Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 181: Genius

Meng Hao thought that Ye Chen could be completely defeated this time!

How could other people be so!

They know Ye Chen's birthplace! So I firmly believe that this talent show can be completely turned over! At least, he's okay against abuse!

The second one, Meng Jun!

I also chose music! Solo violin!

"Haha... the violin, I like it! Einstein was the lover of the violin back then. He said that his biggest helper in science is his violin!"

Meng Jun smiled, and then bowed to everyone, then the expression on his face became focused!

I have to say that these talents are really worthy of the name of talents!

Everyone thought he was going to come to a Liang Zhu!

After all, China’s most famous solo violinist, the poignant Liang Zhu music, is world-renowned and the most concerned!

But wait until the music sounds!

"Soul Wonderland" by Super Band is also a solo segment!

Although it is from the same track, the content is completely different. Moreover, after hearing the music, neither the audience nor the judges showed any discomfort!

All are listening carefully!

At the end of the song, there was also a thunderous sound!

"This violin solo is great!"

"If you are in the performance of the super band, you can almost be fake!" the judges couldn't help but say over there.

"I have also learned the violin, and I want to learn this paragraph, but I can't get to this level anyway! It's amazing!" the audience said.

"Let me ask, this section is different from Mr. McGrady's performance, but it still fits well with the original! Even compared with the original, it has a unique charm. Did you create this alone?" Smith was right. Meng Jun asked with a smile!

Meng Jun smiled and shook his head!

"I don't have this skill for the time being! This is passed to me by my teacher, Mr. McGrady! He has previously prepared two versions of "Soul Wonderland"!

It was hard to choose! Later, after everyone's discussion, he decided to use the last version! And this edition, he left it to me! He said, I hope I can pass this on! "

"Genius child! Lucky child! We believe that you have this ability! It is true that Mr. McGrady has given you these things! We hope that in the future, we can see you in the super band concert! I hope that in my laboratory, my students can hear such music!"

Hearing this, Meng Jun's face smiled happily!

"Thank you Professor Smith!"

"Professor Smith, you are unfair competition, I have to appeal to the examination committee!" Professor Bruce couldn't help but jokingly said.

"Then you go to appeal! Anyway, the chairman of the examination committee is my student, he dare not care about me!"


The scene laughed!

This little humor has adjusted the tense atmosphere!

Everyone still envied Meng Jun to be favored by Professor Smith! After all, not everyone has such luck!

Then there is the third student!

The performance is the repetition of oriental dance!

Although he danced very well, his style was stunning, and even more charming than a woman, but he did not get any praise from the three teachers!

Even, Mr. Bruce saw him with deep hostility in his eyes!

It seems to be competing with him!

The student almost stopped when he was halfway through the jump! But still insist on finishing the jump! Even if you jump to yourself, it is an explanation for yourself!

Fifth place!

Sixth place!

When it was Luo Ming's turn, Luo Ming glanced at Ye Chen with a complicated expression!

Later, he also came to a piano!

He also wants to play the piano!

Different from Meng Hao! He chose the moonlight song of the famous music master SCHOTT!

Luo Ming dressed in white, elegant and quiet! The fingers jump on the keyboard, like clouds and flowing water!

Everyone felt as if they had come to the Rhine River and returned to the night hundreds of years ago. A generation of genius Schott was resurrected again and played this music for them!

Everyone is fascinated!

I can't extricate myself for a long time!

The piano is over!

The three judges all stood up involuntarily and applauded to Luo Ming!

"This is the best moonlight song I have ever heard!"


"My God! You should really study music!"

The judges looked at Luo Ming, all excited!

The audience at the scene was equally excited!

They all stood up and applauded at Luo Ming!

In front of the TV! In front of the Internet, those who watched the show were all stunned!

"Great! This performance is perfect!"


"Compared to them, I really feel that I have lived for so many years!"

"Why can people be so good at a young age?"

"Suddenly, I feel that the star that I'm watching now is very low!

"I originally turned on both programs, but now, I have turned off that program. I am afraid that it will affect my watching genius showdown!"

"me too!"

"I was looking forward to it before. After all, their talent show was professionally trained. Now it seems that they are just fooling the audience! I didn't think it before, but after comparing it with the elite, I suddenly realized that I seemed to have over expected them. Up!"

Imperial TV Station!

"Director! Our ratings have completely surpassed Pearl TV! No. 1 in the country! And it has broken the ratings record of our station for ten years! It has reached an unprecedented 3.6! It is still soaring!"

"Moreover, the overseas version has also reached a new peak in history! If you can make another impact, perhaps you can break through history and recreate history!" The staff member reported to Lu Ming excitedly.

This is absolutely beyond their imagination!

She also saw the data, and she was not calm at this moment!

It was just a small favor, but I didn't expect to pick up a big cake like this accidentally!

"The ratings are really good! However, it may not be particularly easy to hit the top spot! This game is almost over! There shouldn't be any special highlights underneath!" Lu Ming said.

"Forcing the king! Uh, no, Ye Chen hasn't competed yet!" The staff member looked at Lu Ming and said.

To be honest, now, what I am most looking forward to is this Ye Chen's performance!

Force the king! A veritable king!

From the beginning to the present, I have never let them down!

The webpage is also full of comments, densely packed with expectations for him!

"He might not be going well this time!" Lu Ming said worriedly.

"Actually, his unique skills have already been shown! Don't talk about calculations, remember these unique skills! The ability to paint by hand is already remarkable! And the skill of kicking people away! But, you can't live broadcast for a while. Perform kicking people, right?"

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