Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 818: General

White snow, the mountain peaks!

The watchman looked at all this, feeling a little nervous. Although he is a recruit, he heard that their troops have been guarding here for almost 30 years, and the main purpose is to monitor the movements here.

Unfortunately, there is not much movement here!

That is, from last year to this year, there was no movement here, and there have been no waves before.

First, the powerhouse of the **** general realm left the barrier, and then Jin Gong, the immortal-level powerhouse who was smashed in the imperial capital, was killed, and then there are people who may come out today.

What kind of people come out? How many come out? What do they want? Friend or foe?

These are things they need to understand.

"These people have been in the realm of the gods, fighting those monsters for many years, and they are already full of blood, so don't provoke them, otherwise, there will be catastrophe." This is what the old squad leader confessed to himself.

However, thinking of these makes my heart more nervous.

While looking at the palm of his hand, he suddenly heard a loud noise, like an earthquake.


Large chunks of rocks rolled down from the mountain, seeming to completely submerge them here.

However, in the end, these stones still "avoided."

When it was about to be hit, it was like being pushed away with an invisible force.

"Hahaha...I finally came out!" A wild laugh came, and then everyone saw that there was a huge luminous body at the position of the Immortal Peak, and there was a Taoist charm around the luminous body. The text appeared, these runes were regularly scattered around, forming a circular portal!

And the frantic voice just came from this portal!


There was another loud noise, and then, I saw a figure flying out of the portal!

The figure was naked to the upper body, wrapped in a piece of animal skin on the lower body, carrying a black shiny black knife in his hand, not sure what material it was made of.

After the first figure appeared, he did not go far, but stood at the portal and looked around!

Almost in an instant, the person noticed the presence of the watchman, and looked towards the watchman. The sharp eyes and the evil smile hanging from the corner of his mouth shocked the watchman, feeling My life is losing.

However, after only a moment of effort, the man looked away, as if he was telling something inside the door.

Soon, the runes on the portal circulated again, the portal glowed again, and figures flew out again, this time with a lot more people than before.

Twenty at the front and back!

Watching hands looked at these people, keeping records in his hands, and he felt that his hands were about to tremble and could not write.

too much stress!

Not psychological pressure, but real coercion!

Looking at these people now, he felt that he was the most powerful group of people he had ever seen in his life. Just looking at them from a distance, he felt his eyes tingling, as if he had seen things that life shouldn’t see. To be condemned by God.

"Enough to see, just get out!" The last person who came out of the Kunlun portal seemed to be the head of these people.

Wearing a bright armor, scales, shimmering with brilliance, a heart-protecting mirror on his heart is like a small sun, piercing the eyes. Wearing a fiery red cloak behind him, it looks majestic!

"General?" Looking at the hand in shock!

Although his cultivation base is not high, but because of this special position, he has some understanding of these people and knows that there are generals among these guards!

He didn't expect that among this group of people, there was one!

However, what made the heart of the watch hand sank was that the general was very dissatisfied now and looked towards him.


The high-powered telescope of the watcher was completely shattered, and the watcher himself was lying on the ground rolling with his eyes in pain!

When others came to the rescue, he found that his eyes were full of blood!

"Huh! A group of mortals dare to spy on the immortals?" Behind the general, a person wearing animal skins glanced at the watcher, and said with a bad expression.

"General, if these people are not pleasing to your eyes, I will smash them to death now!" Another fellow carrying a sledgehammer said to the general.

"I waited to guard God's Domain for decades, killing countless enemies, and now finally come back, not only have not been welcomed, but there are still these people watching? Huh! I really should teach them a lesson, let them know how to behave!"

"That's right! If it weren't for me to wait for the guard, this place has already been attacked, where is this great river?" Another person said.

When other people heard this, they all agreed!

They are heroes, guardians, and deserve the courtesy they deserve, but now...Huaxia's approach makes them feel...unhappy!

The general in the cloak stood there, looking at the mountains and rivers outside, his face was calm, his eyes were even Wujing Wubo, and he was not moved by the inflammatory words of his men.

These words are half true and half false. It may be okay to deceive ordinary people who don't understand anything. However, if you want to count on these to go to the monitors for questioning, these are far from enough!

"Let's go!" The general wearing a red cloak, with a cloak behind him like a banner, was hunting, his figure flew toward the outside of Kunlun Mountain.


Those people just now, even though they all looked rebellious, but after the general gave the order, they took them seriously and bowed to the general.

"I heard that the secular world has changed a lot over the years. I don't know if the taste of women still retains the original flavor." Someone licked the corner of his mouth and said with an evil face.

There is a big scar on his neck, like a long, winding centipede lying on his neck, it looks a bit fierce!

"Viper! You don't want to be violent there, at least wait for Lao Tzu to enjoy it before you eat it again! Lao Tzu pays attention to charm, and you pay attention to flavor, not conflict!" Another thin, pointed-mouthed monkey with a hunchback has a lewd look. Said.

"I don't know, how is my grandson's life?" said a dimly-faced old man. Although it seems to be faltering and dying, everyone here knows that these are just performances. This guy is even more fierce than the dragon.

"There seems to be a lot more gambling tricks now, and it's time to learn more." The man was wearing a gray gown, playing with three dice in his hands.

The general at the forefront walked away from the sky, and ignored the opponent.

Guarding God's Domain for decades, now, finally came out, indulge in this world, no big deal!

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