Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 512: Lost

"They are all old tricks, can they be a little new?" Ye Chen sneered!

After that, the figure is not reduced at all!

Like a flexible fish, it travels freely among the water waves, earth dragons, and wind blades!

Seeing this scene, the three of them looked ugly, and then they increased their strength!

However, what greeted them was a body that was still as flexible as a fish!


The sound of three slaps resounded loudly, which seemed unusually abrupt here!

And the three people on the opposite side are covering their faces at this moment, looking at Ye Chen, their eyes are full of incredible!

"You... how do you..."


Ye Chen's figure appeared again, and they didn't even know how Ye Chen acted. When they saw it, they had already appeared in front of them abruptly. What they gave was that loud and painful slap!

Everyone slapped two slaps left and right, slapped the three of them!

However, he reacted afterwards, his face was full of anger!

"You want to die! We want you to die!"

However, as soon as Poseidon finished speaking, he immediately saw another figure suddenly appear, appearing in front of him like a god!

An arm appeared, like a diamond chain made of stainless steel, clasping his neck alive, making it difficult for him to breathe, or even unable to breathe!


Slap after another!

This time, Poseidon was directly picked up and beaten continuously.

The two people next to him were also completely stunned!

They did not expect such a result anyway!

"Teacher! Call the teacher!" Thor's sledgehammer swung again, wanting the dragon to come and help stop Ye Chen!


The deep roar sounded! The blood basin opened wide, and then saw the jagged teeth inside!

The smelly smell came, making people retching!

Ye Chen was too lazy to say, he punched out, hit the dragon's head hard, and burst directly on the spot!

"Kelly!" Thor yelled, his voice full of pain. This is his partner and the soldier he relies on most!

But now... it was blown up all at once!

However, before he could pity his battle pet, Ye Chen's terrifying figure came again, and he directly grabbed Thor in his hand!


There was a loud slap in the face, and after a while, this guy became a pig head directly!

"Teacher! Call the teacher!" Poseidon, who was beaten first and was also the most arrogant just now, was the most embarrassed at this moment. He stood there and kept in touch with Sykes!

"Is the report finished? When the report is finished, hurry up!" Ye Chen said with a sneer.

Then, the slap flew again, and the three people present became even more embarrassed at this moment!

One by one, his face was flushed and all swollen.

The look is even more embarrassing and angry!

As a disciple of the twelve gods in the temples, coupled with amazing strength, who dares to be disrespectful on weekdays, let alone slap them!

The tears of the three being beaten came out, and when they were about to stand unstable and their mentality collapsed, there was a cold snort in the sky!

Humph! "

The voice is full of dissatisfaction and anger!

It was Sykes who had promised to President Prang and others in the Underground White House that Ye Chen would be completely arrested within three days!

"I killed my beloved disciple before, and now I am not here to humiliate my other three apprentices! A thousand cuts are not enough to pay for your sins!" Sykes was furious!

Being in the sky, he was really like a god. As his voice fell, Ye Chen clearly felt that the surrounding environment seemed to have changed!

The flow of energy was not as smooth as before, and even when I fell into an area closed to energy, my body's abilities were greatly suppressed!

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