Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 903: Outsider

China is the largest supply of elixir, but it is also one of the countries that consumes the most elixir! In this way, a balance has been formed. Therefore, no country has expressed concern about this. However, China has unilaterally announced the establishment of a pill refining organization. In the future, it can achieve self-sufficiency. It does not need to be as usual. It needs to cooperate with South Vietnam. Or reincarnation island for exchange, in this way, the so-called checks and balances are gone.

In the future, all countries in the entire world that need the exchange of pill may be restricted by China, because they control the raw materials of the pill.

"The U.S. has given us a warning, demanding that the supply of elixir be fully released and prices are not allowed to increase." Hu Lao said to Ye Chen with a post.

"The United States? Haha... They really dare to care about everything? Let alone a post, even if their holy court comes, we don't need to give them any face. Do they have such a big face?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Let's set up our own Armed Forces Department, that is, you are vigorous and resolute. If it takes a long time and pulls it for a few months, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble at that time." Hu said.

The reason why they went so smoothly this time was because they were so fast that there was no response time in any of their countries, nor did they give them a chance to counteract.

"In the future, there will be many things like this, and they will gradually get used to it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"How does the U.S. respond?"

"Let's take care of it here. Anyway, just one sentence, they love what they do, and we will continue. If it is a matter of the cultivator world, how many they come, how much we destroy, I am afraid that it will affect the secular world. "Ye Chen said with some worry.

Because of geographical and historical factors in China, the cultivator community does not have to worry about them. However, in secular circles, whether it is politics, economy, culture, or military, they cannot compete with the United States. They are even in a weak position in some areas.

"Although Huaxia can't compete with them now, Huaxia is not muddled and will not let them knead. You don't have to worry." Hu said.

Hearing what Elder Hu said, Ye Chen relaxed, as long as he didn't try to obstruct him, the others were soldiers coming to cover the water and earth.


Yuhuangshan formation base!

Although Ye Chen had already demonstrated extremely astonishing accomplishments in the formation last time, Thyme also agreed to let Ye Chen take over the formation management, but because everything had not yet formed, the handover was not completed, and now Thyme is still guarding.

"Passage No. 1, Passage No. 3, Passage No. 8 has recently seen a lot of creatures appearing. Although they have all been killed, our people have also been hit hard. I suggest asking for help from the National Defenders." Hu Jingyi Standing there with a tired face, reporting to Thymeway.

I don't know what went wrong recently. Several of the eight passages leading to the Jade Emperor Mountain portal are under attack. From time to time, some creatures whose strength has been weakened by the boundary wall rush into the passages.

Those creatures are ugly in appearance, like a rat, but as tall as a human. They have limbs as sharp as blades, and their mouths are full of sharp teeth, which makes people shudder.

Not only their appearance, but even more terrifying is their strength. These creatures emerged from the passage, and most of their cultivation base had been weakened by the boundary wall, but even so, those inspectors on Jade Emperor Mountain still suffered heavy losses during the fierce battle with them.

"These monsters' bodies are too powerful, even if their cultivation bases are weakened, but their bodies alone have caused a lot of harm to our people. Now, more and more creatures are invading. I'm afraid that when the time comes, we will only rely on us. People are hard to resist." Hu Jing was a little worried.

Thyme frowned slightly, he also knew these things, and she clearly felt that the creatures that had recently invaded are stronger than the previous cultivation base, and the will to invade is also stronger. Before, there were situations of retreat, but now, it is better to go here if you die.

"Is there any progress at the institute? Has any progress been made?" Thyme asked again.

"Not yet. Dean Ding said that these monsters are different from our basic structure. They are not carbon-based organisms, but a chemical element that has not been discovered before. Because the specimens obtained are all dead, so the research institute There is no way for Bian to conduct good research. No effective countermeasures have been found at present." Hu Jing said again.

Thyme fell silent after hearing it.

"Let everyone increase their patrols, no matter where these things come from, no matter what these things are, they are not allowed to enter China through the portal."

"Yes!" Hu Jing bowed.

Behind them is the homeland of Huaxia, which is the place they guard. If these monsters invade, it will cause huge disasters at that time, and that is their negligence.

"Regarding the issue of insufficient combat power, I will discuss with Lao Hu and Jun Chief Ye to resolve it."

Hu Jing nodded and walked away.

Thyme wanted to leave directly, but, uneasy, he got up again and walked toward the portal.

The huge portal, like a huge mirror, glows with dazzling colors, looking mysterious and charming.

"The formation is really a magical thing. A small formation can break the physical space, build a channel, and directly reach another place. Modern technology is so advanced, facing such a thing, there is still no way to start. It is really mysterious. Ah." Thyme sighed.

Step out, step directly into the formation. After entering the formation, everything around has changed. As far as the eye can see, it is all gray and gray, as if they have come to a primitive space.

After stepping into the formation gate, there are eight passages in front of her. Each passage leads to an unknown area, and beyond this narrow passage, there is a dark area.

Thyme knew that there was a great horror hidden in the darkness. When I didn't know it at first, I didn't know how many patrollers died here! Thyme didn't stop, and took the first channel to go inside. The guards standing there saw Thyme coming and bowed one by one.


Thyme nodded in return.

Afterwards, walked toward the channel again.

Although it seemed to have walked a distance of several hundred meters, the figure of the guard that had just been seen had disappeared, and the passages had also been obscured. Except for the faint blue light emitted from the passages, the others were completely dark.

Thyme walked along the passage towards the inside again, and finally the passage grew larger and larger, and saw the guard post stationed here, and beside the guard post, there was a hill, where all were piled up of dead bodies.

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