In July, the clear blue sky, the sun hanging like a fireball, the clouds seem to be burned by the sun, and they have disappeared without a trace.

Gangneung City First Elf High School.

In the spacious and bright classroom, a teenager by the window raised his head lying on the desk, opened his still hazy eyes, and looked out the window.

"Why are those sparrows standing on the branches outside so familiar, this is ~~~ Bobo w (゚Д゚)w?"

In the distance, I saw a few brown backs, white abdomen, and black eyeshadow-like bobos standing on the trees, clearing their wings. "What's going on, I played all night last night with the Pokémon Sword and Shield, today secretly make up for the sleep, how the world has changed, it must be that I woke up in the wrong position, wake up again and try." Thinking about Lin Xun, he was ready to lie down again.

At this moment, a chalk flew in and accurately smashed on Lin Xun's forehead.


At the same time, a cold voice sounded, "Lin Xun, why are you still ready to sleep again?" "

Li Qing, the homeroom teacher of the 4th class of high school, has a delicate face, a pair of half-rimmed glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose, and a slim teacher's uniform, which shows his hot figure. Recognized as a goddess teacher at Gangneung No. 1 Middle School.

"What's going on with you?" The voice of hatred of iron is not steel, coming from the podium. "You're in your second year of high school, and next week is the day to choose your elf companions, shouldn't you know the attributes of each elf to decide on your initial partner?"

Lin Xun, touching the forehead hit by the chalk head, at this time his muddy consciousness gradually sobered up, "I really crossed over?" Or a world with elves?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I was wrong, there is no next time. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ" Lin Xun quickly stood up and bowed, his tone was extremely sincere and his attitude was extremely serious. Quickly admitting mistakes is a major advantage of Lin Xunping's life, and whether or not to change it is a matter for later.

"Sit down first, listen carefully, let's continue to talk about the restraint relationship of ground attributes..." Looking at Lin Xun, who had such a sincere attitude, Li Qing let him sit down first and continued to talk about the lesson.

"Linzi, okay! The speed of recognition is still so sloppy. Let Goddess Li let you go. An arm touched Lin Xun's arm, and a fat face leaned over and whispered.

This is Liu Tian, and Lin Xun's table is also a dead party who has played from childhood to adulthood. A fat person is a potential stock every day, and he grows meat by his ability, why should he reduce the funny ratio.

Lin Xun raised his chin slightly at Liu Tian and responded with a look to him, allowing him to experience it himself. He also had to think back to the memories in his head to brush up on what happened.

This world is different from the previous life, and the first secret realms suddenly arrived more than a hundred years ago.

The first collision between humans and elves was born.

The weapons and equipment of the time were helpless for the powerful elves, from those that spewed scorching flames to burn through all military fortresses, those that could blow hurricanes powerful enough to blow up armored vehicles, those that could grow strange plants to entangle soldiers, and those that could set off tsunamis and overturn ships.

Until later, in order to survive, human beings had to try to contact "Warcraft", and slowly found that not all of these Warcraft with various powerful skills were irritable and destructive, and there were many Warcraft that were gentler and could communicate with people and were willing to live in peace with people.

Through continuous contact and exploration, research has also learned more about this creature.

They were given new names called "elves", and corresponding "elven trainers" who fought with elves appeared.

Since then, combinations of elves and trainers have begun to appear in various secret realms, defeating and suppressing various powerful elves who have gone berserk due to the influence of the magnetic field of the secret realm. Later, with the participation of the officials of various countries, the current official organization was formed: the Elven Alliance.

As a result, a clear hierarchy of the trainer class was established: rookie, amateur, professional, elite, dojo level, master level, heavenly king level, and the champion level, which symbolizes the peak combat power of various countries.

Recalling his memory, Lin Xun found that because it had only been a hundred years since the arrival of the secret realm, many elves had not yet appeared. People's research on elves is still in its infancy, and even leprechauns have not yet been discovered, and scholars have only discovered 17 attributes, which are "general, fire, water, grass, ice, electricity, flight, fighting, ground, rock, worm, superpower, ghost, evil, poison, dragon, steel." "

The hidden characteristics of some elves have not been discovered, and the super-evolution and Z-move and extreme giantization are even more absent. Including some black technologies in previous life anime, such as elf teleportation devices, energy cubes and the like have not yet appeared.

At this moment, the end of class bell rang, Li Qing closed the book and said on the podium: "Everyone go back and think clearly, go to the breeding house next week, prepare to select the elves, I hope you can think seriously, this will be a choice that you face in life that may determine your future, see you next week." After speaking, Li Qingmai walked out of the classroom with graceful steps. The gazes of the men and beasts in the class disappeared completely as Li Qing's back disappeared before they were willing to take it back.

Discussions quickly sounded around about receiving the initial elves next week.

"Lin Zi, let's go, flash people after school" Liu Tian, who quickly put away his school bag, urged Lin Xun on the side, "In other words, did you think about the initial elf first?" If there was a mini dragon, the young Kielas would be cool and take off directly in a wave.

"What a dream, that level of elves can appear among the elves prepared for us novices at school?" What's more, appeared that you can afford it? Lin Xun looked at Liu Tian with eyes as if he were mentally retarded, and replied.

"Alas, too, although my family's conditions are okay, it is still a little insufficient to look at the quasi-god cubs that start tens of millions, not to mention the follow-up cultivation fee, alas..." Liu Tian, who looked helpless, still recognized the reality.

Liu Tian and Lin Xunjia almost belong to that kind of middle-income family, and it is okay to take out four or five hundred thousand yuan to do the initial cultivation fund for the two, and no matter how much it is, it is a little tight.

Lin Xun, who finished packing his bag, replied angrily: "Let's go, let's go, why do you think so much, so many Taoist hall-level and even heavenly kings are not ordinary initial elves, one of the four heavenly kings, Jiang Chuan's initial elves are just unicorns, you look at his big needle bee, the absolute heavenly king combat power, even against the main fast dragon of the dragon Yue Heavenly King, it can not fall behind."

"Also, Yudao is a spirit without waste, only a trainer of waste. When I led my initial partner to see me take off in place, hang the major secret realms, walk to the peak of life, marry Bai Fumei, wow, hahahaha!! Looking at Liu Tian's arrogant laughter, Lin Xun was simply powerless to complain.

“...... It's not yet evening for you, and you're starting to dream. Stay away from me, I'm afraid that the mental disability will be contagious, I withdrew first, leave! Saying that, Lin Xun quickly ran outside the classroom door, as if he was really afraid that he would be infected by Liu Tian.

"Abominable! Xiao Linzi, you give the fat master a stop, you can fall asleep in class this daytime, and I am sorry to say that I dream. Looking at Lin Xun, who was quickly moving away, Liu Tian also grabbed his schoolbag and hurried to catch up.

Under the sunset, the sky is shining, and under the afterglow of the sunset, there are young figures walking out of the campus together............

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