Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 590: If I knew today, why bother

"Asshole!" Ye Chen couldn't help cursing in his heart.

He now feels more and more that this so-called Lord is not a good position.

When Ye Chen left with the old man again and flew to the sky, he looked down specially, really like the old man said, he could not see anything, it was completely a sea area.

Even at the location just now, there are sharks hunting, and there is no sign of an island.

The strength of this old man is really unfathomable. It is really not an easy task to set up a large array and seal such an island tightly.

I don't know how long it has passed, it is estimated that in less than two hours, Ye Chen once again returned to Mingzhu from the island of unknown place, and returned to the cold castle-style villa.

At this moment, the old man Mai has disappeared.

As soon as Ye Chen walked into the old castle, he was stunned, and he felt a familiar breath. When I entered the hall of the castle again, I was stunned!

It turned out to be another self? At this moment, he was standing there, like a wax figure.

"What's going on?" Ye Chen's heart was shaken.

"Don't return yet? If you leave the body for so long, if you don't return, you will be weaker for longer!" A voice came from the ear, which was the reminder of the old man Mai.

"Return? Physical body?" Ye Chen was puzzled, not understanding what this meant.

Could it be that it was the soul that was grabbed by the old man's arm before? Ye Chen was shocked!

"Old thing, are you the reincarnation of impermanence? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Take away his soul directly! He also took himself to wander the world around!

No wonder, the guards didn't stop him when he entered the red wall before. No wonder, the speed of traveling back and forth is so fast, it turns out that he is just a soul.

"Old thing, will it be dangerous to do this?" Ye Chen said angrily.

"Outside of the wandering things, the primordial spirit is out of the body, which is naturally dangerous. What's more, you were forcibly restrained by me." The old man Mai said to Ye Chen.

"If there is an accident in the middle, or if someone is attacked, you may never come back."

Hearing this, Ye Chen wanted to scold him angrily. I didn't dare to delay anymore, and I quickly returned to my original position. After returning, I felt much more at ease than before. That illusory and ethereal feeling is gone.

"From now on, without my permission, don't do this to me again." Ye Chen said to the old man Mai.

The old man Mai smiled, with some vicissitudes in his voice.

"In the future...maybe there is no future." Old Mai Yi said to Ye Chen.

Hearing this, Ye Chen's heart sank.

No future? What do you mean? Is it going to hang up? I said before that time is running out. Could it be that this time...

"I won't tell you more, remember, I will protect my granddaughter in the future. Hey... Keep some strength and do something for the country." The old man's voice was a little old.

"In this life, when a person is born, he has planted the seeds of his family and the world in his mind. In the future, no matter how detached, he will never get rid of it. Otherwise, he will suffer.

Ugh. The **** fairy is just some bigger fish growing in this pond. "There was a vague murmur from the old man in Mai.

Ye Chen was confused by hearing, but he couldn't grasp the key point.

Hearing the old man's muttering, he felt emotion.

In the world, who can be aloof.

The so-called transcendence is nothing more than self-deception. Thinking of the words of the old man in Mai, Ye Chen feels afflicted, such a strong and powerful character, after all, can't escape this way of heaven.

In the first half of his life, he pursued becoming immortal, but after becoming immortal, he tried every possible means to redeem the price paid for becoming immortal.

If I knew today, why bother?


Ye Chen felt a little drowsy in his head, and felt particularly tired. This should be a sequelae left after the soul came out.

"Although it is dangerous, the victory is super fast. I don't know if it will be safer when the strength becomes stronger in the future." Ye Chen thought, this method of soul out of the body still has advantages.

Walking out of the old castle, a gust of wind blows, bringing some coolness, spring has passed, and summer is here again. Walking out of the community, you can already see many beautiful figures wearing short skirts and stockings.

The sun is not so dazzling, let alone the heat. I feel the heavy moisture receding and feel more comfortable when I bathe in the sun.

"Little handsome guy, where are you going? I can take you for a ride." A coquettish woman said to Ye Chen.

Because she was sitting in the sports car, Ye Chen was condescending and could see two dazzling white balls!

Women wear heavy makeup and have very attractive eyes. They are of the mature type.

The look in Ye Chen's eyes was obviously teasing.

Ye Chen was already outstanding in appearance. Before, he still had some delicate and childish beauty. Now, after the killing in the United States, he has become more mature. With sword eyebrows, star eyes, and Fengshen handsome, just standing here, you can All eyes were attracted.

In fact, it's not just this woman, and the few little girls next to her have even secretly taken out the camera and took pictures of Ye Chen. It's just that this woman is bolder.

"No...no need." Ye Chen took his eyes off the woman with difficulty, he was afraid of falling in.

"Little handsome guy, why be so shy, take you for a ride, and won't eat you." The woman said with a charming smile.

"No, really no need." Ye Chen ran away quickly.

Regret leaving a woman's face.

In this world, such a man is harder to find than a three-legged toad.

Ye Chen took a long time before he took a breath.

"It's so flavorful!"

If the woman just now knew that he did not want to ride in the car, it was actually because of the body odor on her body. I don't know, would the woman come down and kill him!

"Such a beauty, with such a taste, really..." Ye Chen was speechless.

However, that figure really... Ye Chen subconsciously moved his crotch.

"Te mother, this crotch is tight again."

It’s really not a good thing sometimes.

Back home again, Ye Chen received a call from Zhao Yunlong.

The four people in the dormitory have a better relationship with Zhao Yunlong than the deep-hearted, all-for-the-people, and Mu Chengxin who cannot let go of the family.

"Lao San, are you back? When are you free, come to school and gather with your brothers." Zhao Yunlong said to Ye Chen on the phone.

"Moreover, our 200th Anniversary of Ming University is about to begin. The school is preparing for a large-scale celebration. Why don't you come and take a look?"

"200 years of school celebration?" Ye Chen paused, but then smiled on the phone and said: "Alma mater birthday, naturally I want to go back and see."

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