Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 288: , With whom?

This finger shocked Lou Yang even more!

"Master Zhong, Master Zhong, I have a bad heart, so we can't play like this! I can't stand your blackmail!" Lou Yang almost cried.

Now Zhong Ming is lying on the ground, pointing at himself with a look of pain, which makes it clear that he is going to touch porcelain!

"What's the matter?" asked Ou Yang, chairman of the Science and Technology Commission.

"I didn't do anything, it was Mr. Zhong who hit me. Everyone can testify." Lou Yang quickly defended himself.

"Nothing, then why did Teacher Zhong beat you? Don't you beat others?" said Ou Yang, chairman of the Science and Technology Commission.

"..." Lou Yang couldn't argue.

The chairman was about to say something more, but at this time, the doctor from the Insurance Regulatory Bureau next to Ou Yang whispered to Ou Yang, "The old man is in good health, there is nothing wrong."

Hearing this, Ouyang's face was strange, his expression dumbfounded!

"Hey! This old thing, it is estimated that the old man is starting to corrupt people again!" Next to him, Cai Yuedong couldn't help but smile.

"This old guy is really embarrassing to us in the biological world. It's a shame not to go to the street to touch porcelain with this ability!"

after an hour!

After Lou Yang apologized to Zhong Ming in every possible way and promised in every possible way that he would not go to Ye Chen's idea, Mr. Zhong, the dean of the biological world, miraculously recovered.

"Huh! Demo! If you dare to hit my apprentice's attention, you are ready to sell the house to collect medical expenses." Zhong Ming said fiercely.

Several other academicians could not help cursing when they saw Zhong Ming like this!

"You old thing, shame our Academy of Sciences!"

"I'm ashamed? I'm ashamed. Can I post a natural cover article? Can I overcome the genetics of high blood pressure?" Zhong Ming said proudly.

Hearing this, everyone should drink tea, cough and cough, and ignore him.

"Isn't it just a natural cover article? What is bullshit?"

"Not just a natural cover article, I also have a group of good students." Zhong Ming said.

"Old shameless." Everyone evaded, no longer paying attention to him.

Seeing that everyone ignored him, Zhong Ming went to his old buddies Cai Yuedong and Mu Jingshan again.

"It's okay to talk, don't scream!" The two warned to Zhong Ming.

Zhong Ming was taken aback, then he said helplessly.

"No way, too good, I can't help but think about it."



Since Shi Qun’s problem was solved, the laboratory’s work has come to an end. If it were before, Huang Yujie and Ying Zhihao might have asked Ye Chen to do something to clean the laboratory, but now, they dare not do anything. Up!

Such an ability to clean the laboratory is known to outsiders, and they must be hacked. They heard that the system optimized by Ye Chen was a great success, and the people in the supercomputer group were rushing to ask him!

Besides, they know the relationship with Ye Chen, and good steel is used on the blade. They plan to have problems that cannot be solved in the future. Please Ye Chen for help. As for the cleaning of the laboratory, let's leave it to the other junior brothers.

Zhong Ming called Ye Chen into the office.

"I am going to the imperial capital this time. Many people are interested in you! Especially Lou Yang, who is in the supercomputing center, went straight to me to dig the wall." Zhong Ming said with a smile.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly when he heard Zhong Ming's words.

"Teacher, it's not my fault."

"Ye Chen, I can also see that you are a genius, a rare genius, if you just enclose you in the entire biological field, it will be bad for you, and it will not be good for the academic world. So, if you have the ability to do other things The teacher does not object to things."

"However, wherever you go, your roots are in our School of Life Sciences. You can't lose your old career, you know?" Zhong Ming said to Ye Chen.

Although he clearly rejected Lou Yang, how can he really keep Ye Chen in his own laboratory forever? He can't keep him in his own laboratory, let alone push him to a more closed supercomputer group. Go, leave everything to Ye Chen himself.

"Well, I understand!" Ye Chen nodded with a smile.

"Teacher, I have a small request. Please consider it when you are free here." Ye Chen said embarrassedly.

"Well, what's the request?" Zhong Ming said with a smile at Ye Chen.

"That's it. With this result of ours, there must be many pharmaceutical companies that want to cooperate with you. There are several companies in China alone. Do you have a suitable choice in your heart?" Ye Chen said to Zhong Ming.

"Well, there are indeed many companies that want to cooperate with us recently, but, as you know, the teacher is not very good at this aspect and can't be sure for a while. So, it is still under consideration.

You know, our future scientific research will burn money and require a large amount of funding. Moreover, if it is for pharmaceuticals, we also need a good team and advanced equipment.

Of course, for teachers, the most important thing is that the pharmaceutical company has a strong sense of social responsibility. I am not opposed to them making money. However, if there is a degree, if you blindly only know how to make money without any social responsibility. , I’m afraid it will greatly reduce the country’s income. "Zhong Ming said.

Hearing these words, Ye Chen nodded again.

"Then your choice is..."

"There are more choices in the U.S. and the EU, but it is impossible for me to cooperate with them. There are many pharmaceutical companies in China, but there are only a few that meet the conditions. From the perspective of R&D, Shengtian Group may be better. However, Shengtian Group's wind evaluation is not particularly good, social responsibility is not as good as Huaxing Group.

The teacher has hesitated and considered recently. I haven't made up my mind until now. "Zhong Ming said.

"Teacher, I think Huaxing Group might be better." Ye Chen said directly without going around the circle.

"You just said that Shengtian Group is inferior to Huaxing Group in terms of social responsibility. As for the R&D team and R&D equipment, these can be supplemented later. However, if there is a lack of social responsibility, in the end, even if it is Finally, the drug was developed, but it is just a rope for drug companies to kidnap the country and society." Ye Chen said.

"Is your kid here as a lobbyist for Huaxing Group?" Zhong Ming said, looking at Ye Chen.

"I can't escape the sight of you, teacher."

"Ghost!" Zhong Ming pointed at him and said.

However, then he asked with some doubts: "Do you know them? Just trust them?"

"I have been in contact with Mr. Jiang several times. From a psychological point of view, Jiang is always a person who can take care of him." Ye Chen said.

"Psychologically?" Zhong Ming smiled.

However, there is not much to say.

"I know, let me think about it again."

Ye Chen nodded.

He knew that it was unrealistic to completely decide the teacher's partner with his own words!

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