Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 925: Army...

Jiangnan Province has always been a good place. It has been a fertile place since ancient times. Therefore, as a cultivator who considers himself superior, he will naturally not let go of this good place. Many families of cultivators have established their foundation here, even if they are not there. Those who settle here also have branches here.

Before, there was the Liu family in Jiangnan Province. Some time ago, because of the ancient family, the Liu family was directly suppressed by Ye Chen and couldn't raise his head. Even now, they dare not move. Some masters in the family may even kill. Or, in short, the Liu family was hit hard.

After the Liu family, now other families have a tendency to look up again!

Among the eight great families in the south of the Yangtze River, the Liu family is headed. Now the Liu family is shattered, and the other families have been in fear for a while, but then they have returned to the previous state, and they don't pay attention to Ye Chen and others.

The three most violent people who just sat there cursed at Ye Chen were the principals of the Situ family, the Gongsun family, and the Xiahou family. In addition, there were also the Zhuo family, Tang family, Tan family, and Ge family. A face of anger, seeming to be the same hatred.

"We can't let them ride on our heads like this anymore, otherwise, we will really have no peace!"

"That's right! Now, taking advantage of Western countries and South Vietnam countries to exert pressure, this is our perfect opportunity, we can cope with the outside, when that time, this **** will definitely be overwhelmed, at that time, we can fish in troubled waters!

I think that with our business for so many years, as long as the Gu family doesn't get ahead, no one will know that we did it at that time, even if someone guesses, but without evidence, we still can't take us. "Situ Qing said, the head of the Situ family.

Everyone nodded.

"Fifth, you don't have any thoughts?" At this time, Situ Qing of the Situ family saw that after he had finished speaking, the fifth Ge family was still sitting there, his expression on his face had not changed much, and he couldn't help but smile and asked .

The old fifth who was asked smiled on his face: "What can I think? It's just that the uncle of the audience is here to make a high point."

"Situ Qing, I might, if I, I can represent the Ge family! This time, since everyone intends to let the Ye family kid eat, we have to make a long-term plan." Ge Yu, the old Patriarch of the Ge family, said .

"Since the old Patriarch said so, then we have no doubts." The others all said with a smile.

Next, there was a conspiracy, from Ye Chen’s family, to Huaxia’s elixir, to the headquarters of the Guardian Army in the imperial capital, and the current distribution of the Guardian Army’s forces, as well as the problems facing the Guardian Army. .

Even though the strength of the family has been suppressed, these people still control the most accurate information.

"Fifth, go out and serve tea to your uncles." The old patron said to Ge Yu.

The fifth Ge family who couldn't see the expression stood up and walked outside.

"I said, old thing, I have always heard that your son is dark enough, and this old thing makes him the master of the house, and he is not afraid that even the bones that he eats for yourself will not be left?" The man said to the old Patriarch of the Ge family.

"Heart black? Don't say anything about this. Is your son a fuel-efficient lamp? Relying on the closeness to the ancient family, even the inspectors of the Qingyuan District dared to kill before! After the killing, I still don't forget Go to other people's house and kill the whole family! I just heard that their wife is pretty.

Where does this kind of stuff go? "Ge Yu said.

Hearing Ge Yu's words, the old Patriarch of Xiahou's family smiled: "It's just a mortal, what's the pity of death?"

Ge Yu sneered, unwilling to speak more.

Their families are now facing Ye Chen's big enemy, so they can gather together. If they are usually better than anyone else, they will fight each other and criticize each other, and they will be beaten!

"Both of them calm down. Let this matter go for a while, and wait until the little **** of the Ye family gets down on the ground. When the time comes, how do you want to fight? Now is not the time. The main task at the moment is to discuss one. The plan is to get rid of Ye Chen, even if he can't get rid of him, let him know how good we are, knowing that Huaxia is not the world of his hairy boy." The Patriarch of the Zhuo family next to him said.

"What is there to discuss? This kid is insidious, but he cares very much about his family and friends. We are doing tricks on his family and friends. I don't believe this kid doesn't hurt!

Not to mention other things, first interrupted his disgusting adoptive father and mother, and then tried to try his ugly woman who was still a little purple. "The Patriarch of Xiahou's family curled his beard and said with an obscene smile.

Ever since I met Li Juan in Mingzhu last time, I was fascinated by Li Juan and vowed to get Li Juan in this life. Now, taking this opportunity, I will not let it go.

When the others heard this, their faces couldn't help but sneer.

"Either Li Juan or his family have Ling Xiaowei's key guard, I'm afraid we have been completely sifted before we get close."

"Ling Xiaowei? It's just a chicken and dog, I will have my own way to get them away when the time comes." The Tang family who had been silent at this time said in a low voice.

"Tang San is fat, don't you kid get something from your cousin, do you?" someone said to the head of the Tang family.

His so-called cousin is naturally a member of the Pearl Tang family.

"Cousin? Humph! He's just a rat, now I don't put him in my eyes." The Tang family said.

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed one by one, knowing that this kid must have got some different opportunities, otherwise he would not have such courage.

"If this is the case, let's discuss the next thing again. If this happens, how can we solve the problem of benefit distribution in the future?" someone asked.

However, just as I said this, I suddenly heard a cracking sound coming from outside. Then, the wall of the entire secret room was smashed to pieces, and the one who broke the wall turned out to be the bodyguard of the major families.



Those people were pale, looking at their Patriarch, with arms outstretched, as if they wanted to ask for help, but before they had a chance to be rescued, they fell directly to the ground and died.

However, it was not the death of these bodyguards that made everyone frightened, but the person who killed them.

A young, outrageous figure appeared, wearing casual clothes with a disdainful expression.

"Army...army...army leader!"

At this time, even though they were once the eight big families, some even entrenched here for hundreds of years, but now their legs are limp and some are unstable.

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