thought he was an ordinary high school student, own?

"Let's put it away! I am a man, still need you to solve it?" Ye Chen said.

Afterwards, Ye Chen turned around and said to Zhuang Mingyue: "Sister Xiao Zhuang, can you owe the money first? I will pay it back within a week!" Ye Chen said.

"Really don't need it!" Zhuang Mingyue saw Ye Chen's embarrassment just now, really dumbfounded!

"Need! How can you not need it! Let's go, I'll write you an IOU!" Ye Chen said.

Facing the persistent Ye Chen, Zhuang Mingyue shook her head helplessly!

Liu Jie, the supervisor next to him, looked strange when he saw this scene!

A good treat is not allowed, you must hit the swollen face to fill the fat man, hit a white strip!

Zhuang Mingyue smiled and had to follow him!

Just took out the signature pen and blank paper, but Ye Chen rejected it!

"This thing is written, it's not very recognizable! I'm going to write a unique one! There are tools next to it, you guys wait a moment here, I'll borrow a copy." Ye Chen said.

In the hall!

Calligraphy and painting exhibition is going on at this moment!

"Mr. Di's calligraphy has improved again!" After Di Guangyun's pen and ink fell, someone nearby couldn't help but compliment him.

"I've been rewarded! My font is not elegant! Think about it, the ancients are too powerful, and almost all the beauty that can be presented in calligraphy has been expressed! Today's people can only follow their path, but, I found that after all, I couldn't get out of the category they delineated!

What's even more distressing is that we don't have any hope of establishing a new school and being unique! "Dison said regretfully.

"Lao Di, you are humble. Now in the entire Chinese calligraphy world, who doesn't know that your calligraphy skills have reached the pinnacle! Go straight to the ancients! We are here this time, but all want to see your calligraphy style!" Someone complimented. .

Hearing this, even though Dison was humble, he still had pride on his face!

Although he knows his own shortcomings, he knows better that in the contemporary era, calligraphy attainments are higher than him, almost none!

"Well, this word is written...a bit of a genre. Unfortunately, the pen is not strong enough! Can't penetrate the paper back! Moreover, the most important thing is the style. It is also stuck to the ancients and cannot be detached!"

When everyone was admiring Dison, an abrupt voice suddenly remembered.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help frowning!

"Who is this kid? I don't know how to pretend to understand! Do you know whose work this is? This is Di Lao's work, known as Di Youjun! You are only a few kilograms, and you don't understand the exquisite calligraphy of the old man, so you dare to be here Make comments here? Nonsense!" Someone scolded Ye Chen angrily!

"Exquisite? Humph!" Ye Chen sneered.

"Calligraphy inherited from Wang Youjun, really got a bit of essence, and blended into Yu Shinan's brushwork, and the writing was not bad! But to say it is exquisite, it's still a long way away! I learned a seven-to-eight-point similarity, and got one point. Looks like this, can this be considered exquisite?" Ye Chen retorted.

Dison stood there, his face calm!

He has seen a lot of such people, and many of them are malicious hype in order to attract the attention of everyone!

There are few capable, and most of them are just taking the opportunity to get to the top!

At this time, if he really argued with him, but fell into his trap and fell into the limelight, he would be fulfilled in the end!

The best way is to let him perform like a clown.

He ignores it, but it doesn't mean that others can ignore it.

"Huh! Your boy has a big tone! Even the hair is not full, so you dare to say that to my teacher! I really don't know the sky is so great!

If you are capable, write a few words for everyone to comment! See if you are qualified? "A young man next to Dison scolded Ye Chen.

His name is Zhai Wei, who was originally a student of Dison, and even his manager. Dison was so obsessed with calligraphy that he had no intention of mediating with those who wanted to use the word, so he would do the communication!

Seeing someone derogating Dison's font at this moment was tantamount to smashing his signboard, and he couldn't help refuting angrily!

"Write a few words for you to comment? I don't have this idle time!" Ye Chen said.

"I'm here to borrow pen, ink, paper and inkstone!" Ye Chen said.

"Borrowing a pen, ink, paper and inkstone? Humph! I think this kid is clearly here to smash the scene. He said nothing of the teacher's words at first?

What else can you barely see, when you are? Is Wang Youjun alive? "Dison's students scolded Ye Chen angrily!

Ye Chen didn't bother to care about him! He picked up the spare pen, ink, paper and inkstone next to him and walked towards the counter.

Zhai Wei watched Ye Chen pick up things and left, couldn't help being even more angry! I wanted to catch up, but Dison winked and stopped it!

"It's just a young and frivolous child, why bother with him."

Hearing this, the people next to him couldn't help but admire Dison even more!

"Di Laoxu is full of love! No wonder his calligraphy is so exquisite!"


Ye Chen came back again, spread out the paper, soaked in ink, and started writing!

Zhuang Mingyue naturally knew that Ye Chen's calligraphy level was not low, and even won the favor of the judges!

Now, seeing Ye Chen's font again, Zhuang Mingyue couldn't help but shine.

"Good word!"

Teacher Liang, supervisor Liu Jie and others, although they don't know much about calligraphy, they were equally admired when they saw Ye Chen's words!

"This word! Looks so beautiful!" Teacher Liang said.

Li Zixuan couldn't help being surprised when she saw this font!

"Your writing has advanced by leaps and bounds!"

Haha! A lot of progress has indeed been made, and there is a little vain in the previous smart words. It seems to be out of control! But now, completely at your disposal! Handy! "Ye Chen shook his wrist and said!

"Is it because of eating king crab?"

Afterwards, he confirmed that it was because of eating the king crab!

The main reason is to eat crab shells!

After eating the crab shells, Ye Chen felt that his thumb and index finger felt more stable, like a pair of iron tongs!

"The ancients used their wrists to exert strength, but I can exert strength in two places at the same time, which is more stable and smarter!" Ye Chen muttered to himself.

And when he looked inside, he was even more shocked!

My absorption of those calligraphy has reached 40%!

When Ye Chen swallowed the copybook, there were very few impurities!

However, only 20% was absorbed, and the rest was all stored in his own body!

Now that his abilities have improved, this deposit has begun to be absorbed by himself again!

Even more miraculous things, each family was independent before, now it seems that these things have been absorbed by themselves!

Even melted in a furnace!

The style of the written font absorbs the strengths of each family, but is different from any one, which is tantamount to establishing a school!

"Yes! This king crab is not for nothing!" Ye Chen said happily.


Zhai Wei became more and more angry when he was there, and was ridiculed and derogated by a stinky hairy boy for no reason, making him unacceptable!

"Nowadays, some children just lack education and talk about them and don't know how to be in awe! You don't have to care about him! It's not worth it!" Someone comforted Zhai Wei.

"No! I have to see how far this kid can write, dare to speak so loudly! If he doesn't write well! He will come back later, I must teach him a lesson!"

"Hahaha...that's good! Let's see what this brave student has to rely on. Dare to speak so loudly!"

With that said, Zhai Wei stood up and walked towards the counter.

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