Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 143: ,interactive

Never touched it before, this sudden weird feeling made Ye Chen couldn't help but panic...

Frightened and hurry up... rubbed it twice!

"Sure enough, with this feeling, I don't have to panic when I get used to it." Ye Chen squinted and said with a smile.

And Mu Qingqing, who was wrapped around his neck and held in his arms, felt as if he was struck by lightning under that rubbing, and instantly froze there!

And the next two clicks...woke her up instantly!


A murderous voice sounded in shame!

"Asshole, I am going to kill you!"

The voice was sharp and piercing, as if exhausted all the energy!

Obviously, Mu Qingqing is now completely angry!

Hearing this sound, Ye Chen directly pushed with both hands, as if he was afraid that Mu Qingqing would lay down on him, he quickly pushed her out.

Then, with a serious face:

"We've settled this matter, don't bother with me again!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Mu Qingqing almost vomited blood!

Are you entangled with this bastard? She can't wait to kill him now!

"Asshole! I have to treat you today!"

Subsequently, Mu Qingqing was full of anger!

A palm hit Ye Chen's body!

As fierce as electricity, swift as a tiger, even with the whistling wind!


This powerful palm instantly hit Ye Chen's body!

The sound is dull, as if it can open the mountain and crack the rocks!

This time, Ye Chen didn't even evade!

Seeing this scene, Mu Qingqing was awakened instantly, cold sweat all over her body!

With this palm of his own, he has already exerted seven powers of success! Even ordinary warriors are hard to resist.

Now this student is recruited...how can it be possible to live!

"Asshole! Why didn't you run away this time?" Mu Qingqing was panicked instantly, and her heart was upset!

She even blames herself!

After all, the boy in front of him is just a student, how could he be so cruel!

But wait until this palm falls!

The scene where the imaginary figure flies up like leaves does not appear!

Ye Chen, this kid still stood there like a wooden stake!

"Is it an internal injury? That way, the injury will be even greater!" Mu Qingqing regretted it even more!

Even, he has taken out his cell phone and is ready to call an emergency call!

She is very aware of the power of her palm just now! If it's late, you may endure a lifetime of hatred!

However, when she took out her mobile phone, she saw a face with a beating again! Smile there!

Seeing this smirk, Mu Qingqing let out a sigh, and the stone in his heart fell instantly!

It's fine! It's fine!

"Mr. Mu, are you deliberately inducing me? I just spanked my butt, and I have already paid you back. Now I am attacking my chest again...Could it be..."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Mu Qingqing was shocked!

"Relax, I'm not a good person! I will definitely pay you back!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Who wants you to pay it back! Mu Qingqing scolded!

However, at the moment she was angry!

Ye Chen's palm reached out like lightning, and then he grabbed it again!

Just hit two plump!

This feel...hiss!

Ye Chen couldn't help squinting his eyes, his face was intoxicated!

Mu Qingqing was stunned for an instant.

I couldn't help but tighten, and where Ye Chen was holding it, Mu Qingqing felt like there were tens of thousands of ants, biting herself at the same time!

What is even more hateful is Ye Chen's expression!

"Ah!" Mu Qingqing yelled, apparently he was greatly stimulated!

But this cry didn't last long, and it was instantly stopped by Ye Chen.

A pair of big hands covered her mouth.

"Shhh! Don't scream! You scream, others thought I was going to treat you!

Besides, you did it first and deliberately induced me! You know I'll...repay me. You took me in the gutter! "

Speaking of this, Ye Chen paused.

"Uh, no, I haven't brought it to that place..."

Hearing this, Mu Qingqing angrily wished to lift Ye Chen to death!

"Did you induce him? Did you lead him into the gutter?"

Mu Qingqing was trembling with anger!

Oh oh oh!

However, Ye Chen covered his mouth tightly and couldn't say a word!

"I let you go, but I can't call anymore.

The last time you called in bed, the boss underneath heard it all, and thought I was so cool! You call it now... I'm afraid it will cause misunderstanding by others again! How can I live in front of those people outside? "


If there is a knife now. Mu Qingqing would choose to hack this guy to death without hesitation!

Do not! It's a big deal! Chop into mashed meat!

She is almost mad!

Finally, Ye Chen slowly let go of his palm.

"You can't induce me anymore, or else this matter will be known to others, and they think I'm indecent to you. Then I will really jump into the Yellow River and I won't be able to clean it."

Mu Qingqing almost broke his teeth!

Staring at Ye Chen fiercely, as if to kill him with his eyes!

"Hey...Don't look at me like that! I'm shy." Ye Chen scratched his head shyly like a pure boy.

Hearing this, Mu Qingqing's teeth creaked!

It is estimated that now she even has the thought of swallowing Yechen!

"Well, today's matter is over, you won't suffer when you come and go! Or, let's take advantage of the previous matter, right?

Last time I served you for two hours, and I was sweating profusely on the bed. You felt comfortable and couldn't help but yell..."

"Get out! Get out of here!" Mu Qingqing pointed at the door, furious at Ye Chen.

"It's the uncle who owes money. Today I am..."

"Get out! Get out now!" Mu Qingqing was furious again!

"Good, good! Don't get excited! I'm leaving now, now!" Ye Chen said.

"Oh, yes, come to collect debts another day! Don't seduce me again!"

call out!

An extremely angry Mu Qingqing picked up the signature pen on the table, and threw it towards Ye Chen's mouth like a dart!

She couldn't wait to pierce Ye Chen's mouth all at once!

It's a pity that Ye Chen reached out and caught it!

Ye Chen looked at the pen, and then, with an upright look on his face, angrily rebuked: "Mr. Mu, what do you mean? What do you mean? Have the ability to be clear, don't give me sloppy eyes! Also, this thing should be sloppy. Did you send it here? How unhygienic!"

After speaking, Ye Chen turned and walked out!

Leaving a face of anger, plus a look of stunned Director Wood!

At this moment, all the people outside looked towards Ye Chen!

They just heard a lot of movement inside!

"What did you say this kid was doing with Chief Mu just now?"

"I don't know, anyway, I think there is a situation."

"Bullshit! Li Mu just crawled out! His whole body was hurt when the door opened! Look at him, not only is he full, he is also proud of the spring breeze!" The others looked at Ye Chen and said inexplicably.

"What does it mean for this guy to keep rubbing his hands?"

"Why is the expression so lustful! I can't wait to go up and beat him twice." Zhang Qiang said.

Finally, Ye Chen approached slowly!

"Ye Chen! You and Chief Mu were in there just now... what did you do? Why did we hear such a... movement?"

"Nothing! Just... interacted a bit!" Ye Chen said lightly.

"Interaction?" The boy next to him was stunned.

"What is the interaction?" Zhang Qiang then asked.

Li Mu also looked curious, but this time he learned to be clever, and he didn't talk to death.

"I don't understand the interaction? Even if she moves me, she moves me, and I move her!" Ye Chen said.

When several boys heard this, their faces instantly became exciting, and they looked at each other, each with a lewd expression, "This thing is indescribable, you know the expression!".

Afterwards, the interest became stronger! It's like hearing the most exciting gossip news.

"Which one of you moves more...more?" Zhang Qiang raised an eyebrow at Ye Chen and asked.

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