After school, Liu Mengyi was originally going to come to Lin Xun and congratulate him on advancing to the Top 10 Tournament.

As a result, I saw Lin Xun and several people looking sneaky, and they were still holding a sack that I didn't know where to turn over, and they didn't look like they were going to do good.

Driven by curiosity, she did not make a sound, but also quietly followed behind the five people to secretly observe.

Sure enough, I saw five people quietly following behind a boy, who seemed to be also a student of Gangneung No. 1 Middle School. And it seems that where have I seen it, after thinking carefully for a while, Liu Mengyi finally remembered that it was the nasty ghost.

Liu Mengyi remembered that the person seemed to be called Ling Li, and today she was also angry when she watched the game, and she really saw such a good pot, obviously her elf training was not in place, and she was injured and actually blamed for not leaving her hand.

Others kindly sent healing potions, but because of their hatred of the rich, they refused to accept it, but instead said a lot of ugly things, and almost delayed the treatment of the little elephant.

As the daughter of an elf trainer, Liu Mengyi was taught by Liu Baihong from a young age some trainer knowledge and the meaning of elf battle.

Therefore, she has always felt that elves need to constantly experience and fight to grow, and if they fail, they will prove that they are not working hard enough, rather than blindly looking for reasons from others.

Therefore, her perception of Ling Li is particularly poor. Therefore, seeing that Lin Xun and the others seemed to be going to do something to Ling Li, she did not remind her, but watched happily.

Took out his mobile phone casually to shoot secretly, as for the purpose of shooting, he, Liu Mengyi let out a smug treacherous smile.

Seeing that Ling Li seemed to want to take a closer road home, and walked into a path where there were no people, Lin Xun and the five people and Liu Mengyi, who was hanging behind, quietly followed.

After some observation, it was determined that no one would see it, and Lin Xun and the five touched it.

I saw Lin Xun holding the sack, taking advantage of the cover of some debris on the side of the road to touch a few steps behind Ling Li, and then directly jumped forward, and the sleeve prepared by the sack was unprepared Lingli.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Tian, Xu Qiang, Li Le, and Zhao Jie immediately ran up, punching and kicking Ling Li, but they were all useless, after all, it was not a deep hatred, but just an unhappiness between students.

Ling Li is also very crazy at the moment, originally he was very irritable today, the mean woman in the third class today, isn't it that she got a highly talented elf with her family lineage, squandered so many resources, and as a result, she couldn't control the power of her elf skills, not only hurt her little elephant, but also looked like a high alms. Bah me! It was exposed by me, and I actually shed tears pretendly, huh! What to load.

Then after school, I just walked home as usual, but I was actually covered with a sack on my head, and then several people punched and kicked around him, but I didn't know who they were!

When a few people stopped, they roared angrily: "If you have the ability, never let me know who you are, and actually sneak up on me." Shameless old six!

Ignoring the sharp shout, Lin Xun and the others did not answer, and ran directly towards the mouth of the alley.

As the only witness to this violent case, Liu Mengyi also secretly ran away from the other direction, clutching the mobile phone with evidence in her hand, Liu Mengyi's pretty face was like a mouse stealing oil. The hooked corners of her mouth seem to indicate that someone is going to be pitted by her again.


returned home, greeted the magic wall puppet who was busy in the kitchen as usual, and then released the little kabi beast (little kabi beast: ┭┮_┭┮) that did not appear in chapter 23.

As soon as the little Kabi beast came out, he ran to the magic wall doll, and after more than a month of contact, the little Kabi beast has a very good relationship with the magic wall puppet (the magic wall puppet said: I don't, don't talk nonsense, you just want to cheat to eat and drink), the magic wall puppet took out the food prepared for the little Kabi beast in advance and handed it over.

The little cabi beast gave the demon wall doll a big smile, and then poured plate by plate into its mouth, eating it so much that it was called a big meal. It's that the corners of the magic wall doll's mouth twitch a little.

Since the little Kabi beast came to this home, its workload has increased by more than five times, in addition to cleaning the house every day, there is also the most important energy cube making, the rest of the time is to keep cooking, cooking, cooking, so that now the magic wall puppet has initially mastered the ability of mind to control kitchenware cooking, and the superpower has also improved significantly.

Fortunately, the little kabi beast is a child who knows how to be grateful, often helps the magic wall puppet to do what he can, so that the magic wall doll can not refuse to prepare food for it, and later gradually fell in love with such a life, after all, no chef can refuse a diner like the little kabi beast, who will not only clear any food they make, but also send praise.

Under the various foods of the Demon Wall puppet and Lin Xun's sufficient energy cubes, the height of the little Kabi beast reached 1.2 meters, which is more than twice the height of the normal little Kabi beast, I really don't know what kind of body size the little Kabi beast will be after evolution.

You must know that the normal Kabi beast is two meters tall, and if the current ratio is used, it is likely to reach more than 4 meters, a proper giant. That punch is not a sandbag-sized fist, and it is estimated that the water tank is not as big as it.

With expectations for the future, Lin Xun also fell into YY until... Lin Xun received a call!

"Brother Lin Xun, I have a little good thing, send it to you to see?"

What came from the phone was Liu Mengyi's nice voice, Lin Xun was also aroused by curiosity, what good things can this girl send to me? Is it a beautiful photo of yourself? It's impossible to send me welfare photos, but I'm her brother, although not a relative.

As a result, without waiting for Lin Xun to answer, Liu Mengyi hung up the phone and sent a small video through WeChat.

Looking at the small video message box on the phone, Lin Xun opened the video with a stomach full of doubts and a trace of impure expectation.

"Groove !!" Seeing the video content, Lin Xun exclaimed, and even the mobile phone fell to the ground without grasping it.

No wonder he was excited, just because the video content was actually ............

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