Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 138: , Official car delivery?

Lu Qing's expression is solemn!

The look of questioning and disdain on his face was completely replaced by shock at the moment he saw this font!

Now, he was completely attracted by the font, his eyes couldn't move at all, he stared hard, lest he miss a bit!

"Are you wearing gloves? Don't break them!" Di Guangyuan couldn't help but remind as Lu Qing got closer and closer!

Hearing this, Lu Qing quickly put on gloves and a mask, lest he cause some harm to this baby!

Lu Qing looked at the note as if looking at another peerless treasure!

Moreover, this look is one hour!

When I look at it, my fingers can't help but draw a phantom in the air!

This is copying! Imitating!

However, the more you approach, the more unfathomable you feel, and the more you look at it, the more charming it becomes!

Many masters' handwritings have been absorbed by copying!

Various techniques have also been studied almost!

Now, suddenly there is such a work!

For him, it seemed to have opened up a new world, and he couldn't help but be immersed in it!

"How? How about this font?" Di Guangyuan couldn't help but smile.

"God stickers! Absolutely **** stickers! Take the ancients, but surpass the ancients! Completely absorb the advantages of each person, but completely jump out of the scope defined by those people, go farther than them, and walk more perfect!

This post was born, it can definitely cause a sensation in the world of calligraphy! "Lu Qing couldn't help but marvel!

Often in the calligraphy business, Lu Qing's eyes are sharp, and he can see the extraordinary of this calligraphy at a glance!

"How did you get this post?" He only knew that Di Guangyuan bought an IOU at a high price, but didn't know the specific details!

Hearing this, Di Guangyuan smiled!

Afterwards, as if to narrate an extremely proud thing, all the things were recounted!

After listening, Lu Qing was stunned!

"Luck! It's definitely luck! You picked up a big leak!" Lu Qing said with envy!

After that, Lu Qing looked at Di Guangyuan again and asked incredulously:

"That person, really... just a high school student?"

"Well! I heard that I'm only 18 years old!" Di Guangyuan nodded solemnly!

"Eighteen years old? Eighteen years old has already had such an achievement? If he develops like this, then... his achievements... simply limitless!"

Look at the word again!

He is also more envious in his heart!

When a master hasn't grown up yet, his works can better reflect the prototype of his early style! For some people, research is more meaningful!

"Others say you are stupid! I'm afraid those people are stupid in your eyes?" Lu Qing said to him.

Di Guangyuan laughed but said nothing!

"You lend me this character for a few days! After I go back, I must study it carefully! I feel that through it, my calligraphy level will be greatly improved!" Lu Qing said.

"No!" When Di Guangyuan heard this, he couldn't help nodding, but he picked up the speed in his hand and immediately put the words away!

"Lease me for a few days!"

"Don't think about it! If the time comes, you tell me that you were robbed or thrown into the toilet by your grandson, I ask who is going?"


"Give me a high-definition digital photo!" Lu Qing retreated and said second.

"No! Excessive exposure is a great damage to this thing! I'm afraid it will be broken!"

"Old Di! You are not authentic! If you don't agree to this request, don't blame me for turning my face!

You know, because of this, the entire Qingyun Provincial Book Association is now boycotting you! Some people even suggested that you would not be allowed to participate in this year's Book Association competition! You reject me now, don't blame me for not standing in a team for you when the time comes! "Lu Qing threatened.

"Little man!"

"For the sake of calligraphy art, why not be a villain!" Lu Qing said with a stiff neck

"Well, I'm afraid of you! However, I have a condition! After you take the electronic photo back, you can't give it to others! Otherwise, I will break your friendship!" Di Guangyuan said.

"Okay! By you!" Lu Qing said.

Lu Qing finally used a high-definition camera to get a full photo of the IOU before returning home contented!


Jingyang Third Middle School!

Today is Ye Chen Li Zixuan's day for the Global Elite Trial!

"Take the exam well! If you feel that you can't win, use your fart to send them all to the hospital! In the end, all the exam rooms fall down, and see who dares to fight for the first place with you!" Gao came to see off. Jianwen said with a smile at Ye Chen.


