Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 951: How much are you worth?

The American mage Truth was stunned, looking at Dongjing Ono, he felt that he had heard it wrong!

Huaxia has incorporated the guards? how can that be? They have collected a lot of information about the defending army. One thing is certain. The defending army and China’s National Protector Commander Ye Chen have irreconcilable contradictions. Even the entire defending army and China have irreconcilable contradictions. Same as water and fire.

However, the strength of the two sides is not much different. The defenders are a little stronger. However, the National Defenders occupy the right time and place, and more importantly, occupy the orthodox position. If the two sides are really big, who wins and who loses? It may not be known.

Under such circumstances, tell him that the battle over there is now over. Of course he doesn't believe the news. They also hope that when the opponent is fighting in the dark, they can fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to destroy China's portal!

"The news is true, even someone has seen Ye Chen lead people away, and they don't know where they went. Therefore, our action this time has to be cancelled." Dongjing Xiaoye said.

Hearing Dongjing Ono's words, the American mage Truth and the people behind him were taken aback, but then they shook their heads to object!

"For this operation, we have already paid so much. Now, because of one news, it is completely cancelled. For us, the price is too great for us to bear! In any case, this operation must be carried out to the end! Now, The original plan remains unchanged, and continue to move towards the Jade Emperor Mountain Portal in China." Mage Truth ordered to everyone.

Those who came from the US, heard Truth's words, no longer hesitated, and walked inside again, but the people of the Japanese nation were stunned at this time!

They were in a joint operation this time, but, as Japanese people, they obeyed Toi Ono's orders. There is no doubt about that.

"Why don't you leave? What are you hesitating?" Truth urged Toi Ono, shook the staff tightly.

Toi Ono wanted to persuade again, but then his face changed drastically, and he turned to look behind him, with fright and regret flashing on his face!

"It's over! We are surrounded!" Dongjing Ono sighed up to the sky.

The Miguo Mage's expression moved, and then, following Dongjing Ono's gaze, he looked over, directly in the mountains of Yuhuang Mountain, a golden light meal was quickly advancing here!

Truth, who is very familiar with China, doesn't know that those are China's cultivators, and moreover, they are high-level cultivators! At the moment, the look has become a bit solemn!

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up!" Truth urged to the nearby Toi Ono.

The reason why they wanted to cooperate with the Wa country this time was mainly because they wanted to use the power of the Wa country’s teleportation formation. Only under the **** of this formation could they complete a thousand-mile raid and be able to escape safely in the end!

In fact, without his urging, Dongjing Ono, who had just made up his mind to cancel this plan, was already in the formation, the formation flag in his hand changed, and ripples were surging here! That is the mysterious space power!

With the emergence of runes, a small portal seemed to appear in front of them.

Seeing that the portal was about to appear, Truth's face was calmer. Although he paid a great price to teleport here this time, as long as he could go back, he could make a comeback next time!

When they were in a relaxed mood, Truth's face suddenly turned pale, his expression also turned slumped, and even his expression was full of panic!

In front of him, the runes that were just about to appear all received an impact at this time, shattered and turned into nothingness, and the portal that was just about to be broken was closed again at this time!

"What's the matter? Why didn't it show up?" Truth looked at the portal closed in front of him, his face was hard to see the extreme, and looked at Dongjing Ono next to him and asked.

"They sealed this place! The rune cannot be activated, and the portal cannot be opened!" Dongjing Ono said to Truth with an ugly face.

"What, it's blocked? Bastard! How could this happen? How did you do it?" Truth grabbed Toi Ono and directly lifted him up!


Following his movements, the Japanese cultivators behind Dongjing Xiaoye directly pulled out their sabers at their waists and looked at Truth with a bad look and a big disagreement. They were about to kill!

"Trash, don't you have the true transmission of your national teacher Dongjing Youichi? Why not?" Truth asked Dongjing Ono angrily.

"This place has been completely sealed, and even if my master comes over, it can't be solved." Dongjing Ono said dejectedly.

"Trash! All trash!" Truth stood there, roaring constantly, like a beast that cannibalize!

At this moment, Ye Chen had led everyone to fly over here!

Looking condescendingly at Dongjing Ono, Truth and others, disdain flashed across their faces!

"Little devils and foreign devils, should you send goods like you over? It's really a waste! With such good formation materials, if you do not do anything bad, you must do this kind of loss-making business." Ye Chen sneered.

"Mr. Ye, we just passed the wrong position in the process of testing the teleportation array. We also asked Mr. Ye to agree to our return. Mr. Ye feels that he has suffered a loss and can request compensation from our Great Japanese Empire and the United States. I believe that as long as Keep your sincerity, everything can be discussed!" Dongjing Xiaoye said with a smile at Ye Chen.

Now he has become humble and polite. It seems that the person who wanted to put China and the dead before was not like him.

"Want to buy money for life?" Ye Chen asked with a light smile.

The two of them chuckled, which was considered tacit.

"Then tell me, how much are you worth? In other words, how much are you worth? Say it in advance, I don't need a pill!"

Dongjing Xiaoye looked at Ye Chen, then glanced at Truth next to him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yegui is the head of the National Guardian Army and the first alchemist in China. Naturally, he looks down on ordinary things, but , Our visit this time was really an accident, and Mr. Ye was asked to raise his hand and make a request that we can accept.

If this is the case, it will not only help maintain the relationship between our two parties, but also demonstrate the generosity of the Chinese repairers! "

"Generosity? Haha...you know how to find words! You have hit the foot of our imperial capital. If I go around you again, it is not generosity, if it is a coward! I'm afraid you will get worse."

"No! Absolutely not!" Seeing Ye Chen's mouth loosen, Dongjing Xiaoye couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw Ye Chen's mouth loosen, and he could not help but patted his chest to promise Ye Chen.

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