Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 280: , Lao Tzu wants to abolish you, no evidence!

Seeing that the fat reporter's entire face was swollen into a pig's head, the other reporters were completely stunned at this time!

They felt chilly on their faces, lest Ye Chen would do the same to them for a while and wanted to leave, but the door was completely blocked by the face-covered security guards, where did they leave!

At this moment, I was really scared!

Met a stunned green! I really came across a stunned boy who didn't understand anything, so he played the cards according to the rules!

"Drop the camera." Ye Chen said coldly.



Ye Chen slapped him in the face again!


"Oh...understood! I understand!" The fat man cried, covering his face.

After that, he took the camera out of his neck and smashed it to pieces on the ground!

"Delete everything inside!" Ye Chen ordered to the fat man.

"But, the camera has..."


"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i shall borrow the camera! I borrow the camera! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i borrow the camera

Finally, I got the camera and erased everything in my memory card.


"Okay." The fat man said tremblingly.

"Anything else?"



"Woo! I'll delete the ones in the recycle bin right away. Delete them right away." The fat man covered his face as if looking at a demon.

"What about now? Are there any more?"


Snapped! Pop!

This time, the fat man was directly beaten with blood on his face!

"What about now? Did you remember?"

"I remember, oh oh oh... there is still in my cloud space, I will delete it, I will delete it." The fat reporter, has been beaten completely stupid!

Now, the last glimmer of fantasy is shattered!

I wanted to keep some, but now...

Two minutes later!

Fatty finally got it done.

"This time, have you deleted it all?"

"It's light, it's all light, it's really light this time, woo..."


Ye Chen slapped over again, the fat man was beaten like a spinning top, spinning in place!

"Woo...It's really light, why do you want to fight?"

"I am happy!"

"Woo..." The fat man collapsed and sat on the ground, his face swollen into a pig's head!

Several reporters next to him were watching, and no one dared to move.

Just now Ye Chen made a move, and it was really strong.

They are waiting for rescue, waiting for police officers to come to stop them, but unfortunately, until now, none of them has turned up.

They are scared!


Next, Ye Chen did the same!

Everyone was beaten into a pig's head!

There are always some people who want to keep something, thinking that Ye Chen can't see it, but they are wrong!

After Ye Chen's serial palms several times, these people were completely honest!

After coming out, several reporters have completely become pigs. Now, the thoughts of killing Ye Chen are all there.

"Have you deleted all of them?"

"No. I still have a part of it in my phone."

"I have to do so, let's exchange it."

"Go back and send it together, I don't believe that I can't kill him!" Several reporters fluttered there.

The fat reporter stood there stupidly, dare not speak!

"Fatty, do you want to be together?"

The fat man shook his head quickly!

"Not promising!" Several people said angrily.

Afterwards, everyone turned on their phones, ready to exchange each other, and went back to break the news.

But when they turned on the phone, they were completely stunned.

No photos!

Only one paragraph!

"You people are still not honest. Go back and write. If I see a little bit of dissatisfaction, I will turn your head into a ball that can be played!"

And at the back of that passage is everyone's home address, and at the end is a **** scalp ball! It looks numb!

With a snap, a timid person dropped the phone directly on it!

"How does he know we are hiding something here?"

"When did he leave us a message here?" everyone shouted!

"Damn it, **** it!" a person couldn't help but cried.

However, he just finished speaking!

Everyone felt a chill coming out of their backs, and a faint voice sounded behind these people!

"Who, who is calling me."

Later, Nie Xiaoqian and Wu Qin's souls suddenly appeared from these people with disheveled hair. This sudden scene frightened all these people.

"Ah! Ghost!"

These people began to scream for their lives!

Half an hour later, Ye Chen came out of the opposite building, and in his hand, he held two people.

It is the planners of the whole thing, Liang Qin and Zhou Tong!

They have been watching from above, even if they saw Ye Chen knocking out the rascals, they were not worried, because they bought the reporters, and as long as they went back to make up and write, they could still achieve their goals in the end!

When I saw Ye Chen hit the reporter, I was even more ecstatic!

They thought that Ye Chen was dead!

However, when I saw the reporters leaving like running for their lives, I finally realized that things seemed to be out of my control.

Unfortunately, at that time, it was too late for the two to leave!

The blood on the faces of the two of them at the moment, and their teeth fell out of nowhere!

Ye Chen carried them like two dead dogs!

"Let's talk about it, who made you come here and what happened to these people?" Ye Chen asked the two people.

"What do you mean? I don't know what you are talking about." Zhou Tong pretended to be stupid on purpose!

"Besides, you are breaking the law. I will sue you and let you suffer..."

But before he finished speaking, Ye Chen slammed his face with a fist again!

Hit and knock out three teeth!

"I've been playing here since the beginning, do you think that if you are far away, you don't know where you are?"

"Do you have any evidence? I'm just watching the scenery here!" Even if Zhou Tong was beaten up, he still bit his mouth to death and said stiffly to Ye Chen.

"You old rascal, you want evidence for me? Hahaha..." Ye Chen smiled, as if he heard a joke!

Afterwards, it was a beating wildly!


The sound of broken bones came, and Ye Chen directly abolished one of his arms and legs!


Zhou Tong screamed there, with cold sweat on his face!

"I want to abolish you, why do you need evidence!" Ye Chen said coldly.

"Say, who is it?"

"I said! I said! It's the Third Young Master! The Third Young Master let us over!" Zhou Tong begged Ye Chen for mercy!

"What Sanshou? Tell me clearly!" Ye Chen shouted angrily.

"The Third Young Master is the third Young Master of the Liang family. He said, I want to teach you a little lesson and let you know... know whose site this is! Then Liang Qin came to me and all this was his plan. "Zhou Tong endured the pain and answered Ye Chen.

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