Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 981: Invincible

The Lilong Guards of the Changlan Empire, no one knows, no one knows, they are the guards of the Changlan Empire and a weapon to conquer the world.

Now, these Lilongwei came to deal with the true **** Lingxiao?

"They are just false gods! I want to take advantage of you! Don't be blinded by these guys! Now, everyone keeps aside and waits for me to reveal his false gods." Prince Feng Ling said to everyone.

As his voice fell, those heavily armored soldiers rode on the dragon horse!

These people approached step by step, and a huge vortex of water formed in the clear lake, and the black sharks in it were also spinning constantly at this time, wishing to fly all over the sky and swallow them all!

And high in the sky, there were sharp voices!


The voice of Li Crows, those Li Crows with a long beak, attacked at these heavily armored soldiers!

Ding Ding Ding!

The long beak is like a sharp sword, piercing toward these heavy armor soldiers, but unfortunately, the heavy armor is too thick to penetrate!


The heavy armored soldier was carrying a huge blade in his hands. At the moment when those Li Crows attacked them, the sharp blade flew up, and the heavy sword, like a door panel, slashed towards Li Crow's body, directly bloody!

Even though the Li Crow had amazing defenses, it was directly chopped in half under the heavy blade attack of these heavily armored soldiers.

One by one, the bodies of Li Crows fell from the sky, causing the defensive soldiers above Qinghu City to look serious!

They were able to occupy this place so quickly before, relying on Li Crow. But now, this attack is invincible, the invincible Li Raven seems to have been frustrated.

"Is this what you rely on?" Feng Ling sneered, and didn't pay attention to the people in front of him.

"Leagues, courtiers and bandits, mess up the world, pretend to be a ghost, kill!"

Feng Ling waved his hand again, and those heavy armored soldiers rode on Long Ju and stepped forward!


The rhinoceros stepped in the void step by step, and the sky was trembling, and there was a burst of sound, like beating a drum, heavy beating in the heart, making people frightened!

"Guardian Lingxiao True God, don't let these traitors take a step!" Someone stood on the high platform of the city wall, looking at the Lilongwei underneath and shouting!

Li Xing also held a long sword with a cold face, looking at these heavy armored soldiers approaching slowly, with an angry expression!

Usually these people in the empire repeatedly claim to be followers of True God Lingxiao. They occupy the best resources and possess the greatest gifts of True God Lingxiao. However, when True God Lingxiao really came, these people turned their faces in denial and borrowed Machine power.

"Kill!" Li Xing drew his long sword and pointed it at the heavy armored soldier. The others were also eager to try, rushing out at any time to fight those people.

But her arm was pressed down, and a figure appeared beside her. Everyone looked even more excited when they saw the people coming!

"True God!" everyone stood there and shouted respectfully to Ye Chen, their expressions full of enthusiasm!

"Please order from the true god, I will lead people to kill them completely! To warn those who do not comply!" Li Xing said furiously.

Ye Chen waved his hand.

"Don't take risks."

Afterwards, he drew a bow and set an arrow, facing Feng Ling at the front of the heavily armored soldier.

"Rebel! Dare to pretend to be a true god, I will kill you today!" Feng Ling looked at Ye Chen, sneered and angered.



kill! As his voice fell, the sound of a mountain whistling and a tsunami came out of the heavily armored soldiers behind him.

The sound shook the sky, scaring the believers who came to the pilgrimage to back again and again.


The earth was shaking, and he stepped forward again, while the people standing on Qinghu City, watching there at the moment, clenched their weapons, and wanted to rush out at any time.

The believers who were bathing in Qinghu all walked toward the shore at this time, glaring at everything in the sky, as if waiting for the call of the true **** Lingxiao!

"Suffer!" Feng Ling roared, and then the Kui beast rushed forward!

"Please order from the true **** to kill this traitor!" Li Xing pleaded again at Ye Chen.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth smiled lightly: "Let them come over!"

Others are puzzled.

"Kill!" The call to kill was getting closer, and soon came within a hundred steps of the city wall!

"Take it to death!" A cruel color flashed across Feng Ling's face, and the halberd in his hand was stabbed forward. Under the charge of the beast, the halberd was unmatched in momentum and looked invincible. !

Ye Chen looked at the people who were getting closer and closer, with a faint smile on his face, and then raised his arm, spread his five fingers, and his empty palm faced the front!


The sound is light and fluttering, even if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it!

But it was this light and fluttering sound, as if it had set the world. The dragon ju and Kui beast that slammed their hoofs towards the front, all leaned forward suddenly, pressing their front hoofs on the ground fiercely. It seems that I want to stop my own trend and stop quickly. The heavy armored soldiers riding on them also fell directly from Longju's back at this time, and some were even trampled under by Longju's hooves. .

Feng Ling, who was riding on the back of Kui Beast, jumped high at this time. Even so, under the original inertia, he almost fell to the ground one by one.

This sudden scene shocked everyone, and the people on the pilgrimage in the distance on the city wall saw this scene and cheered loudly!

"True God is invincible! True God is invincible!"

"True God Lingxiao is the master of ten thousand races! The royal family of Changlan Empire rebelled, but their people and the creatures in their kingdom will not become traitors with them."

"They will be punished by the real **** Ling Xiao!" The people were talking there, watching the chaotic heavy armor.

"Line up! Kill the enemy!" Feng Ling roared, quickly arranging the formation, but their mounts were standing there at this moment, motionless, even Feng Ling's mount Kuiyu, still motionless like a stone statue.

"Hexus! This is their sorcery! Let me kill the monsters and get rid of the false gods!" Feng Ling roared again, and the halberd in his hand waved again, rushing forward!

The heavy armored soldiers behind once again followed!

"Go to die!" Feng Ling jumped, the halberd in his hand glowed with a light blue light, and he killed Ye Chen's body!

When Ye Chen saw Feng Ling coming, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and with a wave of his arm, an illusory arm flew directly over the entire Qinghu City. The arm was huge, covering the sky. Just like swatting a fly, he directly slapped Feng Ling away.


A mouthful of blood was spit out, Feng Ling's entire face was shocked, and Ye Chen was so difficult to deal with!

But not discouraged, the whole person jumped up again, hanging high in the air, shouting at the heavy armored soldiers under his hands: "Slay the demon, reward a **** fruit, and seal Wanhuhou!"

Kill kill kill!

As Feng Ling's voice fell, the eyes of the heavy armored soldiers underneath became enthusiastic again, staring at Ye Chen as if staring at a plump prey.

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