Fortunately, the cooperation matter is done, and then there is the production of energy cubes.

What Jiang Chuan said before was also correct, as the level of these elves became higher and higher, the quality requirements for energy cubes also increased, and with the strength of the magic wall puppets, it was simply impossible to make high-quality energy blocks.

"Alas, it seems that it is necessary to subdue an elf with superpower attributes."

Thinking of this, Lin Xun also began to have a headache, a good elf is not easy to find, not to mention a rare super attribute.

Lin Xun also thought about the final prize of the alliance's Little Phoenix King Cup, whether there would be a steel system plus super power quasi-god iron dumbbell. However, when he thought of the unique evolution of iron dumbbells, Lin Xun's scalp felt a little numb.

Because in the original anime, the evolution of iron dumbbells does not only rely on the improvement of level, it is the same as the evolution of small magnetic monsters into three-in-one magnetic monsters, and the existence of another iron dumbbell is required, two iron dumbbells can evolve into its second form of metal monsters, and giant golden monsters need two metal monsters... (The picture book wrote so, and it was also said in the original book, but the iron dumbbell that turned to Zongji evolved into a metal monster in the battle...) What I saw was fascinating. Anyway, I set it up like this in the book, and if you don't believe it, you can't beat (/▽\))

That is, it takes 4 quasi-god cubs to evolve from iron dumbbells to real quasi-god elf giant golden monsters, just according to a quasi-god cub 10 million, four down is 40 million to start, not to mention the cultivation fee of these four iron dumbbells, Lin Xun roughly estimated, it is estimated that there is no sixty or seventy million can not be taken down, rounding is a small goal.

So why do many people think that Daigo in the original book looks handsome when he steps on the head of the giant golden monster, and is it an elf under people's feet? That's a couple of hundred million! Because people are still shining....

Combined with these, Iron Dumbbell Lin Xun didn't dare to think about it, at least not now, maybe when his energy cube business started, he could cultivate one in the future.

However, thinking of the giant golden monster, Lin Xun's mind suddenly appeared an elf figure, which has the same steel plus super energy attributes as the giant golden monster, and it is easier to get hold of than quasi-god elves, that is-bronze bell!

Compared with the giant golden monster, the bronze bell is undoubtedly much better, like the giant golden monster, the bronze bell has 10 resistance attributes, of which the super power move can only cause 1/4 of the damage to the bronze bell, and the poison move is completely immune.

There are only four attributes that can double damage to the bronze bell, and one that does not have quadruple damage, among which the ground system can also be avoided by floating in the air with super powers, and some of the fire attribute moves can be resisted by virtue of the characteristic "heat resistance".

Moreover, the double defense race value of the bronze bell is 116 points, and the double attack race value is not low, only the speed race value is only 33 points slower, only three points more than the Kabi beast.

However, this is also more in line with one of Lin Xun's tactics, that is, the trick space!

In the magic space, the slower the elf moves, and the bronze bell happens to be able to master this move.

When the time comes, singles, bronze bell iron walls plus pounces, or a spiral ball. The doubles directly open the reflective wall light wall to protect the Kabi Beast strengthened, and then the abdominal drum Kabi Beast seconds by second.

Thinking of this, Lin Xun also firmly decided to find the idea of finding the initial form of a bronze bell, the copper mirror monster, just a day and a half before the end of the game, Lin Xun planned to take this opportunity to see if he could find the trace of the copper mirror monster.

Seeing that there was nothing to do here, Lin Xun packed up, released the Scorpio King Kabi Beast and the Luck Cat, and then walked together to another mountain in the distance, preparing to reach the foot of the mountain before the sun went down.

However, there is a saying called Wangshan running dead horses, Lin Xun and his party hurriedly did not reach the bottom of the mountain before the sun went down, and in desperation, he could only put away the two guys of Luck Cat and Kabi Beast first, and let the Scorpio King carry it on his back and fly towards the mountain.

By the time the Scorpio King found a flat ground to land, the moon had quietly climbed overhead.

Release the two guys in the Spirit Ball, and then Lin Xun took out the tent and began to arrange it with a light car, after so many days of wild life, Lin Xun has practiced a good skill of quickly building and dismantling the tent, and the cooking skills are also much better.

After the meal, Lin Xun looked at the three elves who were still playing and playing, smiled and said: "Okay, today is all hard, go to bed early, tomorrow is the last day, I hope we can have a harvest tomorrow." "


Hearing Lin Xun's words, the most lively Luck cat took the lead in barking, indicating that he wanted to play a little longer, and the Kabi Beast and the Scorpio King also nodded. Helplessly, Lin Xun could only let them go, and when they were tired of playing, they would naturally go to sleep.

"As you please, pay attention and rest early."

After saying that, Lin Xun rushed into the tent, and soon fell into sleep.

Today he was so tired that he first climbed the volcano, then turned over the gravel in the crater to find the Stone of Fire, and then the volcano erupted, and almost confessed there, but the Scorpio King successfully escaped with him. After this series of events, Lin Xun's state at this moment can be best described as physically and mentally exhausted.

The three guys who were playing outside also quieted down when they heard the slight snoring sound coming from Lin Xun's tent. Afraid of disturbing Lin Xun's rest, they also quickly stopped the game and prepared to rest.

The Scorpio King was also the same, flying up a treetop, watching for the movements around him, guarding the last night of their trip to the secret realm.

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