Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 900: Armed Forces Department

China has its own alchemy base and its own alchemist organization. This is great news for any warrior in China. The previous kind of waiting in line to get the elixir for months to exchange for the pill I believe it will change.

"In the future, our Huaxia will also be a country with alchemists. It's really gratifying!" Hu said, standing on the stage with great joy.

"Remember, when I was young, I saw a Red Wall warrior who was rewarded with a Zeng Yuan Dan for his great merits. At that time, the entire Dragon Guard was alarmed! Because at that time we were in a state of lockdown, this Zeng Yuan Dan. They are very rare.

Later, the situation improved. Although the Zengyuan Pill was sufficient, other high-level pills were still subject to others. Generations of people wanted to change this status quo, but they all ended in failure.

Unexpectedly, in our generation, things will be done, all thanks to our chief alchemist!

Building on the ground, I believe that our team of alchemists, under the leadership of Mr. Ye, will definitely gain a foothold in the world! "Old Hu said excitedly.

There was thunderous applause and excitement.

"You are all elites selected from various families and various forces. I believe that you should be honored as an alchemist! This is an extremely respected and mysterious profession.

You are very particular about the relationship between teacher and student. You can worship Mr. Ye and learn alchemy. This is a blessing that you have cultivated in several lifetimes. I hope you can cherish it!

Don't disappoint Mr. Ye and my painstaking efforts. "Old Hu continued.

People who were fortunate enough to be invited over to the family, right there, heard this and thought it all.

Alchemists, what a noble profession, even the United States, Europe, China, and the Japanese countries have never owned them. They all want others. Now, their tribesmen can become one of them. This is how lucky.

As long as you don't commit serious things, the existence of alchemists is enough to bless the family's prosperity.

"I will do my best to not let Mr. Ye and Mr. Hu down!" said Liu Hao, the grandson of Liu Yuan from Liu Family in the northwest.

Others also stood there expressing their opinions.

Old Hu nodded.

"Pillars, these are the pillars of the country!"

Afterwards, he turned to look at Ye Chen.

"Mr. Ye, these people will be handed over to you. If you have any needs, just ask them! This is a major event that has affected China for a hundred years, please!"

"Old Hu, don't worry, you and Red Wall will not be disappointed." Ye Chen said confidently.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Hu nodded in satisfaction. Ye Chen has never let him down before doing things, and I believe that this time he will still give him a satisfactory answer.

Ye Chen turned around and looked down the stage.

"You know the respect of alchemists, and you should also know the duties of alchemists."

"At present, our responsibility is to refine the elixir, collect the elixir, regulate the transaction of elixir, and establish the alchemist system.

And your biggest task at the moment is to learn alchemy, and strive to be able to be alone as soon as possible.

To have set a benchmark, and to double the strength of the three armies of the National Protectorate in the next year, and the biggest reliance on this doubling is the pill.

Where does the pill come from? From our military department, from your hands.

The pill that you regarded as a precious treasure before will be just as commonplace for you in the future. Your seemingly mysterious alchemy process will no longer be mysterious to you, and you yourself will become a member of the alchemy master.

Heart Demon Pill, Barrier Breaking Pill, Feathering Pill, these high-level pill medicines are not capable of refining, but such as the Returning Yuan Pill. The strong bone pill, the easy bone pill, and even the essence of the essence pill are no longer far away for you! "

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the thirty-two young people underneath, at this moment, even breathed quickly.

The pill that Ye Chen said is also very precious to them, but now they are told that in the future, they will also have the ability to refine them, how can they not be excited?

"But, as Elder Hu just said, the alchemist pays attention to the relationship between teacher and inheritance. You worship under my sect, and you will be my disciples in the future. You must remember that your master’s order cannot be violated. Listen to my orders. This is the most basic principle. If you don't want to, you can quit now.

If you don’t quit now, if you dare to break your orders in the future, I will kill you! "

Everyone in the audience looked at each other, and then shouted in unison: "Disciples, please follow the orders of your teacher!"

Ye Chen nodded and trained alchemists for the country. He has the ability and is naturally willing to do it, but if he is a person who has worked so hard to cultivate, he will be abducted by other people in the end, or in the end directly in the name of righteousness. Come against himself, then he can't accept it anyway.

After talking with those people, Ye Chen ordered everyone to retreat.

Afterwards, he said to He Qing: "You have set up a supervision department to manage these alchemists. In addition, the family background and social relationships of these people will be checked again. If there is any doubt, just kick it out."

"Yes!" He Qing said in response.

This time the Ministry of Arms and Equipment, from top to bottom, paid great attention to it, and did not dare to slack in the slightest.

"In addition, you must draft a document as soon as possible to prohibit the private sale of elixir. If you want to trade, you must go through the special platform designated by the Ministry of Arms.

The supervision of the transaction of elixir is handed over to the inventory inspection institute. If they can't do well anymore, they will disband the investigation court directly. "Ye Chen said coldly.

"In terms of price, it has doubled from before. For some rare panacea, the price can be raised again.

The elixir trading in the South Vietnam country was completely stopped for them. If they want to eat the market in the Western world, they have to have a good tooth. It's a pity that greed is too much to chew, and when the time comes, let him eat the bad results! "Ye Chen said with a sneer.

He Qing couldn't help nodding when she heard Ye Chen's words.

Before China’s elixir was supervised too loosely, and there was no alchemist of its own, it was equal to the lowest end of the industry chain, so naturally you don’t need to care about these elixir.

But now the situation is completely different, and it's time to change it.

The Armed Forces Department was established, with thirty-two alchemists, this was the original team of Chinese alchemists.

"Right now, the cultivation base of these people is too low, and the main task is to raise the cultivation base. You will distribute these pills to them at regular intervals, and promptly urge them to increase their strength as soon as possible." Ye Chen faced Qiu Said the tiger.

Qiu Hu was "fed" with medicinal pills, but because of the actual combat and polishing, there was no such vain phenomenon. This was the result Ye Chen wanted.

"By the end of taking these pills, their alchemy foundation has almost been laid. At that time, some good aptitudes may be able to refine second-grade pills." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

When Ye Chen arranged everything, he felt a torrent of air and luck descending from the sky before he walked out of the National Guard Army headquarters. The number of them was tens of thousands, making Ye Chen overjoyed!

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