Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 153: Double yolk

"Almost exhausted?" Luo Ming was puzzled, he naturally didn't know what this sentence meant!

However, there is no tangle!

But pointing not far away!

"That foreign devil! Did you see it? This kid is here to hit the field! But don't worry, he must not think about the first position! He definitely can't get it! But, I feel that this kid is not a good stubborn. , I don't know if this second place will be snatched by him!" Luo Ming said.

"How do I know?" Ye Chen shook his head and said.

"Huh?" Luo Ming frowned.

Wang Chenglin and others next to him were also taken aback!

You said you didn't know? Rarely so humble once!

However, after hearing what Ye Chen said, they knew they were wrong!

"After all, the total score is so much, and no matter how much it is, it is only a full score! If he also gets a full score! I can't help it!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"I forgot about this! After all, the test questions this time are a bit simpler! If he really got a perfect score in the test, I would have nothing!" Luo Ming said.

"I hope the next question will be a little harder, otherwise, I won't be able to distance myself!" Luo Ming said.

Soon, the test results came out!

Around the circular hall, the huge wall instantly turned into a huge circular screen!


Every ranking appears, it is a huge reaction!

Three hundred fifty-two advanced to one hundred and twenty-eight! Brush out two thirds!

In a short while, the names of those who advanced appeared from the bottom of the large cylindrical screen!

With the appearance of the name, cheers appeared below!

"I'm promoted!"

"I'm also promoted!"

"Hahaha... there is me on it!"

"Li Mu, there is you on it!"

After the first level of the trapezoidal queue is full, there are nearly the top fifty names!

"Li Mu! Zhang Qiang! They are all on the list!

Several people were very excited!

Next, the second layer!

This is the top 50, to the 30th place!

Li Zixuan is on it! He scored eighty-five points! It's really good!

Wang Chenglin is here too! Better results! Scored ninety points!

Then, is the promotion list of the second echelon!

No one from Qingyun Province appeared!

The promotion list of the third tier!

From tenth to second!

Similarly, no one from Qingyun Province appeared!

"This Huang Maozi seems to have overestimated him! He only scored ninety-five points! It's really disappointing! I thought there would be some surprises this time!" Luo Ming said disappointedly.

Third place! Mingzhu International Middle School, Xia Yun!

Second place! The High School Attached to Pearl University! Yan Ran!

"Huh?" Yan Ran frowned, obviously, not happy about this result!

However, after seeing Luo Ming, his brows slowly unfolded.

"Huh! With me here, do you still want to usurp the throne?" Luo Ming stared at Yan Ran and said.

Afterwards, he turned and looked at Ye Chen!

"The number one spot is left! Who do you think it will be?"

"I care who he is? Anyway, there must be me!" Ye Chen said.

"Hehe...I like you more and more! Interesting!" Luo Ming said with a smile.

Wang Chenglin was speechless for a while listening to the two talking!

at last!


A big picture was released, like a big mountain, pressing on everyone!

First place! Imperial Capital Ninth Middle School! Luo Ming! Score: 100!

"Sorry, it's me!" Luo Ming said.

The people next to him saw this result and were all shocked by Luo Ming's results!

However, afterwards, he looked at Ye Chen with a playful look. After all, this kid said a lot of big things at first!

It now appears that he is not in the promotion list, and he obviously failed to advance! One by one couldn't help but giggle there!

"It seems that you guessed wrong, there is no you on it!" Luo Ming said with a smile.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? Isn't the screen locked yet?" Ye Chen said.

The others sneered!

The dead duck has a hard mouth, and now the first place is out, what else do you want to do?

However, as soon as these people's words fell, they heard it again!


It is the sound of a big mountain falling again, and it is also a shocking sound effect, and it is also standing at the top!

First place! Jingyang No. 3 Middle School in Qingyun Province! Ye Chen! 100 points!

Seeing this result, everyone couldn't help being taken aback!

He actually got a 100 points!

Can you really be on par with Luo Ming?

Someone looked at the results and couldn't help but swear: "Nima! It turned out to be a double yolk!"

Hearing this, Luo Ming and Ye Chen stunned, their eyes were like swords, and they shot towards the person at the same time!

"You are the egg!" Ye Chen!

"Your whole family are eggs!" Luo Ming!

"The rules of the rivers and lakes: It's not a disaster to your family, you have passed the line." Ye Chen.

"@#¥%……" Luo Ming!

However, he immediately changed the subject and said to Ye Chen:

"You are lucky this time, and you can keep abreast of me with such a simple problem! Let's compete again next time, how about?"

"Be with me anytime!" Ye Chen said.

In this exam, ten people from Qingyun Province were promoted to five people!

And the overall number of people dropped by two-thirds directly! In other words, most of the students who have been preparing for this test for a long time, fell into the sand in the first round, and were directly beaten back to their hometown!

This cruel elimination rate makes everyone feel the cruelty of competition!

Alongside, there are teachers and students crying!

Obviously, it should have failed!

And the five losers in Qingyun Province are also full of loneliness!

"Life is a long-distance race. A partial victory can't represent everything! You still have many opportunities! Don't be discouraged!" Mu Qingqing comforted the few students who failed.

"Ah! Qingqing! Your student did a good job this time! So lucky! The blind cat caught a dead mouse and got a full score!" Next, a man in a suit and leather shoes with shiny hair came over!

The man walks with arrogant toes, it seems that no one can get his eyes!

The fact is also true. A teacher next to him greeted him, but this guy just ignored him!

Seeing Mu Qingqing here, Pi Xiaorou sneered at Mu Qingqing without a smile!

He is the leader of the Imperial Capital: Yang Jianlin

"If you want to beat him, you can do it casually without giving me face! I am not under his jurisdiction!" Luo Ming whispered to Ye Chen.

Then, not far away, I saw a beautiful female teacher waving at him!

This bully just followed her away! Looks like a cute baby!

When Yang Jianlin saw this scene, a cold light flashed in his eyes!

But then hide it!

Looking at Mu Qingqing, she said with a gun and a stick in her tone:

"However, luck is not always possible! Next time, maybe it will be gone!" The Yang Jianlin said to Mu Qingqing.

"At the beginning, I asked you to stay in the imperial capital. You had to leave. Now that you have taken over such a mess, you don't even need to think about it. You must be shaved this time, with nothing left!

Why are you doing this? People who don’t know think that you are incapable!

This will affect your future! Do you want me to go back and tell my old man to transfer you back? "

Mu Qingqing glared at him!

"If you don't want to be beaten as a pig, you better get out of me now!"

"Tsk tusk tusk! Qingqing, your words make me sad, don't you know?"

When Wang Cheng saw this guy's face, not only was he not angry, but a pitiful expression on his face!

Can't help but shook his head!

"Hey! What a pity! I don't even know if I was stolen!"

Thinking of the sound of Mu Qingqing and Ye Chen in the meeting room yesterday, and seeing Mu Qingqing's ruddy complexion this morning, these **** had long wanted to get crooked!

So, looking at this guy, I feel green!

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