Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 261: , Outstanding performance

The attitude of the people at the scene towards Ye Chen has undergone a 180 degree change!

At the beginning, it was mocking and despising!

Now it has become a cluster!

So many countries, so many companies, so many scientific research institutions, not all places have the R&D capabilities of the United States and Japan. They have no ability to study supercomputing, let alone update supercomputing, and can only rely on cooperation. !

However, this super count is a strategic resource, and the United States uses these things to sanction and threaten, it is not once or twice! Make them very insecure!

Now that they see a better opportunity, they will not let it go!

Ye Chen was surrounded in the middle, and those super-calculated maintenance personnel also had shock on their faces!

They didn't expect this system to be so powerful!

"Hahaha... I said this kid will not disappoint!" Zhong Ming stood there and said.

"Up to this point, his task is considered complete!" Zhong Ming said with a smile.


System utilization and stability are directly related to the system!

As for the bottom, system protection capabilities and program compilation capabilities, that is the matter of the compilation team and the network security center!

However, it seems that these things have also fallen on Ye Chen's body!

one hour later!

The conference begins again!

However, it was just about to be held, but suddenly I received a notice of adjournment!

"Just now most entrepreneurs expressed that they hope to carry out the following matters after the final exchange. Therefore, the conference will be postponed until tomorrow!" The chairman of the conference announced to everyone!

This result surprised everyone!

Most viewers pleaded? When did I beg! It is estimated to be represented!

"It seems that the US wants to do something again! This is looking for time for my own affairs!" Zhong Ming said bluntly.

"No matter what, so many countries are here, and they don't have the ability and courage to do too much!" Su Qing said angrily.

There are so many people here this time!

Moreover, many of them are very important people in various fields. If you want to make ghosts under the eyes of these people, I am afraid you have to consider the influence!

After the adjournment, Ye Chen walked to Super Computing!

I want to clear the supercalculation again, and all the systems inside will also be cleared!

This speed is very slow, it takes almost two hours, but even so, Ye Chen is unwilling to save it!

"Mr. Ye, you are too careful! Once this place is closed, it will all enter the security area. No one wants to enter. It is absolutely safe! Do not believe it, whether it is the United States or the Japanese, England, Germany, their systems They are all here too!" The staff member said to Ye Chen.

"Oh, is it?" Ye Chen smiled!

"That's fine! I'll clean up the data inside!" Ye Chen said.

"Well, good!" The staff member smiled and left!

An hour later, Ye Chen finished the maintenance and chose to leave!

At this moment, beside him, there are already several people waiting!

"If you want to cooperate, you can go to my assistant. He is responsible for specific matters!" Ye Chen said.

"Teacher! My performance today is not bad?" Ye Chen said to Zhong Ming.

"Okay! That's great! It really gives us Huaxia a long face! You haven't seen those Americans and Japanese people after being defeated by you!

The face is ugly to death!

"They thought that you were here to make up the number. They didn't expect that you were here to hit the market. It is estimated that they have completely broken their abacus and plan. Now, when the meeting is adjourned, it is necessary to discuss carefully and deal with your strategy!" Zhong Ming said.

"Whatever they do, as long as they don't have the ability to be better than our system, I don't believe they have any means!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"These people are very cunning, you still have to be careful, don't take it lightly! Otherwise, it is easy to follow their way!" Zhong Ming said.

"Yeah! Got it. Teacher!" Ye Chen nodded with a smile!

"You go back, be careful on the way! Let's just stay in the hotel in this science and technology park!" said Zhong Ming and the three.

They are regarded as the judges here, and the salary is not low!

Ye Chen and others walked towards the consulate!

On the road, I ran into important people from several countries. After seeing Ye Chen, they all couldn't help but walk up to shake hands! Some people even said that if Ye Chen agreed, they could sign those cooperation intentions now, but these were directly rejected by Ye Chen!

"Teacher Ye! You have finally come out, we have been waiting for you for a long time!" A tall girl said to Ye Chen with a smile.

"Teacher Ye, your performance today is really outstanding! I heard that with this system, you have done it in less than three months, and it has even been proven to surpass the United States and Japan. England and other countries are really, so amazing!"

"That is, we admire you so much! When are you free here, we want to ask you to give us a speech! Whatever you want!" The girl smiled at Ye Chen.

I have to say that the man is very beautiful and has a pure smile, but he has a plump and attractive body!

It seems that she also knows where her advantage lies and wears a white compassionate shirt! Below is a pair of denim shorts, with long snow-white legs exposed outside, and the shaky person can't open his eyes!

While she was standing here for a while, Ye Chen had clearly felt that the eyes here were increasing!

"Teacher Ye, although we are not studying software engineering, we really admire you people! You know, we don't even know how to install machines!" Another beautiful and lovely girl also looked at Ye Chen. Said admiringly.

At a young age, it is naturally unrealistic to see these beauties not moving, but compared to the beautiful women, boiling in the sky over the United States, this is like the sky of luck, and it is more attractive to Ye Chen!

"Sorry, I have no time here!" Ye Chen refused with a smile!

"Teacher Ye, Teacher Ye..."

Those students shouted at Ye Chen!

However, there was not much opportunity at all. Yang Lin, who was waiting there, couldn't stand it for a long time. With a wave of her hand, the security personnel behind her also came up and blasted these people away!

Ye Chen returned to the consulate again!

"Teacher Ye, do you think you still need anything from us? If you need it, just mention it!" Yang Lin said to Ye Chen.

I originally admired Ye Chen, after the supercomputing meeting in the morning, now I admire it even more!

One person was stunned to completely overthrow the teams of their four major countries!

This was an unimaginable heroic deed before!

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