Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 797: Rune Sacrifice

Ye Chen’s loud voice sounded, like Hong Zhong Dalu, almost splitting the mind of the Flood Dragon that was lying there. When speaking, he used the Zhenlong Yin technique of raising dragons, although it was only a superficial cultivation level, but , It is more than enough to deal with the old Jiao in front of him!

The old Jiao hesitated again, looking at Ye Chen, his eyes were full of doubts, the young man in front of him, in essence, was too...otherwise, too unpredictable!

Under normal circumstances, at the same realm, they all have the advantage, even, the advantage is very obvious, because they are the dragon clan, according to legend, in the starry sky, for countless years, they are regarded as high-level races!

Even if they are descendants, the power of the dragon race in their bloodline is so thin that it is almost negligible, but it is enough to exert a huge suppression on other races!

However, when fighting against this human being in front of them, their bloodline power did not seem to be fully utilized, or even suppressed! Obviously it is a human being, but it has a dragon bloodline that is countless times more pure than it! This drove him crazy!

"Hualong? Is it really possible? Why should I trust you?" Jiaolong finally raised his doubts to Ye Chen!

Over the years, he has been looking for an opportunity to transform the dragon, and even, in order to transform the dragon, he did not hesitate to go deep into the danger of the seabed, but there is still no trace!

Limited by the power of blood, these dragon race hybrids, the more difficult it is to practice until the end.

This time, he couldn't transform the dragon, and he even ended up in the same fate as he is now. Just now, he has been completely appointed, but now, Ye Chen wants to ignite its hope again?

"I said yes, yes! You can choose not to believe it, you can choose to die!" Ye Chen said.

"I just think it is not easy for you to practice, so if you don't know how to cherish, you can treat it as if I didn't say it."

Jiaolong looked at Ye Chen again, always feeling that if he had agreed now, he would have sold himself completely, but, after thinking about it carefully, do he have other choices now?

Life and death are really only between the thoughts of this human being!

"I am willing to follow! Just, I hope you can help me transform the dragon within ten years, and, after twenty years, return my free body!" Jiaolong said to Ye Chen.

"Help you transform the dragon within ten years, then what do I want you to do?" Ye Chen sneered.

What do you mean when Jiaolong's eyes change? Is it because your own requirements are too high?

"You should understand that if I don't transform my form within ten years, I think it will be as difficult as reaching the sky, so please complete it." Jiaolong said to Ye Chen.

Looking at this dragon, who was just called the noble race, couldn't help but smile.

"Ten years are too long, if you can't transform the dragon in a short time, it's useless with me!" Ye Chen said lightly.

"Three days later, I will help you transform, listen to me for 20 years! Return you to be free in 20 years!" Ye Chen said.

"..." Jiaolong's ears trembled, and he even suspected that he had heard it wrong!

"Three days later...transformation? You...not to me again"

"I don't have time to make a joke to you!" After speaking, Ye Chen thought directly!

A large group of dragon Qi flew out, the dragon Qi was solid, emitting golden light, and in that dragon Qi, there was still a faint gray.

"These are the dragon qi that I derived using the dragon-raising technique. If you swallow them, it can help you purify your blood."

After that, throw it again!

"These are the Fourth Stage Pills, which will help you transform into shape, and there are also some broken Erdan, to help you break the evil in the shape, and protect your soul!"

"these are……"

Ye Chen gave out a bunch of things in total, there were pills, dragon energy, and even a special qi, which was derived from the dragon raising technique.

"These are enough for you to transform the dragon." Ye Chen said confidently.

Old Jiao looked at those babies, and was drooling!

Good things, all good things!

Anything like it is hard to get even for an exhausted lifetime.

But now... it's all in front of it.

dream! It's so dreamy!

"I... what if I fail to transform?" Old Jiao looked at Ye Chen and asked with some unconfidence.

"Then stew you! I don't need waste here!" Ye Chen said coldly.

After wasting so many good things of myself, I still can't transform it, it's not a waste!

The old Jiao was startled, his eyes wandering, the twists were there.

"My lord, don't worry, I will definitely be able to transform myself this time, and I won't let the adults down!" Old Jiao assured Ye Chen.

Hearing that Ye Chen was about to stew it, there was really an inexplicable fear in his heart. It was not easy to cultivate by himself. In the end, it became someone else's dish. This...there is no worse ending than this!

Ye Chen waved his hand!

"If you have your own lair, go to the lair to advance, if not, I will arrange it for you."

"Don't bother adults, there is a place in Bining Palace that suits me well, I go there to retreat, if adults don't dislike it, you can also choose to go together." Old Jiao invited Ye Chen.

"I hate it!"

"..." Old Jiao rubbed his paws in embarrassment, and his expression was awkward.

"Go, don't waste time here anymore." Ye Chen said.

"Yes!" Old Jiao bowed, and then left an arc in the air, turning it into a bolt of lightning to leave.

After sending away the old Jiao, Ye Chen continued to retreat!

One day later, Ye Chen's body was wrapped in dense runes, those runes were like tadpoles, covering the entire void, looking like an article, eloquent!

"Rune sacrifices to the sky, to prove the way!" Ye Chen felt calm in his heart. At this moment, his heart was very calm, as if it were a matter of course!

Afterwards, the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom appeared in his hands. The jade seal of the Chuan Kingdom exuded a misty purple light, which was indescribable. The eight jade dragons on it seemed to have fully recovered at this time.

At the same time, in the sky, a series of Qi Luck descended from the sky, like a divine initiation, rushing towards him!

And with the influx of these qi lucks, swallowing heavenly power, the movement of qi luck is transformed, and as these qi turns, those runes seem to be half activated and become active. At the same time, in Ye Chen’s Above the head, a ray of light appeared, and the light was holy, flowing down like water.

"Tianmen?" Ye Chen looked at this scene with something strange in his heart.

This is not the memory of previous lives, but the natural cognition of the gateway in front of you!

Rune sacrifices the avenue of Tianzheng, evolve into the fairy gate!

"Is this the ultimate in this world?" Ye Chen muttered to himself as he looked at Tianmen.

The rune circulates light, and at this moment, it seems to be endowed with divine glory!

Afterwards, Rune ascended to heaven, seeming to sacrifice to heaven!

Ye Chen's heart was empty, and his body didn't react greatly, just like an examinee who had handed in the examination paper and was waiting for the result of the examination.

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