Yes and Zernas looked at each other, and the environment seemed extraordinarily quiet.

[Well, I will]

It was a full moment before the gentle voice of Zhernias rang in Yes's head.

Ye Si breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that he's unfounded......

As he said, in a thousand years, the world has changed too much!

When Zernas goes out and sees the human city, he will naturally understand.

God X is strong......

But until now, Ye Si has not figured out the extent to which the black technology in some fields has developed in the world he has crossed over!

In the original book, there are also lessons from the past of various mythical beasts that have been plotted.

Of course, there is an element of the mythical beast being secretly cut by the screenwriter......

But if you have a calculating or unintentional part, if you are defenseless, you will always be easy to suffer!

In particular, Zhelnyas is very willing to get close to humans!


It's not just a power that careerists covet!

It also has the ability to share its life force!

After all, careerists are a minority, but what about those who want to prolong their lives?

Crucian carp across the river!

A thousand years have passed, and there are probably not many people who still have information in their hands and can recognize Zhernias......

But as long as Zernhas is out and about, there will always be a day when he will be discovered!

No one knows how crazy those who desperately need it will be to get this ability from Zernhas!

You know, there are often many people with this kind of demand, and there are many high-ranking and powerful people!

At that time, what Zhelnias will face is probably not a plot or two......

And it is likely to be a steady stream of attacks and interceptions!

A thousand years of evolution, it's hard to say anything else, in terms of tracking methods, a thousand years ago can't catch up with the present!

As if he had been silent for a moment, the horns on Zernias's head changed from azure to colorful again.

Of course, it didn't start to be careful of humans right now, intending to kill Yes......

In fact, even if it had followed Yes's instructions, it would only reduce its contact with humans, and it would be impossible to get it to kill on a killing spree.

I saw that the horns on its head had turned into colorful colors, and suddenly one of them broke apart at the end of the fork.

The broken corner quickly returned to its original state......

But this small section that broke off was wrapped in a stream of colored energy, and it was suspended in mid-air!

Perhaps because it was broken in the active state of Djeronas, the severed horn itself is still colorful!

[You take this]

Zernias's gentle, neutral voice rang in Yes's ears again.

"It's ...... For me?"

With a little surprise, Ye Si reached out and took it carefully.

This is the part of the body that has been taken from the body of the priest Zhelnias!

Even if it's just a small part of the corner of its head, its value is immeasurable!

It is not the imaginary bone texture, but a special warmth.

And a warm current also gushed out from the broken corner, and it was submerged in Ye Si's body for a week before returning to the broken corner!

This feeling is not unfamiliar.

That's how he felt when he was first baptized by Zernias!

This broken horn contains the same pure life force as Zernias's body!

[If you encounter an irresistible danger, hold it quietly and call, and I will come as soon as I perceive it]


Listening to Zernias's words, Yes's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but gasp.

This is......

Please use a world-class fighter like Jernias for a chance to make a shot?

If some careerists find out, they must be jealous beyond recognition, right?

And that's not all......

[You should have felt it just now, right?

Zernhas looked at him earnestly, telepathy continuing.

[If the situation is really urgent, after you call me, you can use it to save your life]

It's the ultimate life-saving item!

Ye Si felt like he was going to be stunned by surprise.

Although I don't want to have such an embarrassing day, no one has too many such treasures!

The life force of Zernhas is not strictly a cure!

It's about 'giving' life!

To put it bluntly, you can still save it even if you die!

[I have to leave]

After explaining everything, the horns on his head changed from colorful to sky blue, and Zernhas turned and floated away without any delay.

Watching its figure quickly disappear at the end of the field of vision, Ye Si took a deep breath and solemnly put away the broken corner.

When Zernas leaves, the wild Pokémon that came from it do not linger and disperse.

Leaving only a nervous mounted goat held by the Swamp Monster.

The four-season deer that he brought here with him in his mouth followed his friends......

"I've never liked forced ......"

Wandering in front of the mounted goat, Ye Si chuckled and spoke.


The mount goat's eyes lit up.

Is there still a turning point?

"I'll give you two options......"

Ye Si raised two fingers, and his smile became gentle.

"First, follow me! Second, I'll take you away!"


What is the difference between the two options?

The mount goat begins to suspect that the goat is born.

As for whether there is a difference between the two options......

That's definitely there!

It's a big difference!

One doesn't have to be beaten, the other has to be beaten!

As if having exhausted his life's luck, the mounted goat carefully chose the second option.

After a beating from society, Yes put it in a Poké Ball and left with it!

Following the Howler Whale King, Ye Si managed to harvest a good land mount.

When it recovers from the beating of society, Ye Si will be able to experience the feeling of galloping forward on land!

[Name]: Mount goat

[Attributes]: Grass

[Characteristic]: Herbivorous

[Grade]: Level 35 (Advanced)

[Potential]: Owner

Also baptized by Zernias, this mounted goat has increased its potential just like the fire dinosaur!

It's good to keep up with the pace of the Ye Si team!

The howler whale king, who missed the baptism because he was too big, was in the Poké Ball, looking at the ......

It's really envious that the macho man cried!

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