Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 535: Hell is coming

Jiang Yujue's figure flashed, appeared in front of Dracula, punched out and forced Germany to retreat!

"Huh! Looking for death!" Dracula sneered coldly.


The **** wings flickered, and once again killed Jiang Yujue!

Ye Chen sat on the life raft, staring at everything around him coldly!

And deep in consciousness, it seems that because of the arrival of danger, a different thing is brewing, and it seems to be breaking ground!

"Huh! How long do you think you can last? Next, it's your time to die! Surrender as soon as possible! There is still a way to survive!" Next, the remnants of the Fourth Base flashed their eyes after seeing Ye Chen and their situation. Mocking.


Ye Chen slapped it directly, making that person shut up completely!

The situation in the field has not deteriorated to the point of being out of control!

Before the last moment, he still didn't want to be like that. He always felt that something deep in his consciousness was a little uncontrollable.


A flash of lightning flew out! Heavy hit on the second uncle!

The whole body was scorched, and then, a piece of ice fell, like a crystal, completely freezing him there, like a huge crystal specimen!

"Second brother!" The youngest drank in one mouthful!

Afterwards, the long sword in his hand flew out with sword light, blocking all the other attacks against the second uncle! Then, he slapped it out! The ice burst directly!

"Teemian! I used to use my right arm to block, forgetting that this arm is gone!" The second uncle laughed at himself!

Another attack struck them, leaving them no time to repair.

After Dracula joined the battlefield and the brother-in-law withdrew alone, the three uncles were besieged by eight gods, and the situation was already very weak!

"Negative Yu stubbornly resist! It's just looking for death!" Morey said coldly to the second uncle and others!

Then, covered with lightning in his hands, he bombarded the second uncle again!

As the battle continued, the weakness became more and more obvious!

"Oriental people are always so stupid! If you are wise, why do you have to resist! Since you have to die! Then give you a ride!"

"Is the time yet? I really can't bear to kill this old thing, I want to abuse him for a while!" The beauty of Medusa seemed to flash across her face, looking at the second uncle and said.

And the **** beside him, at this moment, seems to be brewing even bigger tricks!

A few minutes later, a dark world came, in the world, dark clouds, lightning flashes, thunder, wind, frost, rain and snow!

"Hell!" The eyes of the three masters flashed solemnly! The long sword in his hand made a sound like a dragon chant!

"Is this what you dug up from that place?" The Four Great Masters also whispered, all on guard there!

"If the old thing of Francis is still there, with the world of dungeons, this **** is really perfect! But, now, it is enough to deal with you!" Morey's sleeves flew, facing the second uncle and others Said.

"Uuuuu..." In that dark world, it was as if there was really hell, as if thousands of demon gods were imprisoned! At this moment, the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling was made, and the sounds inside all flew towards the second uncle and the others as if they were asking for their lives, as if to completely cover the area where they were!

"These foreign hairies have actually begun to learn how to use the formation!" The second uncle still has that kind of disdain on his face!

"Kill!" The three big masters lit up the long sword in his hand and rushed out first. The fourth uncle's pipe lit up and he struck the dark world!

boom! A huge voice sounded, and then, I saw that the dark world was hit hard!


A terrifying voice came from the dark world, and then, as if there was a huge monster there, it swallowed all their attacks!

"This is hell, can you destroy it at will?" Morey said proudly to the second uncle and the others.

call out!

The long sword in the hands of the three great masters, Li Yibing, was full of qi aura at this moment, a huge sword aura that seemed to penetrate the sun and the moon!

He slashed heavily on the top of this hell, but it was useless at all, with black energy lingering, swallowing all the sword energy of this long sword, nothing was left!

"Waiting to be swallowed by **** is your best destination!" Morey said indifferently!

And not far away, the brother-in-law was completely entangled by Na Dracula at this moment. It is impossible to get away!

Seeing all this, Ye Chen finally closed his eyes.

"it's time."

After speaking, the body's breath has undergone tremendous changes at this moment. An old breath gradually covers the whole body. This old breath comes from the depths of the soul, as if it has opened the gate of reincarnation, and the vicissitudes of that time have been lost. Release it!

"Haha! I said earlier that you will definitely receive a huge price! This price will be honored soon!" Shi Tanyin said to Ye Chen sarcastically again, without feeling the changes in Ye Chen at all!

"Hell comes, tortured!" Morey's face was cold!

As his voice fell, **** completely covered them!

Oh oh oh!

The sound of ghost crying and wolf howling came again, and then, I saw the second uncle and others were actually entangled in **** by those things that looked like demon, and it seemed to have broken the connection with the outside world!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yujue's face was completely gloomy!

"Don't look at them, don't worry, your fate will only be worse than them!" Dracula said to his brother-in-law.

At the same time, the black sky-sword-like wings slashed over again, as if to cut the whole world apart!


Jiang Yujue's fist slammed again, but his speed slowed down a bit, and a blood stain appeared on his face, looking a little embarrassed!

"This time it's your face, next time it's your neck! Be careful!" Dracula said to her brother-in-law.

The situation in the field took a turn for the worse!

The second uncle and others are completely trapped in **** at this moment, unable to get out, and even the outside world can't be perceived! At this moment, the eight gods are all casting spells in this hell, and the second uncle and others can only passively defend!

Jiang Yujue was forced to a disadvantage!

"At this point, don't kneel down and put your hands together!" Shi Tanyin beside him roared at Ye Chen, his voice was full of condescending aura!

At the same time!

The cultivators in other bases are already close at this moment, and their strength is close to that of a god.

After those approached, looking at Ye Chen who was still sitting there, frowned, but then sneered.

"The yellow-skinned monkey is really stupid! I used to provoke me in the Palace of the Gods of War like a dog, but now that the situation is gone, do you want to stay here like a wooden chicken?"

"Provoke the Palace of the Gods of War! The sin is unforgivable!" The people of the Palace of Wars shouted at Ye Chen!

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