Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 853: Nine products gatekeeper

He Qing is in the red wall, and has a relatively timely grasp of all aspects of information. In addition, she is Ye Chen's secretary. Although it is not long, many people have found her here.

Increase the pill and supply, so that you can practice faster and improve better.

"I gave them the pill, could it be my fault?" Ye Chen couldn't help but sneered when He Qing said.

When did you get used to this problem?

"Let's go, let me see what they are, if they are not honest, I don't mind sweeping them out." Ye Chen said with a cold face.

He Qing couldn't help being a little worried when she heard this.

She knows Ye Chen's temperament, if she really provokes him, then, let alone a pill, I'm afraid it's all about keeping her life.

"You are a new post. These people are a bit grudge against you at first, so let's focus on comfort at that time." He Qing suggested to Ye Chen.

"However, if someone really doesn't open their eyes, then kill them!"

Ye Chen couldn't help turning around and looked back at her.

"I...I just don't want you to be angry." He Qing said with a flushed face.

"This is a good idea, but I guess there won't be anyone who doesn't open his eyes like this." Ye Chen said confidently.

Ye Chen and He Qing finally arrived at the Guardian Army headquarters by car!

The current headquarters of the National Defenders Army is located not far from the red wall, which is considered a special force to guard the red wall.

From the outside, there is a huge courtyard with a two-meter-high fence outside, and tall trees are planted next to the fence to completely block the outside view.

Ye Chen and He Qing arrived at the door by car!

"Please show your ID!" A soldier walked over, saluted the car, and then asked for his ID!

The door opened and Ye Chen walked out.


The soldier who wanted to check his ID suddenly stood up straight and saluted Ye Chen!

"Good head!"

As his voice sounded, the other soldiers who were originally in the guard box at the door, at this time, clicked and saluted at the same time! ,

"Good head!"

Ye Chen returned an irregular military salute, even so, all the soldiers were excited!

One by one, they looked at Ye Chen, with worship and respect in their eyes!

This is their leader!

This is their legend!

First in the global elite trials!

No. 1 in the five northern provinces!

Super genius!

Calligraphy everyone!

The chief alchemist of the country!

The youngest person to climb the Wonderland!

The first National Guardian since New China!

Any of these are enough to make people proud for a lifetime, but now they are all concentrated on one person. The most important thing is that Ye Chen is only in his early twenties!

It's nothing more than someone said recently: "There is Ye Chen in China, and it will be safe for the next 50 years!"

"They are all six martial arts cultivators?" Ye Chen asked when looking at these people.

"Well, these rotating personnel represent the facade of the National Protectorate, so it is the rank six powerhouse to serve." He Qing said next to him.

A sixth-rank martial artist is considered to have reached the first threshold on the road of martial arts. If he can break through the sixth rank and enter the seventh rank, the road will be smoother in the future, but if he can't make it, he can only stop here for a lifetime.

Therefore, the sixth rank is special. Although the combat power is not low, it is not too unusual.

For the now merged National Protectorate, these six rank powerhouses are really not bad.

"How does the Sixth Stage work? How can this represent the face of the National Protector Army?" Ye Chen said with a faint smile.

"It must be the Ninth Grade."

Nine products?

He Qing thought she had heard it wrong, and when these guards heard Ye Chen's words, they thought she was dreaming.

Nine products? What kind of existence is that can already be on its own. Even when the power of the Dao Realm is not available, the 9th rank is already the limit of combat power. In special forces, you can serve as high-level instructors, even if they are It’s definitely not too difficult to perform tasks and do meritorious service.

However, now, Mr. Ye told them that he would like to come to see the door of the 9th grade?

This is probably the most...ridiculous thing they have ever heard. It's too bad to take Jiupin as a dish.

"What? You don't have confidence in yourself?" Ye Chen asked again.

What? Own confidence?

"Chief, we are... Rank 6! Right now, even Rank 7 has not broken through yet."

"I know. But, does this have anything to do with your promotion to the ninth rank and watching the door here?"

"..." Those people were a little dazed!

Yes, does this have anything to do with our promotion to Rank 9? We never thought about it at all.

Ye Chen stopped talking to them, and turned to He Qing and said: "I will refine their pill, and these six people will enter the nine martial arts ranks within half a year."

He Qing froze for a moment, and after confirming that Ye Chen was not joking, he nodded in agreement.

Then, Ye Chen walked inside.

Until Ye Chen left, those people were still in a daze.

What just happened? What did the military chief say? Oh, yes, do you want them to become the 9th grade within half a year? What nine products? Did you remember it wrong? Otherwise, I heard it wrong, how could it be possible for the 9th grade within half a year?

Those sentry posts began to suspect that they had completely misheard, which must be the case, otherwise there was no way to explain it.

Then, Ye Chen started walking on foot at the National Guardian Army headquarters!

He had a general understanding of this place, and as he came down and walked, some people around just started to point to him, thinking about which **** dared to come here to wander around, but after seeing it clearly, a Stupid there.

Half an hour later, Ye Chen appeared in the headquarters.


As soon as I walked into the building, I saw people standing on both sides of the passage.

A man in a military uniform yelled and saluted Ye Chen. Others also followed suit. Unfortunately, no matter what they did, they didn't do very well.

Ye Chen glanced around and gave a gift.

"In the future, there is no need to stick to these subsections." Ye Chen said.

Just so salute, others are not annoying, he himself is annoying.

Besides, these people standing in front of him now are all cultivators, not soldiers, and they all like a relatively relaxed environment, so it's not good to rely on military discipline all the time.

"Yes!" Ye Chen's voice fell, and a response sounded from below.

"In the future, there is no need to engage in these empty-headed situations, and you don't have to deliberately welcome them. It is useless to the actual situation. It will only waste time."

"Yes!" The others nodded.

"Well, everyone is here for a few days, then go to the meeting, time is precious, don't delay." Ye Chen instructed everyone.

Ye Chen's voice fell, and the others walked towards Conference Hall 1 as if they had been ordered!

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