"Oh, by the way, don't forget to add some ingredients to the fart. Eat some scallion, ginger, garlic, chili mustard in advance, it will be better!" Gao Jianwen said with a bad smile again.

However, he just finished speaking!


Slapped in the back of the head!

It is his Laozi-Gao Lin!

"Smelly boy! Even if you fart yourself, and want to persuade others to follow you to harm others? Ye Chen was broken by you! Go back and review!"


Am I farting? I urge him to harm people? Did I take him bad?

Gao Jianwen almost wanted to cry without tears!

The most hateful thing is Ye Chen's pretentious expression! I can't wait to really blow his face!

Gao Lin ignored his son and looked at Ye Chen and the others.

"I just got a call from Director Zhou. Secretary Zhao from the city is going to pick up an expert from Qingshan Airport! I just drop in and can take you to Qingshan City. This way, it will be convenient for you." When he said this, his tone was tolerant. Can't help but envy!

"Thank you for your concern, but I really don't need it. The examination committee said that the sponsor will send someone to pick us up." Teacher Liang said.

After Teacher Liang finished speaking, he saw a white Mercedes-Benz business car next to him, and a young man wearing a tie came down, who was Zhou Wenzong's secretary, Zhao Xingjun.

At this moment, he smiled and said to Teacher Liang:

"Teacher Liang, how can the car sent by the sponsor compare to this car! This is the highest-level official reception car in Qingzhou City!"

The interior is luxuriously decorated, equipped with high-end, and the space is surprisingly large!

Walking on the road, lying on the sofa and watching TV for a while, I arrived at the place unknowingly.

It's definitely more comfortable to sit in than the car that the sponsor picks up from you. "

At this moment, he had a smile on his face. Although he was a central figure in Qingzhou City, he did not have the slightest arrogance. The smile on his face was very friendly. He talked with the three Ye Chen like a big brother.

Seeing this scene, Principal Zhang and several other teachers who came to see off were shocked!

The leader came to Jingyang County to inspect and asked Ye Chen and others to see Ye Chen and others by name, which already made them feel the importance of Ye Chen and the others in the city!

However, seeing that the city unexpectedly offered to let the three people of Ye Chen take the highest-level official reception car to take the exam, they once again felt the importance of the city to the three!

Principal Zhang and Gao Lin smiled bitterly at each other!

They have never taken this car! Now, the city even allows Ye Chen to ride, although it is a piggyback, but it is enough to make people enviable!

Teacher Liang was taken aback!

She was a little... flattered!

Special cars in the city, specially detour here to send them?

This is really...

She didn't dare to make any decisions. She looked at Principal Zhang and Gao Lin, and they nodded, and she felt a little more at ease.

"I can take any car, mainly to see two classmates." Teacher Liang said.

"Everything is the same, but since it is the heart of the city leaders! How to refuse!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Haha...Is this classmate Ye Chen? In the city, I've heard of your name, and now I see it as a talent, well-deserved reputation!" Zhao Xingjun looked at Ye Chen and said with a smile.

Then, she looked at Li Zixuan next to her.

Li Zixuan did not show any objection.

"Since everyone agrees, let's go! I hope that our arrival will make your trip to the Youth Week a little more relaxed." Zhao Xingjun said with a smile.

"Then bother me!" Teacher Liang thanked Zhao Xingjun and the driver.

Afterwards, the three of them walked towards the car.

But at this moment...

On the street, a white car slowly approached!

The body is snow-white, bright but not dazzling under the sunlight, there is a kind of noble beauty!

The car is walking on the street, like a white streamer!

Like a noble princess, all the cars on the street were eclipsed!

At this moment, everyone discovered that the car that was walking on the street before turned out to be so... old fashioned!

"Rolls Royce-Liying!" Zhao Xingjun saw the car, his pupils shrank and couldn't help exclaiming!

But then, something even more horrified and inexplicable happened to him!

The car stopped in front of the school!

Afterwards, a middle-aged man in a suit walked down from the car. He looked steady and generous, with a noble butler temperament.

The man had a faint smile on his face!

Walking to the three of Ye Chen: "Good three! Manager Zhuang asked me to pick up three of them to participate."

When everyone heard this, they looked at him and then at the car that was as perfect as a work of art, and they were instantly dumbfounded!

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