After hiding all the way, Lin Xun finally returned home safely.

When the door opened, he was greeted by the Lin family's number one nanny, the magic wall doll, who was still smiling and wearing an apron.

"Magic Wall doll, quick! There is something I would like to ask you for help. When he returned home, Lin Xun couldn't wait to pull the magic wall doll to the kitchen. Lay out the tree fruits you brought back and prepare tools such as a blender.

The "Wave V" Magic Wall puppet tilted its head and looked at Lin Xun, who was constantly busy, with a puzzled look in his small eyes (⊙_⊙)?

After setting up the equipment and getting ready, Lin Xun began to explain the concept of the ability block to the magic wall puppet and where it needed help.

"Magic Wall doll, when the blender stops, you will use your mental power to control a lump of fruit puree inside, compress it into a small cube with all your strength with your super power, and then put it on liquid nitrogen to solidify." Lin Xun said in detail.

The "Wave V" magic wall figure said that it was no problem, and gave Lin Xun a thumbs up.

"Okay, so get ready, I'm going to start."

Under the gaze of the Demon Wall doll, Lin Xun repeated the previous action, poured the chopped pulp into the blender, and turned the speed to the maximum. The tree fruit is quickly churned by a blender. But soon Lin Xun found that the speed of the blender in this home was not as big as in the store.

This is embarrassing, if the tree fruit does not come from the speed, it cannot be fully fused, and it will not fail again.

"By the way, Magic Wall puppet, can you use your mind power to try to speed up the spin speed of the blender?" Lin Xun suddenly thought. After all, the mental power can control the movement of items, just a small amount of fruit puree, with the strength of the magic puppet's mental power can be completely controlled.

The "Wave V" magic wall doll nodded, and then his eyes glowed blue light. This is characteristic of superpower launches.

I saw that the tree fruit mixture in the blender really rotated at a super high speed, even faster than the blender in the store.

"That's it, the magic wall puppet, Nian Li manipulates a ball of fruit puree to compress it to the maximum." Looking at the fused several kinds of fruit puree, Lin Xun was almost ready to say.

"Wave ~ V" magic wall puppet held both hands, and the blue light in its eyes was even stronger.

Gradually, when fine sweat gradually appeared on the cheeks of the demon wall doll. Lin Xun noticed that the sharply compressed puree began to take on an amber-like transparent color.

"Okay, Magic Wall doll, put it on top of liquid nitrogen."


After a burst of white smoke, a cube like a sugar cube appeared, and a faint fragrance wafted out.

"Yes, it should have been a success." Lin Xun's face was full of excitement and he waved his arms.

"Wave V?" The magic wall doll also looked at the energy cube that had just come out of the pot with a curious face, although it didn't know what it was for, but the fragrance emitted from it was very attractive to it.

"Well done, Magic Wall doll. This time, thanks to you, come and taste the fruits of our efforts. Lin Xunxiao looked at the magic wall puppet with a longing face, and decided that this first energy cube would be given to this great hero.

"Oh vo(*////▽///*)q" The magic wall puppet who tasted the energy cube instantly looked satisfied, "Oh my God, I have never eaten such delicious food." Soon

, the Demon Wall puppet also found that this energy cube was not only delicious, but even the mental energy consumption when he had just used his mind power to make the energy cube had recovered somewhat.

"Oh V, oh V." The magic wall puppet excitedly described the effect to Lin Xun, although Lin Xun did not understand, but looking at the appearance of the magic puppet, it was estimated that this time it was successful, at least if he took this piece to that meow, he would definitely not be chased so miserably!!

As for the Demon Wall doll's recovery of a little mental energy consumption, it is estimated that it is the reason for the first time to make quality, as well as the tree fruit variety. Of course, the energy cubes that combine different varieties of tree fruits are different.

"Okay, the magic wall doll, work harder, let's make the remaining tree fruits into ability cubes, and wait for my parents to come back and surprise them."

The "VV" magic wall doll also replied to Lin Xun enthusiastically.

The excited two once again immersed themselves in the production of energy cubes.

A burst of ping-pong !!


evening, when Lin's father and mother came home and saw the energy cubes made by Lin Xun and the Demon Wall dolls, they all opened their mouths in surprise!!

"How can there be such a thing, or you teenage high school student, you won't be looking for fun with your parents, right????" Father Lin's face was full of disbelief.

Although Lin Mu hadn't said anything yet, the expression on her face was also not very convinced.

"What is it to be made by me as a teenager, I also did a lot of research, and I succeeded with the continuous efforts of me and the magic wall doll. As for the effect, you can ask the magic wall doll. Looking at his parents who did not trust the fruits of their labor, Lin Xun's face was also full of madness.

"Oh V, oh VV." The magic wall puppet is also dancing and explaining to Lin's mother and Father Lin, saying that what Lin Xun said is right, it is really delicious and can replenish energy.

Pinching an energy cube with both hands, Father Lin raised it to his eyes to take a closer look, "Is it really so amazing?" Isn't that a cross-era nutrition product about to appear?

Looking at his father, who didn't quite believe it, Lin Xun could only say: "You can try it tomorrow, but it's best not to let people find out, the effect of this is too good, far beyond the energy that ordinary tree fruits can raise, and being discovered by others may cause some trouble."

"Do you still need to say that I don't know more about the truth of guilt than you do?" Father Lin gave Lin Xun a blank look.


" saw that Father Lin actually said son, Mother Lin was unhappy and patted Father Lin on the shoulder and said: "Hey, why talk about son again, I know that our son is the best, the brain is easy to use, such a genius thing can be tinkered out." "



"Didn't you say that your son's study pressure is too brainy during the day?" Father Lin's face was full of black lines. Dare you say anything to "Oh, woman."

"What, do you dare to have an opinion?" Hearing Father Lin's muttering, Mother Lin suddenly crossed her hands at her waist, ready to line up with Father Lin.

"Gotta go, no, no, not at all, you heard me wrong." Seeing that Lin Mu looked like she was about to get angry, Father Lin decisively prodded, and immediately put on a flattering face.

Therefore, Lin Xun's appearance of admitting mistakes and recognizing instigation was clear at a glance.

"Hmph!!" Mother Lin flicked her head and ignored Father Lin's apology to curry favor.

━━( ̄ー ̄*|||━━Looking at the couple showing affection on the side, Lin Xun was helpless. Since childhood, the couple has always shown affection so unexpectedly, completely without considering their own feelings, which once made Lin Xun feel that his parents were true love, and he was just an accident.

But think about your current Goldfinger - data panel, advanced cultivation nutrition - energy cube. With the two artifacts in hand, the next step is to choose the most suitable initial elf partner.

"Monday!! It's really impatient!!

Lin Xun was looking forward to the arrival of next Monday at the moment, looking forward to the arrival of his initial partner.


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