Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 230: , You're welcome


With a scream, she saw that in front of her, a woman with scattered hair, bleeding eyes and a black face appeared suddenly, grabbing at her at the moment.

"Let go of me! Let go of me! Don't touch me!"

Jiang Meiling backed away in fright, but just after backing, she felt a cold wind blowing from behind again. When she turned around, she saw half of her eyeballs protruding, and her broken face almost pressed against her face!


Jiang Meiling's screams made her whole person completely crazy!

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Help! Help!" Jiang Meiling kept begging Ye Chen for mercy, and at the same time crawled towards Ye Chen!

However, he was kicked out by Ye Chen before he got close!

However, Jiang Meiling still did not give up, and kept crawling over to Ye Chen, because only here would she feel a little safer.

"I was wrong! I was wrong! Please! Forgive me! Forgive me!" Jiang Meiling was already trembling with fright, she fell to her knees and kept begging for mercy!

"You keep me from seeing the sun tomorrow! Believe it or not, I keep you from seeing the sunset today!"

"Believe! I believe! Forgive me! Please take my life!" Jiang Meiling knelt and begged for mercy.

At this moment, the hair is messy, the eyes are full of horror, how can there be the same face before!

"Then it depends on whether you can take out the sincerity of redemption." Ye Chen said.

"If you take it out, I will take it out!" Jiang Meiling kept kowtow.

Seeing her doing this, Ye Chen sneered disdainfully!

"Sure enough, it's cheap, you have to fight to be honest."

"Tomorrow, I will call and ask Sister Juan, if she is a little dissatisfied, just wait at home. I promise they will find you in the middle of the night."

"Dare not! I must not dare." Jiang Meiling cried, really crying.

Ye Chen snapped his fingers, and the two returned to the nuclear carving again.

Seeing Ye Chen leave, everyone in the office has an illusion of a survivorship.

After that, I smelled a foul smell and I was all scared to pee!


After Li Juan recovered, she returned to the store again.

She has been out since she was a child. She has long been accustomed to bullying by these people, and even before she met Gu Yan, she had suffered even worse bullying than this!

Now, I don't care too much!

I just want that old witch to stop making trouble for herself in the future!

At this time, he received a call from Ye Chen.

"Sister Juan, the old witch's matter has been settled. She will go to your store again and don't have to be polite to her! Hit and scold if you want! Do not hesitate how you will relieve your anger." The voice of Ye Chen shocked Li Juan.

"Did you go to her? When did you go? Was there any injury?" Li Juan was startled.

"I went there in the afternoon. It's okay, don't you know how good I am? No accident, the old witch should go to your place soon. You can vent your anger at that time, don't worry."

Hang up the phone.

Li Juan was stunned, with worry in her eyes.

"Sister Juan, your younger brother is so uneasy! If this continues, in the future, Mingzhu will cause serious problems!" Lan Yingying also heard Ye Chen's call, and now she is equally worried.

"This is not the small county town of our family, and Mrs. Jiang is not the village bully. This Mrs. Jiang is backed by the Wang family. She is powerful and cruel. If she provokes them, she will die. Now, he is good, you just did him After receiving such a great grievance, this **** went looking for trouble again, and what did he say to make you feel angry? Who does he think he is?" Lan Yingying said angrily.

Beside, Jiang Yue couldn't help nodding.

"Sister Juan, Yingying is right. You know the situation here better than us. People like us can't offend anyone here. Be careful. I'm afraid I don't know how to die in the end."

Li Juan was also upset when she heard the words of the two.

How could she not know.

However, what she is more worried about is how did Ye Chen go and how did she get back? Are there any injuries?

Seeing that Li Juan was worried, the two couldn't help but console again.

"Sister Juan, don’t worry too much, maybe he is bragging. You also know that nowadays, little boys, especially our poor-born boys, will always feel inferior after coming here. In order to save themselves, He might brag about something. He said that, maybe it's also bragging. Don't worry too much. It really doesn't work, just wait a while, you just call and ask."

"I'll fight now!" Li Juan said.

She was really not sure about this matter, and she was worried.

However, as soon as I picked up the phone, the office phone rang. It was from the front desk.

"Sister Juan, that...Miss Jiang is here again! She wants to see you."

Hearing this, Li Juan's heart sank.

"Look! This kid is causing trouble again!" Lan Yingying couldn't help but said angrily.

"You let her come up! No, let me go down!" Li Juan said to the phone.

Afterwards, Li Juan went on, Lan Yingying and Jiang Yue also followed angrily.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw a woman with disheveled hair, her face covered with blood!

A look of panic!

From time to time, he looked around like nervously, as if there was something around, as if he was about to kill him at any time!

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but be stunned!

Is this still that coquettish bitch, or that old one?

Or the **** who hugs right and left?

The most important thing is that his face is completely swollen into a pig's head at this moment, and the look in his eyes is scared to the extreme!

"Miss Jiang! Are you looking for me?"

Jiang Meiling, who was standing there in a daze, was shocked after hearing Li Juan's words, and the look of fear on her face became more serious!

Afterwards, there was a look of regret and pain!

Cried and apologized to Li Juan!

"Manager Li, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was wrong before! I was wrong! Please sir, ignore the villain, and spare me! You must bypass me!"

Hearing Jiang Meiling's words, looking at her embarrassed look, and the expression of crying begging for mercy, everyone next to her was stunned!

Especially Lan Yingying and Jiang Yue, who were still worried just now, were even more daunted at this moment.

This shrew is usually arrogant and domineering, now what...

Did you take the wrong medicine?

"Miss Jiang, what are you doing?" Li Juan was also a little confused.

"Manager Li! Please! Forgive me, I was wrong! I really know that I was wrong! This is five million! It was my previous compensation! I am sorry! Please let me go! Let your brother let go Me! Let me go!" Jiang Meiling cried to Li Juan!

Hearing this, Li Juan was stunned!

Lan Yingying and the others were also in a daze!

Before, they heard that Ye Chen went to find Jiang Meiling to settle the account, thinking that it was just a boy who deliberately said a big thing in order to find a step for himself!

But I didn't expect that now, Jiang Meiling actually came to apologize!

Forgive her? What does it mean?

They knew that Jiang Meiling had a relationship with the Wang family! And the relationship is complicated, all black and white!

Even Gu Yan's boyfriend also confessed that this kind of person can't afford it!

Didn't expect a student to spare her now?

"Miss Jiang, how can I afford your apocalypse? Aren't you damaging me?"

When Jiang Meiling heard this, her face paled with fright!

This is not forgiving! Don't forgive!

Then don't you want to be killed by those two female ghosts?

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