Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 506: , How about playing a game

Odin's voice is arrogant and full of confidence!

He is a hunter!

All foreign cultivators are prey in his eyes!

Now, Ye Chen's strength is just a stronger and more interesting prey for him!

"There are so many believers in the desert country here, leaving such a big battlefield, if you die here, let's talk about the people from the desert country doing it? Someone should believe it!" Odin looked at Ye Chen said with a sneer.

"All this is your idea?" Ye Chen asked when he looked at the person.

"How? Is it a surprise?" Odin said.

These so-called saints have been in trouble in the United States for a long time, and they think they are secretive, but they don't know, their whereabouts are already under our control!

This time, I just wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone!

Unfortunately, they are so stupid that the mud can't support the wall!

However, this is also good! We shot! At that time, it will cause you to lose the imaginary!

In the end, there will be a bunch of guys. When that happens, many people should believe it!

What if you don't believe it? Humph! "Odin said proudly.

At this moment, he was standing in front of Ye Chen, looking at Ye Chen's eyes, as if checking another prey shot by his own long arrow!

Qiu Hu and the others were already on guard, looking at that person, like a big enemy!

"Oh?" Ye Chen became interested, and then looked at that Odin with a cold smile!

"You mean, I killed you, and then I can blame them!"

"Hahaha..." Odin laughed loudly there!

And everyone behind Odin laughed wildly!

"The beasts in the forest always like to show their teeth and claws at the hunters, thinking that they can avoid the fate of being hunted, but they don't understand that no matter how powerful they pretend to be, they can never hide from the hunter's shotgun!" A white-haired man said coldly.

His eyes are fierce, and all of his eyes are white, which looks a little scary!

"Why don't we play a game? You guys, if one of you can escape from our hands, I Odin will never ask you any more and let you leave, how about?" Odin is like a tease in the forest. Panicked like a deer!

Unfortunately, he didn't know that what he faced was not a deer, but a dragon! A dragon that can swallow everything!

Qiu Hu and the others looked at Odin and the others, their expressions were a little disturbed!

The Temples of the United States!

The scariest thing in the temples is the hunter!

The cultivators in China don’t know how many have been brutally attacked by these hunters!

Every hunter is a powerful mutant, and the strength is all above level ten!

If you use Huaxia's ability level to calculate, that is the cultivator of the broken mountain realm! Such cultivators are not one or two, but a group, and they are still in the United States, a place with a lot of mutation elements!

Encountering the hunter group is a huge disaster for any other repairers! I don’t know how many Chinese cultivators have become their prey, and in the end they bury their bones in a foreign land!

Now that they appear again, Qiu Hu and others feel a little nervous!

However, after seeing Ye Chen's calm look, everyone seemed to have a strong support in their hearts!

"How about? Dare to play? Otherwise, it would be too boring to kill you directly!" The white-haired man sneered at Ye Chen and the others again.

That arrogant tone with contempt makes people irritable!

Zhen Chun and Zhen Mei also clenched their fists at this moment!

In the United States, no one knows the terrible hunters better than them!

They are the terminator of foreign cultivators. Once discovered by them, there is only one dead end, and the death is terrible!

But now, they can't help being angry!

"Don't you dare? There is only one chance! Rather than waiting to die, it is better to fight! Maybe, there is really some hope." The white-haired man said again to this kind of person.

The tone is full of temptation, and it seems to be waiting for the fish to take the bait with great interest!

Ye Chen laughed!

"Want to play games? Okay! Who of you will come first?"

Seeing Ye Chen's behavior, Odin and the people behind him flashed an unpleasant look on their faces!

His calm expression made them dislike it!

"Boy, your provocation is stupid! It will completely ruin your last chance to live!" The white-haired man said to Ye Chen with a sneer on his face.

"Really? Let's start with you!" Ye Chen sneered, and then rushed towards the person like a wild dragon!

"Haha... Voss! The prey took the initiative to deliver it! Be careful not to be bitten by your hands!" The person next to him saw Ye Chen rushing towards Voss, and couldn't help but smile.

"Haha... there are always some stupid guys who like to hit the muzzle. I originally wanted to play some cat and mouse games, but now it seems that it is not easy!" The white-haired man smiled relaxedly. He glanced contemptuously in Ye Chen's direction and said.

However, this contemptuous expression has not had time to put it away!

The Huaxia kid who was still far enough away from him just now came to the white-haired man in a blink of an eye!

This ghostly speed surprised everyone!

Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, Ye Chen was like a shooting star. At the moment when everyone hadn't reacted, he shot like lightning, taking only the person's left arm!


A clear voice sounded!

Then, the white-haired man's left arm snapped in the blink of an eye, revealing the white Sensen bones inside!

This scene completely frightened everyone behind Odin!

Everyone tore off an arm under their noses!

The man in white screamed with ferocious anger in his expression!

"Beast, dare to bite me? I will crush you and feed the dog!"

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, he saw Ye Chen's face with a sneer again, and his body moved and shocked again!

"Attention, it's your right arm this time!" Ye Chen reminded with a smile, showing his white teeth, like a demon!

"You..." The white man pointed at Ye Chen furiously, and the others were also on guard!

But then, there was another scream!

The man's right arm was torn off!

And the person next to him can only be there, watching, unable to stop at all!

"This time, it's your left leg!" Ye Chen smiled again.

Three seconds later, a scream sounded, and the person's right leg was torn off alive and dropped to the ground, shocking!

Others were also completely shocked by this scene!

I have been beating beasts, but this time I was bitten by beasts! Not allowed! Absolutely not allowed!

"Don't play, hurry up and don't let him run wild again!" Odin commanded the people around him with an ugly expression!

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