Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 579: Debt collection

"Junior?" Tang Dechen, the patriarch of the Tang family, couldn't help but sneer when he heard this!

"Have you ever seen a junior with this kind of energy? If you think it would be better to force us to apologize after he comes home, you can do that!" Tang Dechen said to his son.

Hearing what his father said, Tang Jiyao still didn't care.

I knew this kid before, and at first it was a conflict with their Tang family, which led to Wang Xuan being abolished. Later, in the heavens, the Tang family’s collateral children clashed with him, and they have also been taught. Now that they have already suffered, there is no need to apologize.

Although he doesn't know what his son Tang Junkai did behind his back, one thing is certain, that is, his son is playing around!

Even if something goes wrong, it's just a little trouble!

Don't be too nervous, let alone a solemn apology, if that's the case, people will look down on their Tang family!

Even though I thought so in my heart, he said: "I know, I will deal with it as soon as possible."

Hanging up the phone, I still can't wait to tease the beautiful woman in my arms again!

"What's the matter? You are such an adult, and you want your old man to take care of it?" The plump beautiful woman asked Tang Jiyao with a seductive smile on her lips.

"Hey, the old man is old and a little timid! It's just a hairy boy, so he scared him like that. I have to go and apologize to someone specifically, isn't this a fuss?" Tang Jiyao said impatiently .

"What kind of hairy boy does your old man pay so much attention?" The beautiful woman asked with a smile, peeling the head of the man lying on her body.

"I don't know where the wild species came from. Suddenly gaining momentum. Forget it, let's not talk about him, come, the beauty will let me taste this grape." As he said, he rushed forward again.

"Gluck!" There was another lustful laugh in the room!

When the two were making fun of him, Tang Jiyao was about to carry his gun to battle, suddenly!


There was a loud noise, and then the whole door was smashed by a kick!

A cold voice sounded!

"Patriarch Tang, it's so Yaxing! I asked you to collect debts and haven't found it for a long time. It turns out that you are happy here!"

No one else was speaking, it was Ye Chen!

And in his hand, he carried a half-dead old man!

The old man's breath is weak at this moment, and he has to breathe at any time.

"Uncle Du!" Tang Jiyao looked at his amulet as it is now, the barrel that had just been straight and bent instantly.

And the beautiful woman next to him screamed in fright by the sudden attack, curled up in the quilt!

"You...what are you doing?" Tang Jiyao glared at Ye Chen!

In this case, being interrupted by good things, naturally angry!

"Mr. Tang nobles, how forgetful things are! I have already said it just now, why don't you know what I want to do?" Ye Chen walked over slowly and said with a sneer at him.

Looking at Ye Chen, Tang Jiyao finally calmed down from the panic just now, and slowly picked up the pajamas next to him, ready to put it on his body, with a calm expression that didn't seem to put Ye Chen in his eyes at all.

Seeing him like this, Ye Chen smiled and slapped backhand directly.

Tang Jiyao, who had just sat upright, was directly knocked over a few somersaults, and then planted out. He was naked, like a big white pig!

"Call you Mr. Tang, you really treat yourself as a husband! Did I let you wear clothes?" Ye Chen shouted.

He found these people always like to be self-righteous, always thinking that he dare not do anything to them!

That Tang Jiyao's whole body was flew up and fell heavily on the table, grinning directly with pain, he was just an ordinary person, how could he withstand such a violent beating by Ye Chen!

"What on earth do you want to do?" Tang Jiyao was angry and shouted at Ye Chen!

"Look! You really didn't listen well! Come, I'll say it to you again!" Ye Chen walked over and reached out to lift him up!

Then Tang Jiyao kicked indiscriminately there!

"Listen! I'm here to collect the debt!" Ye Chen said to Tang Jiyao.

"Debt collection? What debt? I have never had any contact with you." Tang Jiyao said angrily.

Inexplicably, someone came to collect debts, unclear!

"Father to pay the debt, your son's Tang Junkai's debt, shouldn't it be counted on your head?" Ye Chen said with a sneer.

"Junkai? What happened to Junkai? I don't know what you are talking about." Tang Jiyao said to Ye Chen again.

"Pretending to be confused?" Ye Chen smiled.

Then, the contract he held in his hand fell on his face!

"Take a good look at this. During my absence, your son, together with Liang Hongze from the Liang family, established a company and raised funds in an attempt to squeeze out my Allure International!"

"Mr. Ye, we are in business and business, which belongs to the scope of commercial competition. If you retaliate because of these, I advise you to stop doing business." Tang Jiyao said.

"But what if he tries to use my parents to force us to submit?" Ye Chen said in a cold voice, every word.

These conspiracies were eventually discovered in advance and extinguished! Otherwise, the consequences are really disastrous!

"Forcing your parents? Impossible? It absolutely can't! It's a rule to bring disaster to your family! It is impossible for us to do such a thing." Tang Jiyao denies!

"Rules? Do you tell me the rules? Do you people have rules in your heart?" Ye Chen said angrily.

Then, a file bag appeared in front of him again!

In the file bag, there were some photos. When he saw one of them, Tang Jiyao's face suddenly turned pale!

One of the dead is a social person who had contact with his son!

"This...this is a misunderstanding! It must be a misunderstanding! Mr. Ye, listen to me..."

However, Ye Chen didn't give him a chance at all. He stretched out his arm directly and lifted him up. The body of the white flower was like a big fat pig!

"Do you know the bungee jumping of Liang Hongze Jinmao Building? You said, you want to learn Liang Hongze from the top of this Hongtu Hotel and do a naked jump. Will your Tang family's name become more loud because of this? Your Tang family business will Wouldn't it be more popular?" Ye Chen said coldly.

"I have something to say, Mr. Ye, I have something to say!" Tang Jiyao quickly begged Ye Chen for mercy!

If he was just thrown out naked, let alone others, he could be stripped of him even after his father returned!

"Is there something to say? Haha... What do you have to say, tell me?" Ye Chen said.

"Mr. Ye, let's not talk secretly. How to compensate you for what you want here, may as well ask a price. If the request is reasonable, we are willing to compensate."

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