Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 238: , Became

After half an hour of preparation, Ye Chen began to add medicinal materials to the big medicine jar in an orderly manner! Some are poured a little bit, some are all together!

During this process, Ye Chen's palm was still constantly feeling the temperature in the medicine jar.

In this process, there is no pause, no distraction, all attentive!

Li Juan, Lan Yingying, Jiangyue and others at the side were also afraid to take a mouthful, lest they did something wrong and let Ye Chen's efforts go to waste.

Three hours later, Ye Chen looked at the sun outside!

After shining under the oblique sunlight, the medicine jar was covered again.

After another two hours, those decoctions that were originally turbid have now all turned into transparent colloids, exuding the luster of gems, placed in agate jars, looking extremely cute and precious!


"Yeah!" Ye Chen nodded.

"Last time, the medicine you gave to Sister Juan didn't take so long." Jiang Yue couldn't help asking.

"The medicines given to Sister Juan last time were used both internally and externally. Therefore, the ointment is much less than these ingredients. But this time, if all the medicines are externally used, a lot of things will be added. The cooking time is much longer." Ye Chen explained.

"Oh." The three nodded seemingly.

"Can't you use a glass? Also use agate."

"The ointment must be filled with agate jade, otherwise it will deteriorate!" Ye Chen said.

"This thing is really particular!" Lan Yingying couldn't help but be speechless.

"Well, it's true. The time and place are right and the people are in harmony. It doesn't work if there are few things. Therefore, the conditions are a little harsh. This is one of the reasons why mass production is not possible.

However, with so many finished products this time, the effort was not wasted! "Ye Chen said.

"This cost is a bit big!"

"Yes. The raw materials alone cost nearly 100,000. These ointments should be enough for 200 copies! You can refer to it when setting the price. I just don't know the effect." Ye Chen was also a little confused.

He zoomed in on the same scale as in the book, not knowing if it would affect the effect.

"Then we will start experimenting with the effect immediately."

"Yes! Under normal circumstances, it should be effective in one day and healed in three days! As long as you don't tolerate pearl and chalcedony powder, you won't have any problems."

"Well, good. Let's find someone to try! If this is done, you will really help my sister a lot!" Li Juan said happily.

There are so many beauty salons in Pearl, every one is very careful, and every service is in place. It is too difficult to perform well in service and traditional products. The only breakthrough is to have its own core competitiveness. To be different!

And now, if they own this competitive product, they will definitely be able to gain an absolute position in many commercial competitions!

"What's the name of this product!" Li Juan asked again.

"Not yet, but in ancient times, this was for noble concubines! Why not call it Yufu noble concubine cream?"

"Yufu Royal Cream? Haha... it sounds like dessert!" Lan Yingying smiled.

"..." Ye Chen was speechless.

"What dessert, this is a sacred beauty product! In the future, if they want to hear the concubine balm, they will think of our jade skin concubine balm!" Li Juan said.

After Ye Chen prepared the ointment, the next thing about finding patients and propaganda was handed over to Li Juan.

In the laboratory, their subject has reached the end of the first phase, and the schedule is already very tight. He is in desperate need of luck and will not delay too much there.

"How? According to the molecular marking method, can those target fragments be finally determined?" Ye Chen said to Shi Qun.

"Yes, but still need to find, and there are many more, I am afraid I will find it for a long time!" Shi Qun said.

He couldn't help but rubbed his eyes. He was so tired that his eyes had become red and swollen, and even bloodshot!

"I reported to Lao Zhong yesterday. He said that he would be back soon. At that time, Professor Phils from the Canadian University of Technology will also come over. We can discuss and determine the next step." Shi Qun said.

Ye Chen nodded, then said to Shi Qun.

"You rest for a while! I'll look for it!"

Afterwards, sat next to the computer!

Because there are too many DNA data, and those labeled are limited, you can only find one by one data! After finding these things, we have to analyze and calculate them. Now it is the first step in the Long March!

It's not so much scientific research as it is hard work!

This is also genetic engineering. Why is it so vast? Even people all over the world are required to unite and collaborate to complete the drawing of the genetic map!

The morning was over, Ye Chen did not find too many targets either. One by one, the messy hemp is enlarged, it's like peeling a cocoon!

"Let's go! Eat!" Shi Qun said to Ye Chen.

"You can find so many, it's amazing! More than five times mine! I don't know how your eyes grow. If you keep searching at your speed, at most a week, we can enter the next experiment. Stage!" Shi Qun looked at Ye Chen and said happily.

He is now more and more aware of the importance of Ye Chen.

"One week? Too slow!" Ye Chen shook his head! He can't wait!

"A week is slow? If it were me, I'm afraid it will take a month!" Shi Qun said.

He felt that Ye Chen was more anxious than him.

"Brother, you go to the cafeteria first, I'll go out!" Ye Chen said.

Half an hour later, Ye Chen came to the Computer City!

This is the largest computer market in their university town centered on Mingda!

Desktops, notebooks, all-in-ones, there are everything, and there are many models to meet the needs of various professions.

Entering the Computer City, the lady boss at the first counter saw Ye Chen coming over, her eyes lit up. In the University City, there were not many people who were as handsome and temperamental as Ye Chen.

"Little handsome guy, do you want a computer? I have all kinds of them here, guaranteed to be brand new and authentic, at a fair price."

Ye Chen smiled and walked over.

"Do you want a desktop computer or a laptop? Do you want to play games, or do you want to process data? If you play games, do you want to play 3D large-scale games or ordinary games?" The computer seller is in his 30s. In the year of the boss, he looks very plump, looks a different kind of charm, and really knows computers better.

Many boys keep buying things in their stores just for her!

"Give me a computer with the best performance!" Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen then told her about his needs!

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