"Huh? Are you a newly acquired elf in the secret realm? And this Kabi beast of yours is also too good to breed, it is actually so tall!

At this time, Zhou Wen also noticed the little cat monster beside Lin Xun, as well as the huge kabi beast, and couldn't help but exclaim.

Hearing this, Lin Xun smiled slightly and said: "Well, the little cat monster is a newly accepted elf after I entered the secret realm, as for the Kabi beast, this may be that I usually eat too much, so it grows a little taller." In

fact, when Zhou Wen just asked, he regretted it a little, after all, in the elven world, it is taboo to ask others about their cultivation methods, and if you encounter a bad temper, you may even form a grudge about it, so at this moment, hearing Lin Xun's obvious nonsense, I didn't care, but instead smiled and prepared to change the topic.

"I'm really sorry, I'm just talking faster, how about it, classmate Lin Xun, do you want to have a battle?" Zhou Wen sent an invitation to Lin Xun to fight.

This is also the norm in the elven world.

Lin Xun had not fought with other trainers for a long time, and when he heard this, he nodded and agreed.

Seeing that Lin Xun simply agreed, Zhou Wen was also delighted, and then said to the cow-like elf behind him: "Then Kentairo will trouble you."

Lin Xun also noticed long ago that Zhou Wen was also followed by two elves, one was Kentairo and the other was a poisonous rose, which was probably the elf he had just subdued.

Seeing that Zhou Wen sent out the Kentairo who was estimated to be his initial elf, Lin Xun also glanced at its data panel.

[Elf: Kentairo]

Gender: Male

Classification: Brute Bull Elf

Attributes: General

Height: 1.4m (average 1.4m) Weight: 88.4kg (average 88.4kg)

Characteristics: Angry acupuncture points. (Spirits with this trait increase their attack power by 6 levels when hit to the point.)

Skills: Impact, tail wagging, self-motivation, for tat, malicious pursuit.

Disc skills: slamming, heavy pedaling.

Genetic skills: None.

Level: 18 (Amateur)

Potential: Elite

Cultivation Program: Improve this elf....

Seeing that it was a professional-level elf, Lin Xun did not let the Kabi Beast play, which was really a little too bullying, just to give the kitten monster a chance to exercise, and Lin Xun felt that after the battle in the past few days, the kitten monster faintly had a sign of about to evolve.

"Then kitten monster, this battle is left to you."

Hearing Lin Xun's voice, the little cat monster was also happy, meowed, and ran over, and it seemed even more excited to participate in the battle for the first time, waiting for the battle to start with an impatient face, like a battle maniac.

Zhou Wen also didn't care that Lin Xun was using this newly subdued elf, just looking at the size of the Kabi beast, Zhou Wen also estimated that his Kentairo would not be an opponent.

"Since it is my challenge, then Lin Xun will be attacked by you first." Seeing that the elves on both sides were ready, Zhou Wen spoke.

Lin Xun was not too humble, nodded and said, "Okay, then the little cat monster launches a threat, and then uses a long howl move." "

Kentairo's attack value is as high as 100, which is 35 points higher than the kitten's physical attack race value, plus the gap in level and size, Lin Xun did not launch an attack at the beginning, but chose to let the kitten monster launch its characteristics while using the long howl skill to strengthen his attack, striving to close the gap between the two.

With the intimidating nature of the kitten monster activated, Kentairo obviously felt as if he was being targeted by some terrible creature, obviously the opposite side was just a petite elf, but at this moment, Kentairo felt like a desolate beast. For a while, Kentairo's strength was weakened a little because of his inner fear.

This is also the horror of the intimidating nature of the PVP divine skill.

Zhou Wen also frowned when he saw this, he didn't expect that this was even a little cute elf outside, and it would actually have intimidating characteristics, but the battle had already begun, and he didn't have time to think about it so much, and opened his mouth and ordered: "Kentairo, restep move." "

The heavy step move is a ground attack move with a power of 60, which has a double damage effect on the electric attribute kitten, and can also reduce the movement speed of the attacked elf, Lin Xun does not want the kitten monster to be attacked by this move, otherwise this battle is estimated to be difficult.

"Kitten, use electromagnetic floating."

Seeing that Kentairo had raised his hooves in front of him high, the heavy step move was about to be launched.

