Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 964: suppress?

The battle was fierce, and China suffered heavy losses!

"You bastards, I want you to pay your debts!" ​​When the Huaxia Xiu was at a disadvantage, Shi Heng was carrying a thick white bone stick in his hand and hit it!


The thick bones hit the druid's body heavily, and the druid's huge body was directly hit and flew! He fell heavily to the ground, smashing the ground into a big hole, and even the mountain below him was directly leveled at this time!

"Old man of China, you finally showed up, I have been waiting for you for a long time!" shouted the druid!

Frederick had already put away his staff at this time, and flew over here, looking at Shi Heng, his eyes were full of surprises!

Big fish, this is definitely a big fish!

13 strong! The fairy of China!

"Old thing, you have been investigating the situation over there, thinking we don't know, thinking we are not prepared?" The druid said with a wild laugh.

The huge body stood up again, seeming to block the moon in the sky!

"It seems that this time, I want to have a taste of what the body of the Huaxia fairy is like." The druid said with a wild laugh.

As his voice fell, Frederick, who was standing next to him, did not hesitate. The staff in his hand glowed red again, and the sapphire on the staff was also gentle at this moment. Then, among the sapphires, An ice blue sphere, this sphere flew out, flying towards the distance!


As if triggering some kind of mechanism, the dark night sky around suddenly became bright as day!

Immediately afterwards, something like lightning appeared in the sky. Is that energy thread?

"I don't know if this trap specifically for you can put you in completely!" Frederick said.

Red it!

A series of things like energy lightning flashed in the sky continuously, forming a big net, and then directly fell down and covered Shi Heng's body.

Shi Heng, who was initially showing off his power, started to tremble like an electric shock after the energy lock was covered. Then, he saw that the energy nets turned directly into a piece of clothing, which was firmly buckled on him. Body!

With the fall of these energy locks, Shi Heng began to be restricted, and the big bone rod in his hand slowly became stiff at this time, and even his aura slowly became smaller and suppressed!

"This energy lock is indeed a good thing. With it, no matter how many cultivators come to China, I am afraid it is just a food delivery! It's a pity that the arrangement is too troublesome. If it is simple, just carry one with you. Go out, I see if those Chinese cultivators can still hide from it? At that time, I am afraid that many people will become food in my belly." The druid said with a frantic smile.

Then slowly came to Shi Heng's face, with a sneer on his face, looking at Shi Heng, he was really looking at the food.

"The Cultivator of China has discharged its own impurities, and the taste is very delicious, even if it is this old thing, it is not comparable to other foods. Now I am blessed." The druid said with a smile.

Frederick stood there and said to him: "Why bother, since it is now in our hands and when to eat it, it is not up to you! What is the purpose of their coming this time? I haven't figured it out yet, so be careful now."

"These idiots, who knows what they are thinking about every day, maybe they just want to die when they are full? I just looked at them. These cultivators are the cultivators stationed on the border of China. The number of people has not changed much, so don't worry." said the druid.

When Frederick heard this, his heart was shocked. This big guy, looking so-so, turned out to be so delicate.

"In this case, Huaxia is really stupid this time!" Frederick said with a big smile.

At this time, the cultivators beside them were still resisting, fighting hard!

"A bunch of trash!" The druid said contemptuously.

After that, he jumped directly into the battlefield again, and the big furry claws slapped the Chinese repairers fiercely!

After a few slaps, China's high-level cultivators lost one third again!

"Don't surrender yet?" Frederick began to have a bad premonition in his heart when he looked at these people who were more and more brave!

This is totally unreasonable!

When he was puzzled, Shi Heng, who had been trapped by the energy lock, made a crackling sound again on his body. Then, the entire energy lock was completely destroyed, fell to the ground and disappeared. As for the energy lock’s pressing effect, This moment is completely dissipated.

"Xiao Chen, awesome!" Shi Heng couldn't help but praise loudly there.

When the energy was locked on his body just now, he felt that all the energy in his body was blocked, and he couldn't use it powerfully. It was really aggrieved!

However, this energy lock was broken, and now I feel that my body is free again!

The druid and Frederick were so happy to see that the energy lock was broken, and their faces changed drastically!

"what happened?"

"What's the matter? Huh! Lao Tzu's big stick and mallet tell you what's going on!" After speaking, Shi Heng directly picked up his big bone stick and hit the druid!


The huge body directly became a living target at this time, and it was hit again and flew up, and the bones were beaten crooked!

The red staff in Frederick's hand glowed with fiery red light, and then a western fire dragon emerged from the void and flew toward the stone!

Seeing that the fire dragon was about to swallow Shi Heng, at this moment, a figure appeared, stretched out a hand, and a black whirlpool exploded. Then, the majestic fire dragon was directly dragged into the whirlpool, without arousing a bit. Storm!

This sudden scene of Frederick was shocked!

Looking at Ye Chen, his eyes were full of horror!

"You...you...what treasure was that you just now?" Frederick pointed at Ye Chen, a little unbelievable!

The fire dragon that I had summoned so hard was swallowed, not only the fire dragon, but also the fire element summoned by the fire dragon!

This is equivalent to saying that in front of him, he has no backhand!

Can a mage without power elements still be considered a mage?


In the distance, the druid was furious, with a tall body, sharp claws, long fangs, and a hideous face, looking extremely terrifying!

"Damn Chinese people, I want..."

The druid roared wildly and patted Ye Chen with his big claws. Unfortunately, before he got close, he was hit by Ye Chen's palm and flew out again. The hitting peaks shattered and the ground shook the mountains!

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