Rongcheng Hotel.

"Welcome, Mr. Hong, please take a seat." Morgan Taryn's attitude this time was much more humble than the last time he came to Xia Kingdom.

It can also be seen that his face is indeed much whiter than when he came to Xia Kingdom before.

The face is similar to the last time he came to Xia Guo, I think it is not because he is white, but because he is indeed not in good physical condition.

The reason why I came to Xia Guo last time was also because the artificial intelligence system of Hongshi Game Company is indeed very important, and he is not at ease when others come out.

Interestingly, this time, this group of Western family leaders came to Xia Kingdom without mentioning Hong's Game Company.

Father Hong only brought Feng Gui to the hotel this time.

On the one hand, it is to see the face of Lieutenant General Feng Yuanhua, and on the other hand, it is also to see what this group of Westerners wants to do.

"Mr. Morgan's face is still the same as always! Haha, there are several others I haven't seen, come, everyone sits, this is Xia Guorong City, I, the local master, are not well entertained! "

Hong's father was anti-guest, and beckoned the Westerners present to take their seats.

Morgan Taryn also knew that this was the disadvantage given to them by Hong's father, but they could only suffer this humiliation if they begged Hong's father.

At the wine table, Hong's father exerted his business eloquence for more than ten years, and the Westerners at the toasting table with glass after glass of white wine.

Westerners are used to drinking red wine, and they drank such strong liquor from Xia Guo.

In a short time, half of the Westerners fell.

Morgan Taryn had a little understanding of the wine culture of Xia because he had been in Xia for a period of time before, and he was cunning and drank a glass of white wine several times.

Father Hong saw it in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, he understood that this time the Westerners were dominated by Morgan Taryn, so other Westerners could get drunk, but Morgan Taryn couldn't get drunk.

"Mr. Morgan, you're full of wine and food, let's talk about what you came to Xia Kingdom to find me this time!"

Father Hong didn't plan to continue to be hypocritical with this group of Westerners, so he opened the skylight and said something.

"Mr. Hong, it was a misunderstanding last time, we have realized our mistakes, this time I came to Xia Guo to form a strategic alliance with Mr. Hong's Hong's Group, and face the international business storm together."

Morgan Taryn's words shocked Father Hong.

The current international business storm is still ongoing, and it has a tendency to become more and more intense.

The reason is the artificial intelligence system of Hongshi Game Company, which has affected major companies in Xia Guo for the purpose of resisting Hongshi Group.

This is not to say that it is enough to deal with it together.

The loss of Hong's Group's withdrawal from the Western market is not small, but it has not yet reached the point of breaking the bones, but these Westerners, their family backgrounds are all in the Western world, one is not good, they are not right, they will ruin the century-old family business.

Father Hong is not sure whether this group of Westerners has deceived him, but Father Hong is extremely distrustful of this group of Westerners in his heart.

Father Hong didn't speak, just looked at Morgan Taryn with a smile.

Morgan Taryn also saw Father Hong's thoughts, so he nodded to Rothfumartin next to him, and then Rothfumartin stood up and said: "Hello, Mr. Hong, I am Rothofmartin, the person in power of Rothfusy, old Morgan is not wrong, our major families do want to form a strategic alliance with your Hongjia, for this reason, we only wait for your consent, we will hold a press conference, use all our forces in the West, to calm this business storm, for this, we no matter what price we pay, We will definitely fulfill our promises. "

For the person of Rosfu Martin, Hong's father still understands.

It's not that Father Hong has had contact with the other party, but when Morgan Taryn's group entered the Xia Kingdom this time, the comrades of the National Security Bureau had already touched all the old bottoms of this group of people.

Chen Guozhong also gave Hong's father a copy of the investigation report of the comrades of the National Security Bureau, so Hong's father knew this group of people very well.

"What is your purpose?" Father Hong did not believe that they would find out in conscience and wanted to be a virgin.

Morgan Taryn took a deep breath and said: "Mr. Hong, it was indeed us who were wrong before, we didn't have any ideas, we didn't have any extravagant ideas, we were old, we were no longer young, we longed for health, we wanted to import elephant white rice seeds, and we also wanted to act as an agent for Honghuang Games in Western countries." "

Father Hong didn't answer Morgan Taryn right away.

In fact, Morgan Taryn's purpose was discussed with Tong Feng before Father Hong came, and it was as expected by Father Hong.

Their primary purpose is indeed elephant white rice, and Hong's Game Company's Honghuang Game is only their second purpose.

Cheng, of course, is gratifying, you can use this to slowly study the secrets inside the flood game, if not, it doesn't matter, their main purpose is still elephant white rice.

It is true that they want to import elephant white rice seeds for the sake of their own health, but they also have the idea of not studying elephant white rice seeds.

With their character, as soon as they get the elephant white rice, they will definitely send it to the laboratory to study the secret of the elephant white rice.

At present, the seeds of elephant white rice are in the hands of the Hong's Research Institute and the military.

is strictly controlled, this group of Westerners have been in Xia Country for so long, it's not that they have no action, but they can't get the seeds, and they can only use commercial means, hoping to import some points back from Hong's father.

Father Hong saw the faces of this group of people clearly when he thought about it casually.

It is said that it is to form a strategic alliance and to face the international business storm together, but Hong's father will not forget that the wind of the international business storm is the first to blow by the people at the wine table.

It's just that they didn't achieve their goal later, they were used by others, and they were the ones who suffered heavy losses, and now they still want to pull Hong's father into this sinkhole.

I really thought that Hong's father was a fool.

However, Father Hong will not flip the table now.

Clapped his hands.

The waiter outside the door understood what it meant.

Subsequently, a group of waiters, escorted by a group of security guards, each held a plate with only a bowl of elephant white rice in it.

After giving one to each Westerner at the table, the waiter left the private room with three turns.

The Westerners, who were already drunk, were also awakened by the aroma of elephant white rice.

Looking at the plump elephant white rice in front of him, Morgan Taryn's eyes popped out.

"You are free, I have something, go first, as for what you said, I will consider it, oh, by the way, at the end of next month, it will be the first time that our group company will hold a new product launch conference, I hope you can come."

After speaking, Father Hong got up and left his seat, and Feng Gui hurriedly followed.

There was only the Westerners in the private room.

"Old Morgan, is this the elephant white rice?" Looking at the tempting white rice in front of him, Rockefeller Rodney swallowed his saliva in disbelief.

"That's right, old Rockefeller, we've been fighting all our lives, you should know who I am, and I'm not going to joke about it."

Morgan Taryn forced the urge to snatch the rice in front of everyone present, and hugged the elephant white rice bowl in his hand tightly.

On the side, Rothfumartin couldn't hold back anymore and started to eat by himself.

Seeing that someone had already moved his mouth, Morgan Taryn didn't care about anything else, and immediately swallowed the elephant white rice in front of him.

The rice bowl in front of them is the rice bowl used in the hotel, which is not big, if it is usual, if there is wine and food, it is indeed enough to fill the stomach, but tonight, Hong's father first toasted them with liquor, and the dishes did not eat a few bites.

The elephant white rice bowl used in the hotel now is only enough for them to eat a few bites.

Those who finished eating, their eyes glowed red when they saw those who had not finished eating, and those who did not finish their meals also hurriedly finished eating the remaining elephant white rice.

After eating, although they felt that the food was not enjoyable, at this time, their bodies still emitted a stream of heat, black sweat then flowed out, and a foul smell filled the entire private room.

In the end, everyone who couldn't stand it went back to their rooms to wash.

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