Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 228: ,does it worth

After solving this matter, Ye Chen was ready to leave.

As soon as he turned around, he saw two tangled white figures not far away.

From the moment I came out, I used all my mind to activate the psychic secret arts, and I didn't see these two at all.

"What? You two are ghosts too?"

Isn't the ghost who ran here in the middle of the night? Now Ye Chen was too courageous, and took the initiative to say hello.

"Would you like me to call the two of them out to talk to you? But before that, let's put on your clothes first. Although it is a ghost, we are a Chinese ghost at any rate. We can't be so...

Ye Chen didn't say it, but as soon as he spoke, the two made a sharp ghost call!

Afterwards, ran directly to the dormitory building!

Ye Chen was taken aback.

"Nima, it turned out to be a couple who drilled in the grove! Bad luck!"

However, when he returned to the dormitory, he heard more exciting news.

"Have you heard? Just discovered two naked men!"

"I'm still shouting something in my mouth, I don't know what I want to protest!"

"Man streaking? Two? I'm going! Sin! Sin!" Ye Chen hurriedly mourned.

How much psychological pressure was put on others before they broke through all the obstacles, and got to the point just now. As a result...I was stunned by myself. What a sin.


Allure Beauty Health Club!

"Juan'er, what's the matter? Why did you offend our God of Wealth?" Gu Yan, the boss of the clubhouse, asked Li Juan.

"It's that old man who is not serious and wants to be unruly towards my brother!"

"Your brother? When did you have a younger brother?" Gu Yan asked puzzlingly. She still knows Li Juan's situation very well. Because of this, she can safely leave this store to her.

"Brother in my hometown!"

"Oh, it means that your brother is very charming! The old man has a picky vision, and ordinary people can't see it! It means that your brother is not a vulgar fan!" Gu Yan said to Li Juan.

"That's natural! It's a pity, that old man is not good enough for my brother!"

"Look at you proud! It's great to have a beautiful brother?" Gu Yan said with a glance at her.

"However, the old man is putting pressure on me! You know, her family is in the beautification business! She has provided us with a lot of customers, if this offends her! That would be a big loss! And it will directly affect the future Business! So... can you ask your brother to come over and apologize to her!"

"My brother apologizes to her? Impossible! I know my brother's temper. After he comes, not only will he not apologize, he will also give her a few ear scrapes!"

"Your sister and brother are really..."

"Forget it! Let me work harder here! That old guy is not easy to mess with! There are relatives with the Wang family, and the roots are deep. If you really mess with her! Let alone opening a store, I am afraid it is a question of whether you can establish a foothold in Pearl !" Gu Yan said with some worry.

Hearing this, a trace of regret flashed across Li Juan's face!

"It really doesn't work, I'll go and apologize to others!"

"Let's take a look first!" Gu Yan said uncertainly.

In the place of Mingzhu, where the dragon and the tiger are hidden, they will fall into the abyss if they are not careful. Therefore, they usually tremble like walking on thin ice.

"I hope that this time, the old man will not make any excessive demands."


Ye Chen was doing an experiment and suddenly received a strange call.

"Little handsome guy! You... come here for a while! Sister Juan caused a big disaster for you!"

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen stood up suddenly, his face cold as frost!

"You will know when you come." Jiang Yue said on the phone.

"Where is Sister Juan?"

"at home."

"I'll go over!"

Xingyuan Villa!

"Sister Juan! What are you doing too! Mrs. Jiang just said that your brother should apologize! Why do you insist!"

"My brother is an arrogant person! How did he get this wronged? Besides, he is the champion of Qingyun Province! The champion of the National Elite Trial Tournament is destined to be an elite figure in the future! How can he be subjected to such humiliation!

Then he won't be fooled anymore? "Li Juan said seriously.

"What elites? In the end, they still work for others! Working in Mingzhu, can you avoid those big households? After graduation, you still have to go to their door to beg for food! Sun Monkey can escape the Buddha. Palm? Sister Juan, why don't you think so?"

"I believe he can go further!" Li Juan said.

"Hey, Sister Juan, you have too much hope for him, how far can you go from a small family background," Lan Yingying said next to him.

Then he took a look at Li Juan.

"Sister Juan, even if he walks far, what? Don’t think I don’t know, you two are just growing up. There is no blood relationship. He has just come to Pearl now and is unfamiliar with you. He will treat you as a relative. If you have a girlfriend, you will definitely be forgotten.

My brother is still unfamiliar, let alone this. So, Sister Juan, I advise you not to be stupid. not worth it. "Lan Yingying said.

"Don't say this again in the future." Li Juan said lightly.

"Hey! Sister Juan, why are you so obsessed with him? I know you like him, but seeing that he won the provincial champion, won the elite champion, and entered a prestigious school again, I felt that I was not worthy of him, so I turned to him. Be second..."

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense in the future!" Li Juan grabbed the cotton ball in Lan Yingying's hand, took the mirror and wiped the wound.

"Hi!" Li Juan couldn't help taking a breath.

"Sister Juan, I'll help you."

"Go away. No need." Li Juan said.

"Hey, Sister Juan, why are you doing this?" Lan Yingying couldn't help but shook his head.

Li Juan ignored her and continued to wipe her wounds, looking at herself in the mirror, her eyes a little complicated.

Ding Dong!

The sound of the doorbell rang!

"Sister Juan, I'll open the door!"

After a while, Lan Yingying's reprimanding voice came.

"You are so embarrassed to come! Look at your trouble! Why were you so impulsive at the time? It's all right now, I want sister Juan to help you."

Ye Chen ignored it and walked in directly.

After seeing Li Juan, a cold light flashed across his calm face!

Li Juan is now lying on the bed with a black green on her pretty face! There is ointment on it!

And on her leg, there is a big scar!

It's still bleeding!

"You... why are you here?" Li Juan saw Ye Chen coming over, and quickly turned her face away, not wanting him to see it!

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked Li Juan.

"It's okay, I ran into a bitch, and I started a fight. My sister tore her up." Li Juan said with a smile.

Ye Chen gently touched it with his hand.

"You wait for me for a while."

After half an hour, Ye Chen walked back.

And there was a pile of medicine in his hand.

"I have already bought medicine." Ye Chen didn't explain either.

After the Chinese medicine was cooked, he passed it over.

"Sister, drink this."

"Yeah." Li Juan nodded.

"What do you drink for Sister Juan? Sister Juan has bought medicine. What if you take a skewer?"

"Then stop those medicines." Ye Chen said.

"Stop the medicine? This is the medicine that we specially asked the expert to prescribe."

"Yingying, listen to Xiaochen. Throw those medicine away."

"Sister Juan, you guys are really fooling around!" He felt that these two people were simply unreasonable.

"Pick up your clothes and I will give you medicine." Ye Chen said.

Li Juan was a little bit twisted this time. They were no longer the age when they went down the river to catch fish together when they were young. It feels very unnatural now that they are like this, not to mention that there are others present.

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