Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 849: Too radical?

There are only five mid-stage **** generals in the God of War that have been promoted to high-level generals. For Ye Chen, it is simply too bad. If this is still the case under his leadership, then he doesn’t need to be a national teacher anymore. With so many threatening forces, it's just a matter of getting killed.

There are two ways for the current cultivator to be promoted. The first is to passively improve through technological progress. However, this situation only has an effect on the martial arts and below, and even in the U.S. War God plan, you can use the martial arts The strong are promoted to the level of gods.

However, Huaxia did not do a good job in this aspect. Before, it was confused. Last time, Ye Chen went to the United States. During his return, he captured some of the gods of war, all of which were born out of modern Western biotechnology. The author provides a reference sample for the God-making plan.

Under this circumstance, China's **** creation plan can be regarded as long-term development.

However, these martial arts ninth ranks, and even the powerhouses of the **** general level, can only be regarded as sub-high-end combat power, and these people are still unable to play a major role in the decisive battle. Those who really rely on are the mid-level powerhouses of the **** generals, which is why the God of War Palace is specially independent, because only in the mid-level of the **** generals can it be regarded as high-end combat power.

There are now 200 God of Wars in the entire God of War Palace. At first glance, it sounds like a lot. However, China is such a big city. Apart from internal management, external defense, and the garrison of some countries, these people are not enough and can be said to be stretched.

As for the high-ranking **** generals, and the powerhouses with the peak of the **** generals and the consummation of the gods, they are even less pitiful. Otherwise, there would not be only so few people in the battle for the Jade Seal of the East China Sea last time.

Hearing Ye Chen's evaluation, Rongxun was also a bit embarrassed, but he was also glad that he had reached the consummation of the gods from the peak of the gods, otherwise, if he kept walking in place, I am afraid that he would be criticized by Ye Chen for incompleteness.

"Sir, what are you going to do?" Rongxun asked Ye Chen.

Since he disliked his current strength, he must have already planned. Rongxun has learned in private that those who followed Ye Chen have good cultivation bases, especially Qiu Hu, Xuan Feng, Zhen Chun, and Zhen Mei. When they were in Longspur before, they were only nine martial arts based abroad. The strong.

However, it has only been a long time before he has broken through to the powerhouse in the middle of the questioning realm. I heard that someone is about to enter the broken mountain realm!

When they reach the broken mountain realm, they are the powerhouses of the **** general level. If they are not wrong, it should be less than a year from their transfer to Ye Chen. In a year, they skipped two realms directly. This is simply unprecedented, even in some ancient classics, it has never happened.

Now, Ye Chen said that those people were wasteful, and Rongxun could only nod his head to admit that compared to those from Qiu Hu, these people in the God of War were indeed a bit too wasteful.

"I don't have a specific plan yet, but I have a goal."

"Target?" Rongxun was stunned, and then quickly asked, "What kind of target?"

"It's March, and I hope that by March next year, among the defenders of the National Guardian Army, there will be 20 strong people! The strongest people at the top of the gods will reach 100, and the remaining gods must all be promoted to the middle stage. God will peak!

The rest of the left army and the right army of the National Guardian Army, the middle stage and the early stage of the Guardian Army, must be five times the original. At the same time, at least three powerhouses must be born at the peak of the Guardian Army! "

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Rongxun's expression held back a twitch. Such strength is several times the strength of the entire China, and it must be completed within a year. Is this a big leap forward? You know, even in the United States, it has modern biotechnology as its support and ancient alchemy, but it also does not have such a strong comprehensive strength.

This goal...somewhat unrealistic.

"Mr. Ye, do you think you should think about it again? After all, the improvement of strength is also a gradual process. Not everyone has Mr. Ye's talent." Rong Xun said.

Yes, in his mind, the reason why Ye Chen set such a high goal is that he regards himself as a benchmark, and wants everyone to follow him. However, the implementation situation is that not everyone can be like He practiced at the speed of a rocket like this.

"I have a sense of measure. Qiu Hu and Ou Yang are not talented people, but they can still improve so much in a short period of time. If others can't do it, they can withdraw from the National Defenders Army. There is no need to waste resources. ."

"..." Seeing Ye Chen's strength, Rongxun didn't know what to say for a while. It was really scary to reach such a goal within a year.

If you can really do this, I am afraid that you will have advanced. Not so far, so afraid of guarding the army.

Rong Xun quickly conveyed Ye Chen's words to Mr. Hu.

"Old Hu, I know that Mr. Ye wants to improve our strength, but there is a pattern in everything. It is always better to proceed step by step. Otherwise, in the end, I will only be afraid of doing bad things with good intentions. , We completely tore our skin with the guards, and even the ancient family was completely offended, and the external forces were completely offended again.

Even... even those places under the care of Mr. Baili have been abnormal recently. Under such circumstances, we really can't afford to toss. I think it is better to be safe. "

After listening, Mr. Hu smiled.

"I understand your feelings, but you also know that when we issued the letter of credential to him, we promised to leave it all to him and not to interfere. Therefore, as long as we don't do too much, we will not interfere. . Including you, if you have any opinions, you can raise them, but his opinions shall prevail.” Hu stressed again.

"I understand." Rongxun nodded, he knew that now it must be impossible to change.

"Then let's take a look at what specific plan Mr. Ye will propose. If there are really radical decisions that violate common sense, then I will discuss with Mr. Ye again."

"Yeah." Old Hu nodded.

After a moment of silence, Rongxun said again.

"Old Hu, look, is it necessary for Mr. Ye to set up a full-time secretary? Manage some daily affairs." Rong Xun said.

"Full-time secretary?" Old Hu thought.

Because the dragon spurs, the inspectorate and the heads of the God of War are strong and energetic, there is no secretary position. At most, a few deputies will be assigned to share it, but now Rongxun has mentioned it. It made Old Hu feel that he should change it. After all, Ye Chen has a lot of things, and he may not be able to manage it. At that time, there will be a full-time secretary to help organize and share part of it. The bigger effect is that it can also serve as a buffer.

"Okay, then set up a special post according to the treatment of the Red Wall Secretary. You are responsible for screening the manpower."

Rongxun was overjoyed when Mr. Hu agreed.

As for the manpower, isn't it ready?

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