With its super high control over the energy of the electric attribute, the kitten monster immediately launched an electromagnetic floating move.

I saw that the kitten monster's body emitted a burst of electrical energy, which was generated by a magnetic force through these electricity, and then the kitten's body rose directly off the ground and floated in the air.

At the moment when the kitten monster just left the ground, an invisible fluctuation spread out from under Kentairo's feet, but fortunately, the kitten monster also floated in the air, not harmed by this blow.

Seeing this, Zhou Wen's brows furrowed deeper, he didn't know that Lin Xun's little cat monster was so difficult, and now he could only bite the bullet.

"Kentairo uses slamming moves."

It's a pity that Lin Xun has no intention of fighting with him, and his positioning of the kitten monster was originally the kind of elf with a high burst of flow, so he immediately ordered the kitten monster: "The kitten monster avoids the attack, then unfolds the electric field, and uses charging to continue to strengthen." Hearing

Lin Xun's instructions, the kitten's beautiful golden eyes stared at Kentairo's rushing figure, and then with the magnetic traction generated by electromagnetic floating, he cleverly dodged Kentairo's attack, and then quickly unfolded the electric field, and then continued to use the charging move.

This is also Lin Xun's rest these days, the tactical training of the kitten monster, let the kitten monster try to pull the electromagnetic force generated by the electromagnetic floating move, so as to traction or accelerate its own movement, after these days of practice, the little cat monster at this time has been able to initially mobilize a little electromagnetic force, but just this also greatly improves the little cat monster's mechanical power, I believe that after the little cat monster completely controls this magnetic force, then the movement speed of the little cat monster will not be a problem.

Seeing that Kentairo's attack had failed again, and at this moment, the field was already filled with electricity, and the little cat monster absorbed the electric attribute energy that was free in the air into his body, Zhou Wen's forehead climbed with a layer of fine sweat, he knew that the next attack of the little cat monster would definitely be very dangerous.

Lin Xun also had a smile on the corner of his mouth at this moment, at this moment, he already felt that the victory was in hand, and he used his set of tactics for the first time, and he was also looking forward to the first display of this set of tactics in actual combat.

Although this is only a beggar's version of this set of tactics, in Lin Xun's imagination, in fact, the Roentgen cat who carries the flame orb to activate the hidden characteristic perseverance can completely show the horror of this set of tactics, when the Roentgen cat with a material attack value of 180, paired with a crazy volt with a power of 405, is definitely to see who exists in seconds! (Volt Attack Power 90X1.5 This attribute bonus X1.5 Electrical Field X2 charging move doubles the next electric attribute move.)

When the little cat monster reaches the championship level, it is estimated that even the divine beast has the power of a battle, and by that time, the little cat monster can even boldly say: "The big brother who still has the characteristics of the lightning rod in the ground system please stand up first, I am not targeting anyone, everyone here is spicy chicken." "

It's just a pity that in the face of crazy volts' huge antiphagic ability, it is estimated that Roentgen cat will only have the power of one blow, and after one blow, he will also fall into a weak state because of the antiphagy power, and even directly coma and lose the ability to fight."

"The kitten monster uses electric light."

Lin Xun waved his hand and directly let the buff-filled kitten monster launch the first attack since the battle.

When the kitten monster heard this, his whole body emitted a dazzling electric lightning, and the terrifying lightning completely wrapped the body of the kitten monster, and then the little cat monster with a volley of the body crashed straight into it with a lightning-like speed through the pull of magnetic force, because it had just used a slamming move and turned its back to Kentairo.

At this moment, Zhou Wen's eyes were as wide as copper bells, anxiously wanting to remind Kentairo to pay attention, but where was the time...


A huge impact sounded, and Kentairo's nearly 200-pound body was directly knocked out more than ten meters away under this blow, and slid on the grass for several meters before gradually stopping.


Seeing this, Zhou Wen immediately ran up, ready to check Kentairo's injuries.

The little cat monster who used this trick for the first time also shook his dizzy head after dispersing the thunder and lightning that wrapped his whole body, and then looked at Lin Xun with excitement, waiting for Lin Xun's praise.

Lin Xun walked up with a smile and touched the head of the little cat monster and said, "Good job, defeated a strong opponent in the first battle." The

kitten monster squinted his eyes and accepted Lin Xun's touch with a look of enjoyment.

