Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 861: Bound?

Liang Hongze looked at Ye Chen and offered his conditions.

As Liang Hongze who had been deflated in Ye Chen's hands many times, even, under the absolute advantage at the time, did not take advantage of Ye Chen's hands, he naturally knew Ye Chen's terrible!

It is precisely because of this that he dare not have any means.

Ye Chen's ability was beyond his imagination. He didn't dare to play with fire. Therefore, the first condition put forward was almost his bottom line, and it could be regarded as a thorough frankness!

"30% of the shares?" Ye Chen frowned.

What are the other share composition? "

"The body group accounts for 29%, and 41% is not controlled by other investment institutions."

"Does that mean that if I agree, I will have absolute control over this company?"

"Yes." Liang Hongze said.

"You are generous. Once you come up, you are willing to give in for so many years of research and development?" Ye Chen asked.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't refuse, Liang Hongze's expression lightened slightly.

"Actually, as long as you join, no matter what, we will make a steady profit! You are now the leader of the three armies of the National Protectorate, with powerful resources in your hand. Your joining will greatly enhance the strength of the entire company. .On this point alone, these shares are not at a loss.

What's more, in the future, if we need samples again, it will be easier for us. "Liang Hongze said.

"Are there other conditions?" Ye Chen asked again.

Liang Hongze's complexion changed, and he bit his head and said: "Although you own 30% of the shares, you can't intervene in the company's business. You can appoint a supervisor!"

Ye Chen heard this and looked towards Liang Hongze.

Feeling Ye Chen's knife-like gaze, Liang Hongze felt that his body was shaking.

If the previous Ye Chen gave him the feeling that he was a rascal, and I don’t know when to give you a rogue, then the current Ye Chen is a king sitting high in the clouds and holding the power of life and death, completely moody, I don't know when I will pull myself out and chop myself.

What made him rejoice was that Ye Chen never got angry until the end!

"I will ask someone to send you those corpses. I hope you don't mess around! If you let me know, you should know the consequences."

"Mr. Ye can rest assured, there will be no chaos, it must be done within the special test regulations." Liang Hongze said to Ye Chen quickly.

Now he was scared into a cold sweat, lest Ye Chen go crazy.

After sitting for a while, Liang Hongze finally walked out of Ye Chen's yard.

When I came out of the yard, I felt like I was walking out of a large cloud of clouds, and my mood quickly improved a lot. I looked up at the sun in the sky, warm and warm, and felt better than ever.

Turning around and looking at the seemingly peaceful courtyard, Liang Hongze smiled bitterly in his heart!

"In this life, I'm afraid I won't even want to walk out of his shadow!"

At this moment, he admitted, and has been reluctant to admit defeat, at this moment, he decided to give up!

Some people are destined to be unable to surpass him, and he is also destined to be unable to surpass some people!

"He and I are not in the same world, as long as I do myself well." Liang Hongze comforted himself again.

Seeing Liang Hongze and others leave, Jiang Yuqing walked into Ye Chen's small courtyard.

"Their god-making plan, I know, when it was first proposed, in fact, even I admired it in my heart.

Our Huaxing Group has also established a project department internally, but it has no ability to realize it, because all the talents have been dug away by them, and they even monopolize all the information!

The main thing is that they were the first to propose this plan within the Red Wall. At that time, although they were recognized by the above, they did not receive much help.

Some time ago, I saw their bio-human beings really amazing. Although, some violations... However, there is no alternative to this. Other countries are doing this. If we fall behind, we may be beaten in the end. "Jiang Yuqing said to Ye Chen.

As the chairman of Huaxing Group, she naturally knows a lot about this god-making plan.

"I understand." Ye Chen nodded.

"However, this Liang family is also generous and willing to give! They know that the current Huaxia repair world is equal to you. If you can get your support, they will be very convenient in all aspects in the future. Therefore, this transaction At first glance, it seems that you have the most profit, but in fact, it is the Liang family. It is a win-win situation." Jiang Yuqing said.

"Then the candidate for the board of directors of Shengling Group, Mom, please help me choose one."

"Okay. Put it on Mom." Jiang Yuqing readily agreed.

After all, human experimental research is involved, and there are many things in it that must be understood by professionals, otherwise, Ye Chen would directly hand it over to Li Juan.

After dealing with Liang Hongze's matter, Ye Chen returned to the room again!

At this time, I began to examine my luck.

This time, he was allowed to command the three armies in the Red Wall. Except for the 871 Dragon Guard who guarded the Red Wall, the other Dragon Spikes, the Qingchaoyuan and the Palace of War God were all under his control.

"For such a big task, in terms of luck, why is it not as good as the last time the chief alchemist of the country? Is this "national teacher" worthless?" Ye Chen couldn't help but mutter to himself. .

I thought that by winning the title of a national teacher, I would get a lot of luck, and even directly through this, I would advance again, but now it seems that I think too much, and there is no such thing.

Ye Chen stood cross-legged, the Tianyan at the center of his brow opened again!

After that, the whole world changed, and it was all flooded with colorful energy and luck!

"These strands of air luck are the national air luck, why are they always connected to me?" Ye Chen opened his eyes and saw the purple air luck. It has not dispersed or dissipated from his body. Disconnected, completely confused!

However, it reacted later.

"Is my luck completely connected with the national luck?"

Ye Chen looked at the purple air luck above his head again, and was even more certain.

"Although it didn't come so quickly all of a sudden, but it is always filling and increasing. If things go on like this, you will still get more than paying in one go." Ye Chen felt it carefully again, and finally understood his luck and luck. The relationship between national transport.

And with the increase of these qi luck, the accumulation in one's body also increases.

"At this speed, in five or six months, you will be able to enter the peak of the Earth Immortal!" Ye Chen muttered to himself.

But then his face changed.

"Among the guards, the ancestor Gu Changhe, who was going to return, has never returned. Will he give himself five or six months?"

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