Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 430: , "Zhu Xianjian"

The Zhuxian Sword is not a treasure, but it is a weapon of the country! It is a technological product! Known as the immortal!

The first generation of Zhuxian Sword was developed by the military research and development institute under the Huaxing Group of the Jiang family! Specially aimed at the practitioners of the law disorder at home and abroad!

Although the effect was very poor, there was someone guarding China at that time, claiming to be able to suppress the immortals in the world! Naturally, it also provides an opportunity for the development of the second generation of Zhu Xianjian!

After many developments, the Zhuxian Sword is more powerful, more accurate, and more directional!

The fact that the practitioners entered the imperial city by disorderly law has since become history!

Now it's the sixth generation!

The previous Zhuxian Sword tended to be defensive, but now, after completing the defense system, start to increase attack performance!

This generation of Zhu Xianjian has both offensive and defensive capabilities, but it is not the product of their Huaxing Group, but the Shengtian Group from the Liang family!

This makes them feel very uncomfortable!

"Know the shortcomings, we must catch up! Strive for the next generation of research and development, to be able to walk in front of them!" said Mr. Rong.

"You must do your part in making contributions to the country!"

"Yeah." Jiang Yuqing nodded.

"I heard that there are some outstanding fighters?" Mr. Rong asked.

"Well, I heard that it is a soldier who has undergone genetic development and took some genetic preparations!" Jiang Yulin replied again.

"How strong is it?"

"It is stronger than the traditional cultivator, and its ability increases faster. However, each soldier's ability has been fixed and has no growth potential!" Jiang Yulin said again.

"If I remember correctly, these are the projects that they submitted to the state for approval ten years ago?"

Jiang Yulin's expression stagnated, and then he said nothing.

"Ten years, for a cultivator, it may not have made an inch of success, but for technology, it is enough to regenerate several generations! It changes with each passing day! This is not empty talk!"

"At that time, they had already proposed a plan to create gods! In the past few years, it has faded. Don't you think it is a bit strange?" said Mr. Rong.

Hearing the words of the God Creation Project, both of them were startled, and they seemed to be mentioned something!

"It's imaginary, and imaginary is real! In the past two years, the Liang family has been a little too low-key, you should pay attention. This time, Zhu Xianjian scared off an old monster that has been in a vertical and horizontal direction for hundreds of years. It is really shocking. Ah! It seems that after this, the days of cultivators dominating the world are over! Technology is really a magical thing!" said Mr. Rong.

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yulin both nodded!

The look has also become a lot more solemn!

The God Creation Project, this is a topic mentioned many years ago!

At that time, science and technology developed rapidly, and after vigorous rectification, the repairers also entered a stage of healthy development. In terms of Qibing, whether it was based on repairers or technology, two different views emerged at that time!

At that time, just as the person's reputation was growing, the entire profound door was lowered, and foreign forces also did not dare to look after him!

Many people naturally think that cultivators are the right way! Moreover, the development of biochemical and mutant humans in the West at that time encountered unprecedented challenges. Not only were they condemned by public opinion in terms of ethics, they also encountered difficult difficulties in the implementation process!

It seems that choosing the road of martial artist has become the only correct way out, but the Liang family at that time actually went the other way!

"The cultivator is the power of one person, and technology is the power of everyone! What's more, the cultivator has limits, and technology has no boundaries!" The Liang family majored in technology!

Soon after, a god-making plan was submitted to the Red Wall!

The content of the plan is naturally unknown, but one thing is certain: to create hidden power for the country!

The God-making plan was ridiculed by many people at that time, and even, once rumored, was rejected by the Red Wall!

Naturally, it was forgotten by many people!

They didn't think that Old Madam Rong actually remembered!

Ye Chen and Lulu were taken back to Mingzhu by the old man Mai!

"Boy, did you choose that mountain deliberately?"

"It must be specially selected. Didn't I tell you before? There is plenty of aura and dragon energy is a good place to draw dragons into the ground!" Ye Chen said.

The old man Mai looked at him and sneered at the corner of his mouth!

"As cunning as your Lao Tzu!"

Ye Chen's face blushed, even if he was seen through, he would not admit it to death!

Changed the subject and said: "Did you know?"

The old man Mai did not answer his words.

Faintly said: "In this world, there are not many people I want to see right away, he counts as one!"

Ye Chen felt a little happy when he heard it!

This is a powerful boost. If you have such a talisman before you grow up, who would dare to trouble yourself!

Since there is something to do with the father who has never met before, maybe it can be close!

The old man Mai seemed to see what he was thinking clearly!

With a sneer, he continued: "I hope to fulfill him before I leave! End his life by myself!"

"..." Ye Chen honestly shut up!

Looking at the unpredictable look of the old man Mai, he couldn't tell whether it was a threat or a joke!

In front of his son, he said he would end his life by himself?


"Before you leave, don't forget what you promised me!" Ye Chen reminded again.

What he was talking about was naturally the most important weapon of the country, the Jade Seal of the country!

The corner that has been swallowed by myself is part of the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom!

Since the first emperor, he has been regarded as the artifact of the country for the rulers of the past dynasties. In the Western Han Dynasty, he was thrown off a corner! The piece on my body should be the corner that fell away!

Now, this rumored jade seal is nowhere to be found! The remaining corner has been swallowed by myself! It is certainly not easy to find!

However, this old Mai Yi is powerful and unpredictable, he should be a little bit ugly when he is looking for it!

After that corner of residual jade was swallowed, although Yu's strength did not increase too much, his luck seemed to be much better!

Moreover, the Qi of Nine Dragons in the sky floats in the imperial capital, it is a great power!

If you can get the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, digest the Qi of Nine Dragons, it will be a great help to yourself!

The old man Mai looked at him indifferently and snorted coldly!

"The country's important weapon is very involved, and the cause and effect are extremely heavy! Are you sure you have the ability to surrender?"


Ye Chen was speechless!

This is not something he is worried about!

Since ancient times, there have been countless people who have passed on the jade seal of the country, but there are only a handful of people who can really rely on this jade seal of the country to be passed on to all generations! More people died because of this treasure!

Although he does not intend to become emperor as an emperor! However, it is a real thing to covet the spirit of Nine Dragons!

"Whether it can be held is my business, you don't need to worry about it! You just need to find it for me!" Ye Chen couldn't take care of so much, and said to the old man Mai in a debt-collecting manner.

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