Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 886: Japanese National Teacher

Just as I heard before, these people are very rampant, and they didn't even put China in their eyes.

In their eyes, it is certain that the internal wear and tear is serious. Ye Chen, a hairy boy who has just taken the Inspectorate, the Dragon Spur and the God of War Palace, is absolutely impossible to master so quickly. Right now, he should be still busy cleaning up the mess, definitely not. Ability and energy to manage other things.

After these people met at the Huamei Hotel, the others turned around and left, and the headed practitioner still lived there, with a leisurely manner, and did not care about all supervision.

"It's really time for the three armies to rectify. Outsiders don't put them in their eyes. What's more serious is that the actual situation is true. They really didn't get a clue, even the most basic warning information!" Ye Chen was equally angry. This time, all the information about the Japanese men who came to the action came from the Yan family's intelligence system, and the Purchasing Yuan, which claimed to be able to check the world, had nothing at all, it was really negligent.

"Ye Shao, now, do you want to take this person down first?" Next to him, a cultivator sent by the Yan family asked Ye Chen respectfully.

He is a cultivator at the pinnacle of the gods. In the past, he could disregard the heroes and enjoy the worship of various families, but in front of Ye Chen, he felt a little difficult to breathe, and even felt that the whole person was extremely depressed.

There is no way, Ye Chen's strength is too strong, he himself felt that in front of Ye Chen, he didn't even have a chance to shoot, he had been taken directly.

"No, it will be a dead person sooner or later! I want to get the most valuable use before he dies." Ye Chen said indifferently.

"Yes!" the man said respectfully.

In the next time, every move of these people was within Ye Chen's surveillance range.

They thought that relying on the mid-term cultivation base of the gods might be able to act arbitrarily within the scope of the pearl, but unfortunately, they were arrogant.

Not only the Japanese people closest to Ye Chen, but also Japanese Japanese people in other places are also within the scope of Ye Chen's divine consciousness. If you want to monitor, you don't have to spend much time.

That night, these people took action!

The five people were dispatched in batches and ran directly towards the nearest Chongming Island of Pearl Pearl.

According to the previous understanding, that is where the grid is located.

After boarding the island, a few people came to a large open space in the southeast of the island!

Here is the largest local temple of the sea god, where the sea **** Dragon King is enshrined, and it is considered the most prosperous local incense place.

"Hua Xia people are really stupid, guarding a place like this without knowing to cherish it. If this is the case, then let us forget it." The leader said.

There are no residents near the Longwang Temple of the Sea God, only a few old trees, which have cracked their old skins, obviously for some years.

After those people entered, they directly set up the formation based on the old trees outside.

After the formation materials were dropped, from the outside, there seemed to be no change, but in Ye Chen's eyes, at the moment the formation materials were dropped, everything around them had become completely different! If the aura around it had been dispersed, now, all of these auras are locked and trapped in the formation.

In the formation, after the five people gathered, something appeared in their hands again, emitting a mysterious light, and where the light converged, the surrounding aura also followed.

In the center of the light, a portal seemed to appear!

"Sure enough, these people are only supporting roles." Ye Chen sneered.

As his voice fell, purple gas filled the portal, and then a figure emerged.

"See the national teacher!" Several people bowed to the phantom.

"Has there been a difference?" Void asked several people.

"Return to the national teacher, everything is normal, the stupid Chinese people didn't pay attention to us, we did not receive any information about this place in the plates inside their inspection house, dragon spurs or even the palace of war."

In the phantom, the national teacher smiled contemptuously.

"Sure enough, as I thought, such a person is not worthy of occupying a rich country like China!"

Afterwards, Guo Shi walked out of the door of nothingness.

Although it was still a phantom, it was much more solid than before.

Wearing the hunting clothes of the Onmyoji, the look is majestic, quite a bit of the charm of the national teacher.

The emptiness figure walked out of the gate of emptiness, looked at the Dragon King Temple ahead, envy flashed in his eyes, and then seemed to think of something, and asked several people: "I heard that China recently selected a new one. National Teacher? Have you ever noticed anything abnormal?"

"Reporting to the National Teacher, I have not found anything abnormal."

"Such a person is worthy of you and enjoys the title of National Teacher, and his subordinates feel angry on behalf of the National Teacher."

"It's just a hairy boy, that is, the owner of the shrine deliberately exaggerated him in order to avoid responsibility. If you wait for the master of the country to free your hand, you can destroy him invisible by raising your hand!" Several people faced Xu. Movie praises.

The emptiness of the figure of the national teacher, with a chuckle expression, was very enjoyable at this praise.

"There is no one in China, and it is getting more and more declining. When I complete the layout, after all, all these Chinese moths are expelled." The national teacher waved his broad sleeves, his expression arrogantly confident.

Ye Chen stood there, although he had never found out what they said, but just by observing their expressions, he had already guessed the general idea.

"Dare to be rampant in a small place? I will leave you here for a while."

Having waited until now, Ye Chen didn't mind making them arrogant for a while.

He had already seen that the figure that came out of the portal, although not a physical entity, was also a soul and soul of the deity. Although it could not be killed, as long as it was wiped out, it could cause huge damage to him!

After the phantom of the national teacher walked out, he began to pace in the Dragon King Temple, and as he paced, one by one runes appeared in his hand, branded in the void. And the array materials that were originally placed there, at this time, as if they were activated, blended with the runes.

The Dragon King Temple is not big. It was previously covered with materials. Now, as these runes are activated, the dots arranged there emit mysterious light, like a magic lamp.

These lattice points eventually converge to form a huge array!

As the array formed, Ye Chen could clearly feel that the surrounding energy was constantly converging there, like a vortex, absorbing everything around it.

The five people of the Japanese Kingdom were kneeling on the ground at this moment, with eyes full of worship and shock, their expressions of respect to the extreme!

If it weren't for this task, they would never have had a chance to witness such a scene in their lives.


Afterwards, a huge light appeared, and the entire array was completely activated, and the light rushed straight into the sky, seeming to penetrate another world.

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