
It is a prop that stimulates the bond between the elf and the trainer. If the trainer carries the keystone and the elf carries the corresponding super stone, it can activate the bond between the two, so that the elf can temporarily stimulate the potential in the body and further re-evolve.

The sharp-eyed shopping guide naturally saw Lin Xun's surprise, walked to Lin Xun with a smile and said, "Did this classmate take a fancy to this gem?"

"Well, take the trouble to show me." Lin Xun suppressed the excitement in his heart and said.

Hearing this, the shopping guide also opened the cabinet door and handed the keystone to Lin Xun.

Taking the keystone, Lin Xun carefully groped in the palm of his hand, and then closed his eyes intending to feel the energy in it. More than ten seconds later, Lin Xun opened his eyes, well... I didn't feel anything, after all, he was not a superpower.

"How did this gem sell?" Lin Xun asked the shopping guide.

"This gemstone, because of its purity and brilliant color, so our price tag is 100,000 yuan." The shopping guide said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Xun was overjoyed in his heart, he didn't expect the price of the keystone to be so cheap, but when he thought that the shopping guides all called the keystone a gemstone, it was estimated that the alliance had not yet discovered its true function.

Discovering this, Lin Xun immediately asked, "Do you still have such a gemstone, or a similar stone?" I was interested in this beautiful gemstone. Hearing

Lin Xun say this, the shopping guide was also happy, knowing that this was about to have performance come to the door again, and quickly bent down and asked Lin Xun to wait for a while, while he went to the counter behind him to bring out a tray full of strange gems.

Seeing this, Lin Xun also opened his mouth wide, and secretly said in his heart: "Could it be that there will be so many keystones here?" Wouldn't I have sent it today. "

Lin Xun is already ready, today is to smash pots and sell iron, and he will also kill all the keystones.

Unfortunately, after the shopping guide turned around and placed the tray in front of Lin Xun, after Lin Xun carefully identified it, a wildly beating heart finally fell.

That's right, among these beautiful stones, Lin Xun did not find the existence of a second keystone, although these stones in front of him had no less brilliant color than the keystone, but it was not a keystone after all.

Shaking his head regretfully, Lin Xun spoke, "I'm sorry, there is no gemstone like this that I like. Hearing

this, the shopping guide was also a little regretful, but he still said to Lin Xun with that polite smile: "It's okay, but if you are really interested in these peculiar gems, maybe you can go to the grocery area on the sixth floor, where the treasures found in the secret realm that the alliance specially deals with and buys from the trainer, maybe there will be what you want." Hearing

this, Lin Xun's somewhat disappointed mood just now suddenly revived, thanked the shopping guide for a while, and then quickly checked out the previous keystone, and then walked towards the sixth floor.



As the elevator door opened, the scene on the 6th floor suddenly appeared in front of Lin Xun's eyes, and as the shopping guide said before, here are some strange shaped items, Lin Xun even found some stone slabs that seem to appear from ancient ruins, with some strange symbols painted on them, Lin Xun came closer to take a closer look, and was surprised to find that these strange-shaped patterns were actually some like unknown totems.

As if seeing that Lin Xun had been staring at this stone slab, a shopping guide came over and smiled at Lin Xun: "Is the guest interested in this stone slab?" Do you want me to take it off for you to take a closer look.

Lin Xun waved his hand and said, "Thank you, no need, I'm just curious who carved these stone slabs, could it be that there are still humans in the secret realm?" Hearing

Lin Xun's question, the shopping guide spread out his hand and shrugged: "Who knows, maybe it was carved by the elves at that time." Hearing

this, Lin Xun also nodded, whether there were humans living in the secret realm, this is an unsolved mystery that has always existed in the elven world, although not a single human has been found in all the secret realms at present, but many ancient ruins have been found from the secret realm.

However, it is not certain whether there were ever humans living or whether it was just the left of some highly intelligent elves.

"By the way, please ask you here, where are the more peculiar gems, I want to see if there is any favorite." At this time, Lin Xun also thought of the purpose of this trip, and immediately asked the shopping guide.

When the shopping guide heard this, he also immediately took Lin Xun to the place where various gems were placed on the side.

Bypassing a few counters, the shopping guide turned to Lin Xun and said with a smile: "Here are some gems or exotic stones that the alliance has purchased from the trainers, you can choose slowly." Looking

in the direction guided by the shopping guide, a dazzling array of various gems and strange stones were set up on a dozen counters, Lin Xun smacked his tongue, he didn't expect that the alliance actually collected so many peculiar stones.

Nodding towards the shopping guide, Lin Xun thanked him politely, and then plunged into the sea of stones.

Along the way, Lin Xun also vaguely realized why Daigo loved all kinds of stones so much, and even gave up the championship to Mikkoli for the convenience of digging stones. Those stones of different shapes, textures, and even colors, have to be said to be really beautiful and fascinating.

At this moment, a round stone appeared in front of Lin Xun's eyes, with a pattern similar to the peculiar symbol in the keystone, but it was composed of red and black colors.

Lin Xun was suddenly excited, because he knew what this stone represented, it was another important prop for the evolution of that elf mega, the super evolution stone!

It's just that unlike keystones, they are universal, and different super-evolution stones correspond to different elves, and only elves who wear the corresponding super-evolution stones can complete hyper-evolution.

Although he didn't know what kind of spirit this super evolution stone belonged to, Lin Xun still wouldn't let go of this opportunity to pick up leaks, even if he couldn't use it, he could sell it to others at a high price in the future, which was a steady deal.

In case others saw it, Lin Xun waved his hand and called the shopping guide who brought him over before, pointed to the super evolution stone, and said, "If you still want to help me pack this stone, I'll check out the bill together later." The

business guide naturally would not refuse, and Mari opened the cabinet door, took out the super evolution stone that Lin Xun fingered, and then installed it.

Seeing this, Lin Xun was also relieved, at least a super evolution stone was in hand. All you have to do is check all of these counters to see if you might find other Keystones or Ultra Evolution Stones.

Soon, after almost ten minutes, Lin Xun looked at all the counters, and what made him feel very happy was that he found not only another keystone, but also two super evolution stones.

One of the middle patterns is blue and red, the main body of the stone is a faint red, and the other is the same black and red mega pattern, but the main body of the stone is mainly green, some similar to the color of Bankiras, but Lin Xun does not dare to confirm whether it is Bankiras's super evolution stone, if it is true, it can only be said that Lin Xun's harvest this time is too big.

It's just that everything can only be further determined after the young Kilas successfully evolves into a bankiras.

PS: Is there a big brother who can recognize these three stones? (〃` 3′〃)

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