At this moment, a burst of white light appeared from the body of the little cat monster, Lin Xun saw this, first stunned and then relieved, before he felt that the little cat monster had a faint trend of evolution, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

Immediately, Lin Xun took a few steps back and looked at the little cat monster that was about to evolve with a smile.


The little cat monster also made a surprise cry, and then the body also changed in the white light, gradually becoming bigger, and when the white light dissipated, what appeared in front of Lin Xun's eyes was the familiar Luck cat look.

"Congratulations, Luck Cat."

After the white light dissipated, Lin Xun immediately sent congratulations to the Luck cat, and the Kabi Beast also walked over when he saw his little brother Evolution, looking at the Luck cat with a happy face.

"Roar~" The

evolved Luck cat barking is obviously not as cute as before, but it is a little more domineering, and it is more in line with its current image.

Hearing the voices of Lin Xun and Kabi Beast, the little cat monster was first pleased, opened his eyes and carefully observed his body, once it envied his brother and those Le Cat people, with such a body, now he has finally completed his evolution, and his heart is naturally filled with joy.

But when it saw the body of the Kabi Beast that was close to three meters tall again, it was lost again when it looked at its own height of less than 1 meter, although it also knew that it was impossible, but it was envious of the Kabi Beast with a huge body.

Sensing the loss of the Luck cat, combined with its eyes that looked at the Kabi beast before, Lin Xun could not guess the thoughts of this little guy, and couldn't help but pat the head of the Luck cat funny, and said angrily: "What, envy the height of the Kabi beast?" You've only evolved once now, and there will be a second evolution, and you'll be taller then. Hearing

that the little cat was strange, but since its previous group did not have the existence of Roentgen cats, it didn't know how tall it could be when it evolved again, and couldn't help but look at Lin Xun with hope and then make an inquiring sound.

Lin Xun touched his head, he didn't know if to break this little guy's illusion, how long the Roentgen cat family can't reach the height of the Kabi beast, hearing this, he can only vaguely say: "Well~ as long as you eat well in the future and exercise more, it must be similar."

Lin Xun thought to himself: The average height of the Roentgen cat is about 1.5 meters, his talent is good, and he has his own energy cube supplement, and when he evolves into a Roentgen cat, the height reaches 1.7 1.8 is not too much, rounding is 2 meters, the height of the cabi beast is now 2.8 2.9, even if it is two meters good, well, this is very reasonable. So he didn't lie to Luck the cat himself ....

Lin Xun rounded it off, and he attacked himself first.

And the Luck cat who looked at Lin Xun nodding was completely convinced of Lin Xun's ghost words, and he couldn't help but fantasize about his future appearance, and let out a silly laugh from time to time.

Looking at the Luck cat in this state, Lin Xun really didn't know what it would be like when the Luck cat knew that he was fooled, anyway, Lin Xun didn't dare to think about it at the moment.

At this time, Zhou Wen, who had observed Kentairo's injury, also came over, looked at the Luck cat who had completed the evolution, he first took out the elf information book issued by the alliance and checked it, and then said with a look of envy: "Congratulations Lin Xun, the little cat monster actually evolved into the Luck cat, so that your strength has increased again."

Lin Xun nodded at Zhou Wen and replied with a smile: "Thank you, thanks to the battle with your Kentairo, this little guy completed his evolution."

It was as Lin Xun was speaking, the Scorpio King who had been patrolling nearby before also flew back.


After the Scorpio King who landed saw the Luck cat, he was first stunned, and then looked at the Luck cat with a surprised face, and then walked over and patted the back of the Luck cat, and the two little guys communicated.

Seeing that it was another unknown elf, Zhou Wen took out the information book issued by the alliance again, flipped it, and when he saw the evolution of the Scorpio, he said to Lin Xun with a surprised face: "Classmate Lin Xun, this Scorpio King is also your elf?"

Lin Xun smiled and nodded, and said under Zhou Wen's surprised gaze: "Well, this guy is my initial elf, Scorpio evolved. "

Zhou Wen: ... This person is much worse than people, I can't even beat one person, people are so powerful and there are actually three elves! ┭┮_┭┮

PS: 4000 words chapter, this chapter is today, good night everyone

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