Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 214: Squad leader

At the same time, his video clips appeared on small video sites such as Kuaipai, and they were put on the top many times!

"How long has it been, you kid has been topped to the highest point! Now, but we are the number one in our forum! I made such a big thing when I just enrolled in school, and I'll have it in the future! Isn't my limelight going to be robbed by you? !"

"What kind of limelight can you Zhao Sier have?" Mu Chengxin said next to him.

"Second, do you believe it or not that I drew out my Dragon Overlord to whip you?" The two kept bickering.

Ye Chen shook his head, too lazy to talk!

Two days later, the ranking of the party was announced!

The first prize was Chu Lili from Ye Chen's class!

The two second prizes were Du Wan from Mu Chengcheng's class and Zhao Yaqi from Zhao Yunlong's class.

Third prize...

What is even more dramatic is that at the bottom of the forum, more people appealed to give Ye Chen the best accompaniment!

"The accompaniment is really great, this is clearly a mobile concert hall!" Many people commented.

The class meeting was held again.

"Students, this is the prize of the competition, the result of our collective efforts!" Sima Xiang said to everyone.

"What is the result of the collective effort? This is obviously the credit of Ye Chen and Chu Lili!" Qi Haoran said indignantly.

He was very dissatisfied with Sima Xiang's vague remarks that he did not take credit for!

The others also nodded. After all, Ye Chen took the initiative at the critical moment, turning the danger into an opportunity and resolving the crisis, and he did the most.

"Now, since the military training has ended and the welcome party has passed, the squad leader who had not been finalized before should have a final conclusion." The counselor Bai Yang said to everyone.

Everyone nodded!

Soon, the voting was finished, and the voting result was announced immediately!

A total of thirty-two people, except for two abstaining, Ye Chen got 27 votes! Sima Xiang got 3 votes! Ye Chen won by an absolute advantage.

This result made Sima Xiang's face ugly, and that Gan Ling was even more unfair!

"Are you bribing the election? Otherwise, how come so many people choose you?"

"And you, Sima Xiang has paid so much for you, why don't you know how to appreciate it? Is it too much?"

Seeing Gan Ling like this, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads, even Sima Xiang felt... ashamed!

"Gan Ling, this is everyone's choice, they naturally have their own considerations, and we should accept it," Sima Xiang said.

Qi Haoran glanced at Gan Ling, his expression pitiful in contempt!

"I really don't know, how did your IQ get into our Pearl University?"

"If you can't speak, just shut up! Otherwise, you will only appear to be mentally retarded!" Wenxin also angered Gan Ling.

Other people looked at her with weird expressions. I really didn't expect such a strange thing in the class!

"Sima Xiang, everything you have done for everyone in the past two days, everyone sees it and remembers your goodness, but this is the choice of the monitor. The monitor must not only have the consciousness to sacrifice for the class, but also Lead the class to deal with emergencies and the ability to deal with crises!

From military training, helping Chu Lili deal with her illness to protect the safety of her classmates, to helping coaches defend against foreign enemies and maintaining the face of the class, to helping our class win the final first prize in the welcome party two days ago.

Everything in this is enough to show that Ye Chen is capable and qualified to serve as the squad leader.

Sima Xiang, we don't doubt your attitude, but we think that if it is about ability, Ye Chen might do better! "Qi Haoran said.

"Yes, I think so too. I agree with Ye Chen as the squad leader, Ye Chen's ability is obvious to all!" everyone said. Hearing this, Sima Xiang's face was a little embarrassed.

Originally, I was determined to win the position of this squad leader, but now...

"Originally, I thought I was the most suitable for this position, but, as several classmates said, after a few days of things, I also think that Ye Chen is more suitable to be the monitor. Therefore, I...fully accept and agree."

Everyone nodded.

In the past few days of contact, Sima Xiang’s temperament and abilities are obvious to all, but... is still within the scope of everyone’s understanding. After all, the things he did and the people present could do them if they were willing to do it. .

But Ye Chen is different! At critical moments, he can always show extraordinary abilities and turn the tide, this is really better than others!

"I didn't expect everyone to pay so much attention and support to me. It is really an honor." Ye Chen nodded and thanked everyone.

"Originally, everyone entrusted this task to me, I should do my part, but I am afraid I don't have so much time and energy to do these little bits and pieces! So, please everyone..."

"Ye Chen, you don't need to evade it. We know that you have a strong ability and a lot of things, so we didn't force you to do everything by yourself. In this way, we will handle the small things that we usually can't handle, and if there are big things we can't handle, how about going to you? "Sima Xiang said.

Hearing what he said, everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that he could adjust so quickly.

"But, I just do these small things and take the post of monitor, is it a bit... too much."

"The squad leader is a post, but also a banner. After these things, I think you are enough to be this banner." Sima Xiang said to Ye Chen.

Hearing these words, Ye Chen's senses towards Sima Xiang were greatly improved, and the classmates in the class also expressed their respect for Sima Xiang's high spirit! Selfless, really do things for the class! If there was still a show element before, but now it is sincere!

"If you don't become a squad leader, I will serve as a deputy squad leader. Don't you have any comments? In the future, I will be responsible for the little things in the class, and if there are major issues, Ye Chen will have to go!" Sima Xiang said broadly.


There was enthusiastic applause in the class.

"You... surprised me, really surprised! I believe that in the next four years, you can create your own glory!" said the counselor.

"Why are you..." Liu Zhen said unwillingly while looking at Sima Xiang.

"The reason why I want to be a class monitor is to exercise my abilities. Through this position, I want to reach out to more people, do more things, and also serve the class collective. Now, my goal is not the same. Has it been achieved? Isn't the current result the best result?"


"It's nothing. The most important thing for people is to have self-knowledge! My grandfather once said that in this world, there are always some people, such as the dragons in the sky, who are destined to travel too vacantly and make their voices sound! When you are lucky enough to be with them What we have to do is to be self-aware and follow the trend! Because it is very possible that what we have pursued throughout our lives is not worth mentioning in their eyes!"

"By doing this, don't you admit that you are inferior to others?" Liu Zhen asked with some dissatisfaction. He felt that he was following the wrong person.

"It's a fact that skills are inferior to human beings, and it can't be changed whether you admit it or not. Sometimes, because of recognition, you become frank and open-minded, gaining more peace and quiet." Sima Xiang said.

"Then is he Shenlong?" Liu Zhen asked dissatisfiedly.

Sima Xiang was silent, and said after a while, "I don't know either."

"Then why did you admit defeat?"

The corners of Sima Xiang's mouth twitched, his expression struggling for a long time before he said: "I...I'm afraid he will beat me!"


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