Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 246: , Pain points (for subscription)


There was another warm applause from below.

"This flattering, give full marks!" a student laughed below.

"I heard that Professor Phils is one of the few scientists in the American academic and scientific circles who advocated cooperation with China for a win-win situation. Listening to him now, he should be right." A teacher said to Zhong Ming.

"Huh! This guy is an old fox! It was like this when he was young, and it is even worse now than before! He said this in the country of Wa, said it in the country of Bangzi, and said it in the country of Yoga, believe him, you lose Now." Zhong Ming said unceremoniously.

"..." Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel ashamed.

But then I was sincerely surprised: the master is indeed the master! I am still Tooyoungtoosimple, I was almost fooled by the other party in a word!

Next, Professor Phils started to give a lecture to everyone!

The PPT is beautifully done, and many of the contents are specially made for Chinese students. It can be seen that it is with great care.

"Biomedicine is a very practical and a science that keeps pace with the times! The development of this discipline is directly related to the overall technological level!

Before the conception of the genetic map came out, many people predicted that it might take several years or even ten years to complete this work, and this requires multiple scientists to work together!

In fact, we did.

However, if you do these things now, the time will be much shorter.

Just like, before the U.S. made an atomic bomb, it took two years of calculation, but now it only takes a few minutes to use a supercomputer.

Even with an ordinary computer, it will not last long. This is the convenience brought by technology.

Regardless of our industry, we need to keep pace with the times!

However, different times have different problems. Perhaps, our current technology can solve the previous problems with half the effort, but it is still very difficult to solve the current problems.

Therefore, if we want to achieve good achievements in biology, we still need the efforts of elite students from other industries present here! Only your results can make our research faster and more convenient! "

Hearing this, the students below all smiled, especially the computer majors, they felt very proud!

"Nowadays, a lot of scientific research is inseparable from calculation. Whether it is building models or simulating experiments, extremely complex calculations are required, and the emergence of our current supercomputers can solve many problems for us.

However, as I said before, the supercomputer is not yet mature because it is a new technological product. Its abilities have yet to be developed. The simplest example is the development of programs. With this supercomputer, however, correspondingly The program can't keep up, and when the time comes, I can only sigh at the opportunity. I sighed more than once. "Firs said.

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but nod their heads!

This has reached the point and hit the pain points of many people.

"Our next plan is to analyze and calculate, rearrange the ordering of these DNAs! Then use computer simulation!

I hope to find these data through comparison, and generate correlation with the DNA data of patients in the genetic disease database, and then use statistics to calculate the correlation degree, so as to find the gene locus we want! "Shi Qun said to Ye Chen.

"This process is an extremely boring process, and it is also a very important process. Just as we already know a large mountain, what we have to do now is to find the key corresponding to the lock in our hand in this mountain. It depends on our luck. Professor Phils can find it because they have enough strength and good luck. Therefore, we won the Nobel Prize. I don't know if God will favor us.

However, the probability is too small, because the amount of work involved is unimaginable. "Shi Qun sighed.

"If there is a corresponding supercomputing program that can automatically calculate according to our function formula model, automatically identify, and then automatically pair, derive the final result, then our workload will be reduced by geometric orders." Shi Qun said.

"Since I know that software programs are not good, why not develop it? Even if we can't, the United States should have such talents, right?" Ye Chen asked.

"How easy is it! The studies we are doing now are all exploratory. To be honest, we only know if these experiments are valuable after doing them, and many things are not universally practical!"

Unlike office software, once it is successfully developed, many patents can be obtained.

Unlike the corresponding instrument software, this software is helpful for the sale of instruments.

This supercomputer is a national strategic machine, and every country rarely goes abroad. For example, our country is so big, there are only 25 now!

It's hard to work out a program, maybe we can use it all over the country!

The input cost is not directly proportional to the income. Besides, after the investment, it may not necessarily be developed. Therefore, no one develops in this direction. Shi Qun explained.

Ye Chen said nothing.

Only when you truly understand the frontier can you know that many industries in the country still have many shortcomings.

"However, don't worry, the country is already vigorously developing this area. After all, supercomputers belong to the Heavenly Sword, and they only have artifacts. If we won't use them in the end, it would be a joke."

On the stage, Professor Phils was still giving a lecture to everyone.

"Although Huaxia's biomedical technology started late, it has developed rapidly. Now there are many good and even great biomedical companies that have made important contributions to your country and even the world's biomedicine.

For example, the Shengtian Group Pharmaceutical Company of Mingzhu. There is also Huaxing Biopharmaceutical Company under Huaxing Group, etc. These are great companies!

I came here this time, hoping to reach cooperation with them, and to conduct better research in the future. "

"The peak of rock climbing research is a very interesting and a very happy thing. It should not be used as a task!"

"I believe that in the near future, China will have more masters."

"Of course, we are adding the Science and Technology Laboratory, and we welcome students from the Pearl University to actively apply for further studies." Professor Phils said.

"thank you all!"


There was a round of applause from below.

Professor Phils’ speech was very wonderful. Many of them were interspersed with short stories, more relaxed and humorous. Of course, the most important thing was the flattery who don’t need money and taxes. Everyone feels comfortable.

"Thank you very much for Professor Fels's wonderful speech, from life to scientific research, for showing you the daily life of a scientist, I believe it will be very inspiring for everyone! Now, give you a few minutes to ask your own questions." The host said to the audience.

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