It's past seven o'clock in the evening.

Xu Hongdou came home from work

Chen Nanxing was on a business trip, and the house was empty.

Xu Hongdou lay on the bed tiredly, feeling a loss of complexity in his heart.

I don't pay attention to the stock market, because I help Chen Nanxing keep the stock account.

Today, the stock price has risen again, and Chen Nanxing has earned more than 10,000 yuan.

I don't work for a month, I go out early and return late, and I work overtime normally, and I only pay more than 10,000 yuan.

Chen Nanxing earned it in one day.

Xu Hongdou was a little envious and a little moved.

But in the end, there was restraint

She felt that stocks were too illusory and unreliable

It's like a superior life by clinging to a man.

When a man moves his heart away, everything he has is immediately shattered.

Xu Hongdou wants to get everything through hard work, that is the truth.

Otherwise, with a beautiful face, it is not difficult to marry a rich man and live a superior life.


It's the weekend in the blink of an eye

Tong Wenjie took a break from work and asked Song Qian to go shopping.

After meeting, looking at Song Qian's moist charm, Tong Wenjie's mood was very complicated.

The stocks invested by Song Qian have been up and down for another five days, chasing a total of 12 up and down.

The principal of 1500 has also rolled to 45 million.

If you follow the trend at the beginning, 500,000 will become more than 1 million...

This can't be thought of

Thinking about it a little, Tong Wenjie was blocked, distressed, and even more upset.

This week, looking at the price limit one by one,

She also had impulses and wanted to follow the trend of investment, but she restrained herself sensibly.

Now, Rongjian's share price has 15 daily limits

Tong Wenjie didn't dare to follow suit.

Song Qian holds 12 daily limits, not afraid of a day or two of declines

She's afraid, what if she loses.

Moreover, the family's money is all in Fangyuan

Tong Wenjie didn't want to talk to Fang Yuan either

It's annoying to watch, and it's annoying to watch

Fang Yuan didn't stop it, and he had already earned more than 1.4 million.

didn't quarrel, didn't get angry, it was already the result of very restraint

"Wen Jie, why don't you look happy..."

Song Qian looked at her suspiciously, and said with a smile:

"You invest in stocks, and you don't make less.

"Treat yourself to something by buying something.

"How about this bag, it's only more than 30,000..."

What do you earn...

Didn't buy it at all

Tong Wenjie is bitter

This bag is new, it is really good-looking, and I really want to buy it, but I am not willing to buy it.

and Fang Yuan's monthly salary, only 60,000 yuan when it is full, excluding car loans, housing loans, living expenses, and can't save a few dollars.

After buying this bag, I have to make a deposit.

"This bag, it's pretty average..."

Tong Wenjie commented against her will, and changed the topic and asked:

"Song Qian, how are you doing?"

I haven't seen Song Qian since I separated from Song Qian last week.

Mainly because I'm embarrassed,

I always suspected that Li Luo was a liar, but as a result, it was not.

Tong Wenjie recalled that she had been fighting wits and courage with the air, and she felt embarrassed.

"What else, that's it..."

Song Qian smiled gently, looked at Tong Wenjie, and said with concern

"It's you, you look tired, and you don't have much energy, pay more attention to rest..."

Missing more than a million, who can have a good spirit.

Tong Wenjie felt this bitterness in her heart, and the opportunity to make a fortune was in front of her, but she didn't seize it.



When the stock market was closed, it went up again.

Fang Yuan and Qiao Weidong looked at each other, both stunned.

"Round, it's nothing..."

Qiao Weidong was relieved, and he was also cheering himself up

"We can hold on, don't panic..."

If you don't hold on, what else can you do, hundreds of thousands will be gone.

Fang Yuan gritted his teeth and stiffened, added a margin of 100,000, and also prayed that the stock would not rise tomorrow.

But the next day, it was another up-and-down.

"Old Joe, if you don't make a margin call, what will be the consequences..."

Fang Yuan trembled all over, and wanted to stop his loss

There are still 100,000 in hand, but the loss is 480,000, of which more than 300,000 are deposits, and the hole is not big.

is chasing down, in the daily limit, 100,000 will be gone, and there will be a big hole.

"Fang Yuan..."

Qiao Weidong was very embarrassed and sighed:

"It stands to reason that if you want to stop your loss, buddy shouldn't stop you.

"If it's your account, it's easy.

"As long as there is no margin call, the securities company will use your 500,000 deposit and margin to force the redemption of shares to close the position.

"You still have some money left.

"Now, it's a bit of a hassle.

"It's the stock borrowed from my account, and if you don't add margin, I'll chase it.

"Unless, you buy the stock back.

"Now the stock price is 76, and you have more than 12,000 shares.

"To buy back this batch of shares, you need 970,000.

"You have to make up the 970,000.

"If I had a lot of cash on hand, it wouldn't be a problem to help you.

"But now, if you don't chase it, I still have to make a margin call, and I have to prepare more cash, so..."

What, 970 thousand!

Fang Yuan was stunned and shocked, in disbelief.

Where to make up the 970,000!

But if you don't make up, just like Qiao Weidong said, this is Qiao Weidong's continuous margin call.

"Fang Yuan, it's not that the 970,000 are gone..."

Qiao Weidong explained: "You just need to return the stock.

"The 500,000 you pressed, and the additional margin, will also come back, which is about the same amount of money.

"You only need to get together 970,000 yuan, turn it around, and the funds will not be occupied for a few days..."

Even if it doesn't take a few days, you won't be able to make it up.

Fang Yuan racked his brains, but he couldn't think of the slightest way

Like a gambler, he gambled on the last 100,000 margin, hoping to win, hoping that the stock price would not rise

As long as it doesn't rise, it can maintain the status quo and hold on for as many days as it takes.

In the rise, it is about to explode, there is no margin, and the securities company closes the position, leaving a big hole.

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