Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 187: , Cook and eat

Jiang Yuqing lingered at the door, still unable to take that step!

"President Jiang, if you don't come again, they will leave..." Zhuang Mingyue said during the call.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqing hurriedly tidied up his clothes and walked in!

There were a lot of people in the conference hall, but she still saw Ye Chen at first sight!

At this moment, he is smiling, confident and calm, talking freely, with an extraordinary temperament!

This is her son! This is her long-lost son!

At this moment, she wanted to run over desperately, hug him in her arms, and then cry aloud, to vent all the sadness and miss of these years!

But... she dare not!

When she looked at Ye Chen, Ye Chen also noticed her.

Jiang Yuqing's pretentiously calm eyes, with Ye Chen's smile, became a little flustered! Somewhat at a loss!

"President Jiang, you are here!" Bai Jingxian, chairman of the examination committee, greeted Jiang Yuqing!

"Thank you for your great support this time! Our competition this time was a complete success, even more successful than Bangziguo and Waguo! Your support here is indispensable!" Bai Jingxian thanked sincerely. .

"This is what we should do!"

Jiang Yuqing shook hands with those teachers one by one!

Finally, she came to Ye Chen!

Her heart was beating violently, as if beating a drum!

But she still forced herself to calm down!

"Student Ye Chen! We finally meet again!"

"Yeah! Really fate!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for your support!" Ye Chen bowed slightly and thanked.

"You're welcome! Really... don't be courteous to me!" Jiang Yuqing quickly stopped him!

She wanted to say, son, I am your mother! I am your mother! You don't have to be so strange to mom! You don't have to tell mom so!

This will only make mom feel sad and uncomfortable!

At this moment, a bell rang!

"Sorry, let me answer the call!" Ye Chen smiled apologetically!

Then I took out the phone, and the polite smile on his face immediately turned into a sunny expression!

"Mom! My game is over! Hehe... Have you watched TV? My son will kill Quartet! Great! Hehe..."

Beside, Jiang Yuqing heard that mom!

Looking up at the ceiling, she... afraid of crying!

This is her son!

This call should have been called to her!

This tone should also appear in front of her!


She can only hear Mr. Jiang! I can only see the polite smile with a sense of distance!

"Mom! Don't worry about it! I'll be back soon!

Hey, this time it seems that you can't kidnap your daughter-in-law to go home! You can see that all the boys are participating in the competition! I can only find another chance next time!

I see, it’s okay, it’s not too hot this day, it’s all in the house, with air conditioning, don’t worry, it won’t heat me up! Our house is hot, you and dad should be careful not to get heatstroke at home.

eat? The food cooked outside is not good at all, it is far from mom!

I'm going back this time, I want to have a big meal!

I want to eat braised pork, braised eggplant in oil, mapo tofu, braised sirloin, steamed fish...Mom! No way! Can't say any more, besides, I bit out my tongue! Tell your dad, don't worry, I will go back soon! "

After a while, Ye Chen hung up and apologized to Jiang Yuqing:

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time!"

See this smile, hear this call! Think of Ye Chen's performance just now!

Jiang Yuqing felt that his heart was like being choked by a knife!

"It's okay, I have nothing to do." Jiang Yuqing made himself laugh as natural as possible!

"Oh, yes! Are you free tomorrow? I said last time, when you come, I will treat you to dinner! Now, you are here, and I will be fine tomorrow!"

"President Jiang, you are too polite! You have helped me so much, I should ask you!" Ye Chen said.


Mingzhu, Villa No.1 of Dijing Bieyuan!

Jiang Yuqing, who is usually calm and composed, seems a little frantic in the kitchen at the moment!

"President Jiang! It's already two o'clock now! You will have a meeting tomorrow! Another day of tiredness today! Hurry up and rest, don't do it!"

Zhuang Mingyue persuaded Jiang Yuqing.


Because I took the lid with my hand, I burned my hand!

And the lid fell to the ground!

At the same time, there was the smell of burning in the pot!

"Sixth time! This is already the sixth time! Why! Why do I want to make a braised pork for my son, I can't do it!" Jiang Yuqing, who has always been a strong woman, was angry at this moment!

For the first time! This is the first time she feels... incompetent!

There is a deep sense of frustration!

Born in a big family, she didn't need to touch these things since she was a child, and she had never even touched them!

Today, this is the first time!

The first time to enter the kitchen, the first time to cook by yourself!

Obviously some simple operations, but no matter how hard you try, you can't do it well!

She is angry!

pissed off!

But then, she sucked the scalded finger and picked up the tableware again!

continue doing!

"I'll help you!" Next to him, Zhuang Mingyue stepped forward.

"Don't move! This is the first time I cook for him, I will do it myself!" Jiang Yuqing said stubbornly.

"Xiao Zhuang, teach me the recipes of braising eggplant, mapo tofu, and braised fish in oil!"

Oh, yes, pay attention, we must follow the practice of Qingyun Province, otherwise, I am afraid he will not be used to it! "

"Hey, I thought these things were very simple, and I would learn them soon, but I didn't expect...to be so difficult!"

the next day!

Jiang Yuqing looked tired, and his heart was full of regret!

She overestimated herself!

I thought that with my own ability, I should be able to make a few decent dishes overnight, but...when Ye Chen and Mu Qingqing arrived, apart from the broken plates, there was only the unscorched burnt in the kitchen. taste!

"Xiao Chen, or... we... let's go out to eat!" Jiang Yuqing said nervously.

Yesterday, I heard that Ye Chen didn't like the food outside, so she wanted to cook it by herself temporarily, but she didn't expect...to be self-defeating!

"I... I broke things again!"

"I can smell it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Hey, isn't there another one that can be done?" Ye Chen said.

"Just one serving of Mapo Tofu, which is not well done! Let's... let's go out to eat!"

"If you don't mind, I'll try it!"


Ye Chen picked up his chopsticks and took a bite!

"How does it taste?" Jiang Yuqing asked with a nervous look.

"You let me tell the truth first?"

"It looks good! It's a pity it's a bit... salty!"

"How does it compare to... what your mother did?"

"President Jiang, you are looking for abuse!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Don't you know, for a child, the best meal in the world is the meal made by mother? So, you don't have to compare with my mother! For me, no one in this world cooks better than my mother. The meal is better!"

"Um... Yeah!" Jiang Yuqing's face was ugly!

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